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Jimin Han is a horror fiction novelist from the United States who is best known for her second novel “The Apology,” which she published in 2023.

The author was born in the South Korean capital Seoul but spent much of her childhood in Jamestown, New York, Dayton, Ohio, and Providence, Rhode Island.

Since her work has been critically acclaimed she has received support from the New York Council on the Arts.

In addition to her novels “A Small Revolution” and “The Apology,” which can be found online, her other works may be found at various other places online and offline.
Her writings have been found in the likes of “Catapult,” “Poets & Writers,” and “Weekend America American Public Media.”

Jimie Han currently teaches at Pace University, Sarah Lawrence Colege’s The Writing Institute, and several community writing centers. She currently makes her home just outside New York where she lives with her children and her husband.
She will sometimes be found interacting with her fans and readers in the newsletter on her website and on her various social media pages.

The identity of a creative began to inform Jimin Han’s life while she was still a child, even though she never wished to become an author.

At some point, she wanted to become an artist but she sucked at drawing, she was also passably good at playing the piano and when she was nine, she wanted to play the piano.

She also wanted to sing, to become a doctor, astronaut, and scientist, but she never did anything other than write and read. In fact, her college transcript is evidence of how she was bad at just about everything except for English department courses.
As a twenty-seven-year-old, she attended the Community of Writers Conference in Squaw Valley where she learned just how much she loved writing. After coming back from there, she began to apply to graduate schools in New York.

Even while studying in New York, she found her inspiration in a sense of missing people and places. As a kid, her family used to move a lot and they hardly stayed in the same house or the same neighborhood for more than two years.
As such, some of the most inspiring novelists she loved often express the concept of missing some place or missing someone.

Jimin Han’s novel concepts for the most part are inspired by the many stories her mother used to tell her about her homeland in South Korea and her experiences living in the United States.

Before the death of her mother in 2016, she often told of her parents particularly her grandmother who raised Jimin until she was four and moved to the United States. Following her death, Jimin began thinking of what she had heard from her.
Earlier on she had been penning manuscripts about a character that endured much pain missing people and having to live in a new country. In 1985, she finally had the chance to go to Korea and met many people that her mother grew up with.
It was also during this trip that she felt a huge disconnect with her ancestral roots as she did not understand the chaos all around her and did not know enough Korean to understand the simplest of things.

Jimin also got interested in the blind idealism of young people and this also heightened when she went to university and protested against her college, which had invested in South Africa during Apartheid.
Her interest in politics, the arts, and idealism would ultimately be captured in her debut novel “A Small Revolution,” and to a lesser extent in her second novel “The Apology.”

“The Apology” by Jimin Han is set in South Korea, where Jeonga Cha a 105-year-old has been given a letter that was intended for Mina her elder sister. The letter makes her begin reflecting on her past as she makes hasty plans to head to the United States.
A few decades earlier, Jeonga sent her illegitimate grandson to the United States alongside her mother but had always kept this a secret from her sisters.

Seona who is one of her elder sisters had run away to get married to her lover and then moved to live in North Korea never to be heard from or seen in nearly nine decades.

A lot has happened in the intervening period but Jeonga remains the same woman she has always been. But then the decision she made all those years is coming back and may potentially affect her life and even that of other members of her family.
The best way to avoid some very bad consequences is to take responsibility for her actions, right her wrongs, and take charge of the situation. But when she arrives in the US alongside Chohui her assistant and two of her elder sisters, she has a fatal accident.
She never gets an opportunity to share her secret and this work follows her as she attempts to communicate with her family from the afterlife.

Spanning several decades, it combines intergeneration family drama with a good dose of humor and elements of surrealism.

Jimin Han’s novel “A Small Revolution” is a page-turning and powerful thriller in which the author expertly shows that revolutions regardless of size whether in the heart or in the world, can have effects that span the oceans and last through time.
On a fall morning in Pennsylvania, Yoona Lee and several of her classmates are being held hostage in their dorm room by a gunman. The man holding them hostage is Lloyd Langwho at some point was one of Yoona’s best friends.
He is now losing it following a mysterious accident that killed Jaesung his closest friend in Korea. It also happens that Jaesung was the love of Yoona’s life.

As the standoff develops, Yoona reflects on her past where she grew up in Korea and had to put up with a very abusive household.

She also needs to deal with the truth about what happened to her former lover on the fatal day, even as her life is in danger and could be snuffed out in an instant.

Through scenes of protests and political upheaval in South Korea, quiet moments when she fell in love, and spirited arguments in tiny dumpling houses, she tells a story brimming with fear, love, and longing.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jimin Han

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