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Judge Wilhelmina Carson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Hunt For Justice Books

Carly’s Conspiracy / Due Justice (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
George's Game / Twisted Justice (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Harper's Hell / Secret Justice (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kate's Killing / Wasted Justice (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Annabelle's Attack / Raw Justice (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darla's Deceit / Mistaken Justice (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cold Justice (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
False Justice (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fair Justice (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
True Justice (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Night Justice (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Judge Wilhelmina Carson is the lead character of the “Judge Wilhelmina Carson” series otherwise known as the “:Justice” series of novels by American author Diana Capri. The first novel of the series was the title “Due Justice”, that was first published in 2011. Diana Capri the author of was born and raised in a small American German small town just north of Alabama, where she spent much of her childhood reading books. She attended the Wayne Law School before she went on to become “Wayne Law Review” editor. She would later practice law for several years and ranked among the top 1% of lawyers in the United States.

Diane has always had an insatiable appetite for suspense and mystery fiction, and spent much of the time in hotel rooms and on airplanes studying how to become a crime fiction writer, even as she practiced law. However, it was not until she lost one of her biggest clients in 1995 that she decided to take the plunge into writing. Taking the “Travis McGee’s Adventures” as a guide, it took her a few months to have her first novel “Due Justice” completed. During this time, she had moved to Florida and hence many of her protagonists such as Jess Kimball, Jennifer Lane, and Wilhemina Carson are generally set in the Sunshine State. Nonetheless, even as her favorite character is the muscular and strapping McGee, she loves her heroes as strong females that deliver justice with a dash of humor. Known for her love for snow and sun, she currently divides her time between Florida and Michigan. Diane Capri loves to describe herself as a recovering lawyer ever since she decided to become a full time author and quit the law. She is currently a member of many author organizations that include Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Author’s Guild, and Mystery Writers of America. Diane has asserted that she writes suspense and mystery novels for the same reasons she reads them. She has an insatiable desire to bring justice in a world full of injustice and find out just what motivates people to commit injustice.

Judge Willa Carson the lead character of the “Judge Willhemina Carson” series of novels is a federal judge and wife to one of the richest men in Tampa Florida. Her husband is the owner and manager of the most popular five star resort in Tampa. Over the course of the series, justice Willa deals with a lot of legal, social, and political issues as she does her job as a judge of the federal court. She deals with anything from murder, to social issues like gay rights to political issues such as corruption and nepotism. She often gets entangled into the cases of her close friends and family, who are drawn into illegal/criminal activity ranging from murder, theft, fraud, and political intrigues. As a judge and activist for justice, she often has no choice but to pursue her quest to ensure that justice is served even if it means she has to investigate cases herself. Willa is a character that does not stand for people that take advantage of other or treat them badly, even if such persons happen to be her boss. Willa’s quest for justice often leads to tension between her and her family but even more intriguing, they often put her in danger from people that would rather have the truth buried. Through the novels Capri asserts that often people are not what they seem to be as Willa comes to realize that the pillars of the community, friends, old hippies, and coworkers are not what they present themselves as. Through Judge Willa Carson, the reader also gets to know just how hard judges and lawyers work towards the quest for justice. The novels of the series also offer insights in the complexities involved in handing down decisions that may not necessarily be biased or unbiased.

“Due Justice” formerly known as “Carly’s Conspiracy” is the thrilling first novel of the “Judge Wilhelmina Carson Series”. The lead is Judge Willa Carson, a bullet proof woman who takes everything in her stride but goes mad when injustice is committed. Willa Carson is dragged into a murder case of a famous plastic surgeon whose body is found floating in Tampa Bay, shot in the head. Her little sister gets her involved in the deadly game of deceit, blackmail, and greedy lawyers despite her reticence. Willa has a lot of questions about how Carly Austin knew the dead man, and she is just dying to ask them. But before she makes her move Carly goes missing and suddenly Willa starts wondering if she can save her sister from a murderous conspiracy and from herself. Could the plotters have gotten to her and eliminated her? Justice Wilhemina Carson is a stubborn, witty, and free spirited judge that soon learns not to judge a book by its cover. She lives in a world obsessed with money and beauty both of which can get one killed.

“Twisted Justice” is the second novel of the series is a great mystery that has Judge Carson employ her powers as judge to resolve a complex case. As she is wont to do ,she goes against the rules of her employment in what may cost her job on the bench as it may be construed as obstruction of justice. A friend of her husband just got a nomination to become a member of the United States Supreme Court. He is such a controversial figure that even her husband had been lobbying to ensure that he does not get the appointment. For some reason the man is not liked even by his colleagues, though the president is adamant that he is the best choice for the position. Willa is very interested in finding out the reasons for the president’s determination to get his candidate through but it is not going to be an easy investigation. Things get more complicated when George gets into a confrontation with Senator Sheldon Warwick about a bizarre murder that soon drags in all members of the Georges family. Willa now has to investigate a murder that has her husband as the lead suspect and as usual breaks all the rules. She gets away with it all the while telling herself that she is doing it to clear her husband’s name and to bring the real murderer to justice.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Judge Wilhelmina Carson

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