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Kara Swisher Books In Order

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Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books / Buy at Amazon
There Must Be a Pony in Here Somewhere(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Burn Book: A Tech Love Story(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

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Kara Swisher is a published author and journalist, covering the Internet since 1994.

She was born December 11, 1962. She lived in Roslyn Harbor, New York, before moving to Princeton, New Jersey after her father died when she was five. She grew up there and stated in an interview that when younger, she had wanted to work in military intelligence, the military, or the CIA.

Kara wrote for Georgetown’s newspaper The Hoya before writing for The Georgetown Voice. She studied propaganda and attended Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, getting a BS in literature and journalism. She then got a MS in journalism, graduating from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She also studied misinformation and propaganda at Duke University.

When the Berlin Wall fell, she got a fellowship that let her live in Berlin for a year. She also worked at the Washington City Paper in D.C. and was an intern at The Washington Post in 1986, and later ended up being hired on a full time basis.

Swisher became part of The Wall Street Journal in 1997, putting in time from the San Francisco bureau. She came up with Boom Town, a column that she wrote that was all about Silicon Valley. She launched the All Things Digital conference in 2003, which became All She would then go on to write several books, many about tech and the Internet.

She has been a contributing editor to New York Magazine, has served as the co-host of Pivot, a podcast, and is the host of podcast On with Kara Swisher. She co-founded Recode of Vox Media in 2014. She also was an opinion writer for The New York Times for four years from 2018 to 2022. She has written for All Things D, an online publication, as well as the All Things Digital conference, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

Kara has contributed to the New York Times as writer in their Opinion section, centering her topics mostly about tech. Sway was premiered in 2020 by the Times, a podcast put on semiweekly that Swisher hosted. It was all about power and those who have it. She announced that she was leaving the Times in 2022 to pursue a New York magazine project. She then worked as an editor-at-large there and hosted On With Kara Swisher in 2022.

She has also been a judge as part of the BigApps New York competition. She has also appeared as herself in Silicon Valley, a hit television show, featured in a 2015 episode and also serving as a consultant. She has also appeared in The Simpsons as herself, on Frontline as a consultant, and as an actress on the television series Hell of a Week with Charlamagne Tha God.

She also announced that she was going to run as a Democrat for mayor of San Francisco in 2023, announcing the news in 2016. Swisher has also hosted an official companion podcast for the HBO tv show Succession’s third and fourth season, hosting in 2021 and 2023.

She married Megan Smith in 1999 in California when same-sex marriage was not yet legal. They had legal ceremonies in Canada in 2003 and in 2004 in San Francisco and again in 2008 in San Francisco. They share two sons, Louis and Alexander. The pair separated in 2014 and divorced three years later. The author married Amanda Katz in 2020 and shares two children with her.

Kara had a mini-stroke in 2011, writing about it later to remember Luke Perry. She prefers wearing aviator sunglasses indoors, explaining it’s due to light sensitivity.

There Must Be a Pony in Here Somewhere: The AOL Time Warner Debacle and the Quest for the Digital Future is an early book from Kara Swisher. If you love nonfiction and learning more about specific topics, this book is for you.

AOL has been so close to disaster and so often that one of the first executives had adapted a joke and made it into the company’s mantra, about a boy digging through horse manure to find a pony, saying, “There must be a pony in here somewhere!”.

This is the story as told by Kara Swisher about a company that didn’t have assets that acquired a company that didn’t have a clue, also known as the story about the merger between America Online and Time Warner.

Swisher wants to find out how this became one of the most messy mergers in history. Along the way, she analyzes this event and brings a narrative that accompanies the reader as they experience revelations, read interviews, and get a closer look at the aftermath of the merger and focuses on what may come along next.

Things have been pretty difficult, from a hundred billion lost to stock going down, lawsuits, employees revolting. The author thinks that finding out what went wrong is important. She believes in the digital future, and that someday the new and old media distinction may no longer exist. It may be the end of the beginning of a digital revolution, shaping what will come out in the next era and by what has happened and is happening with AOL Time Warner.

Follow along with the author as the reader as she takes us through different businesses with different cultures that thought that they could come together and be more successful than anyone before. The merger was announced in the early 200s and everyone thought it would be wildly successful. But as it turned to bust, Swisher wants to find hints about how the merger went bad, and who ultimately is to blame.

She also looks to the future of the Internet and AOL Time Warner. Will this be the last chapter of this debacle or bring in a new day? Find out by reading this book!

Burn Book: A Tech Love Story is a 2024 release from author and journalist Kara Swisher. This is the tale of the tech industry and those who founded it, how they wanted to bring change to the world but ended up breaking it.

This book is part a historical recollection and partly a memoir. It chronicles all of the most powerful players in tech. This is a unique inside story that talks about Silicon Valley in present form and the wealth creation boom that was one of the biggest in the world’s history.

Tech titans said that they would break things and move quickly, but the author was doing it first. She covered the digital sector’s expansion in the early nineties and came up with a track record of looking after the facts and reporting them. The scoops she was getting even led one CEO to assert she was listening in the heating ducts.

Swsiher has covered the Internet, tech and more, interviewing huge figures in that world over the course of three decades. Find out about her view on the potential of tech to solve problems, her calls on the industry to make better choices, and more. If you love tech, this book is a great selection for you!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Kara Swisher

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