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Jodi Lynn Anderson Books In Order

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Publication Order of May Bird Books

The Ever After(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Among the Stars(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Warrior Princess(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Peaches Books

Peaches(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Secrets of Peaches(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Love and Peaches(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Thirteen Witches Books

The Memory Thief(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sea of Always(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Palace of Dreams(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Loser/Queen(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tiger Lily(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Vanishing Season(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Moment Collector(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Diary from the Edge of the World(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midnight at the Electric(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Each Night Was Illuminated(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Americapedia (With: Daniel Ehrenhaft,Andisheh Nouraee)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Jodi Lynn Anderson is an American author that writes fantasy-based fiction. She grew up in New Jersey, where she spent a lot of time being in nature. She loved to explore nature and pretend that she was a queen. When she was young, she liked to daydream. Not that much as changed as Anderson still loves daydreaming and creating fictional worlds and making things up and it is a great trait to have as a writer of fiction and fantasy novels!

Anderson is best known for being the author of the popular May Bird series. There are three books in this fantastic trilogy. There was also a collection released. She is also the author of the Peaches series. The Peaches series is a trilogy that starts with the 2005 book Peaches, followed by its sequel The Secrets of Peaches, and finally followed by the third book in the series called Love and Peaches. The three novels were assembled into a box set with the 2014 release of the Peaches Complete Collection.

Jodi is also the author of several standalone novels. She is the author of the 2010 book Loser/Queen and other novels quickly followed that, including the 2017 publication of her novel Midnight at the Electric. Anderson is a contributor to the 2005 collection, Full-Blooded Fantasy. She is also the author of the nonfiction novel Americapedia, which was published in 2011 and co-authored by Andisheh Nourae and Daniel Ehrenhaft.

The first book of the series is titled The Ever After. The main character of this series is called May Bird, as you might suspect. While other kids play video games and prefer to bike rather than go into the woods, May is not one of those people. She loves to explore and hang out with the trees and likes to spend a lot of time there alone. She enjoys the Briery Swamp woods and it is one of her favorite places in the world that only she knows. It’s fun for her to spend endless hours playing made-up games with her cat and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

The woods are her safe place, unlike school. There are a lot of kids there that don’t understand May Bird and make fun of her. But out in the forest she can escape from all of that and pretend whatever she likes. May usually likes to pretend that she is a combination of a warrior and a princess, and of course, it is her cat that always plays her guardian. Its name is Somber Kitty. But everything changes one day when she accidentally stumbles into a curious lake.

It doesn’t seem like she is returning a place like she left– in fact, it’s one that she doesn’t even remotely recognize. May Bird crawls out of the lake and into an entirely different place that she is certain she has never visited before, even in imagination. It’s clearly foreign to her and she is certain that no one has ever even come across– or if they have, it’s unlikely that they ever got back.

She is used to choosing to pretend that she is part of fantasy worlds, but the last thing that May Bird actually expected was to ever become part of one. There are towns that glow an eery shade of blue in the night underneath stars that whiz by. There are people that live here too– and they seem to be able to do such things that normal people can’t do, such as go through walls. No using doors for them. So there are a few differences between this place and the one that she’s used to.

May Bird realizes that there are different rules and customs here. For one thing, a strange book that concerns the dead seems to be the main book consulted for the answers to pretty much everything here and in the universe for the people that live here. May is a stranger in a strange world, and she needs to stay out of sight and get her bearings. If she is found, there might be trouble to pay. A man named Bo Cleevil that lives there could transform her into nothing permanently. She’s got to find a way to leave this place– but can she discover how to get back to her world in time? Pick up The Ever After to find out!

Among the Stars is the second book to be published in this series starring May. She’s a young girl that has always been a bit different and a world apart from the other kids her age. She feels she has nothing in common with her classmates, who seem happy to run around and ride their bikes and play kid games.

While all the other kids were doing quote-unquote ‘normal kid things’, May Bird’s world was a little different. She was in the woods with her cat, running around and fantasizing whatever she likes. She didn’t spend her summer vacation at camps learning how to canoe or eating sugar-filled cake and frosting at birthday parties. That isn’t the type of thing that she finds interesting.

May Bird’s fantasies are pure fiction– until one day she discovers a strange lake that is hiding in plain sight among the trees. But when she falls in discovers a world of spirits is just one body of water or portal away. This unique and odd fantasy realm is hidden in the stars and filled with all types of things that bump in the night. If May Bird is ever to find a way out she has to track down a mysterious lady that resides in a part of the land that is cold, forbidding, and found spooky even by the ghosts.

With her kitty by her side and a group of friends she acquires along the way, May Bird will do whatever it takes to ditch this place. Could it be the Afterlife? Regardless, it’s no place for a living girl. But to get out, she may just have to face some of her worst fears. There’s no way to know whether she’ll ever be able to leave, but she’s got to try. Can May Bird escape the Afterlife? Check out Among the Stars to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jodi Lynn Anderson

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