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K. Leigh Books In Order

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K. Leigh is an American author who writes “wired fiction for the burnout generation.” Leigh started writing in collaborative digital settings as a hobby, then took to full-time authorship in their late twenties.


Leigh was born in 1987 in Worcester (Massachusetts) to a Special Needs Aide and Home Inspector.

Leigh’s creative career started at the Massachusetts College of Fine Art, in Boston. From mastering 2D oil portraiture, to gaining an art education BFA, winning the Rachel Whittier Teaching Award and featuring in art shows across the globe, art has always been a part of Leigh’s life. Writing, however, was kept as a hobby.

After blossoming in the art world, they became a full-time varied freelancer, which rekindled their passion for writing. Penning op-eds featured in major publications like Hackernoon, and reaching thousands of readers, Leigh put writing center stage.

Now in Rhode Island, with a successful tech-creative freelance career under their belt, Leigh looked back on their journey and chose the truer path: they dove into fiction and never looked back.


Long after humanity reached the stars, only a planet-sized ship remains: CONSTELIS VOSS. A twisted version of Earth now floats in space, equipped with human machines, dictators with stolen faces, hopelessness and the opulence of powerful people who forgot how their technology works.

Enter A-120P: an android war-machine with an AI programmed to serve the Director; the ship’s dictator. That is, until nearly all its models flung themselves out of airlocks in unison. An AI error occurred, prompting an old file’s upload, just to keep the last remaining model running.

Alex is born as the only android to remember being human. Autonomous and with memories from late 90s Earth, Alex sees what mankind has become and makes a familiar decision: to rip the cancer out with his fists.

Allies with too-familiar faces surface in the nick of time, dictator Tyr and his regime rear their might, an alien diplomat joins the fray, and the hapless souls aboard CONSTELIS VOSS brace for war.

But with so many coincidences—and Alex at the core—who can say who’s pulling the strings? Will humanity even survive, and who’s the villain anyways?

+View Source: INDIGO VOSS

Life in alternative 80s-90s earth is complicated. Alex, born Aleksandra, fights for survival against criminal elements, the world and finally himself, before a tragic death. That death leads to being frozen, experimented on, and flung into the future as data that nearly destroys all human life.

At least, that’s how Alex’s backstory is meant to go, but a pesky future AI, plus a promise made to the love of his life, might just tear fate a new one. Can you choose life, even when your death’s been all but set in stone?

The View Source Series is a WIP that explores the backstories of CONSTELIS VOSS’ superhero cast. What were their lives like when they were human, before the cyberpunk future where an AI rewrote their stories?

Bio written by K. Leigh – thank you K. Read more at

Book Series In Order » Authors » K. Leigh

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