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Jim McGill Books In Order

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Publication Order of Jim McGill Books

The President's Henchman (2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hangman's Companion (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The K Street Killer (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Ballot Cast, Part 1 (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Ballot Cast, Part 2 (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Devil on the Doorstep (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Good Guy with a Gun (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Echo of the Whip (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Daddy's Girl Decoy (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Never Dead (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Chopper Out (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The King of Mirth (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Big Fix (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Boy From Illinois (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Man with a Plan (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Jim McGill is a fictional character created by Joseph Flynn, called an excellent writer by Booklist, for the Jim McGill series. He is the husband of America’s first female president whom he met during his investigation of her first husband’s murder. He is a Chicago ex-cop who had a divorce because his wife is too anxious about him being a cop. He is a father of three kids, a detail that brings family drama in the mix of this series.

During the term of office of his wife, Jim identified himself to the media as the President’s henchman in an effort to fit-in to his new political importance and to express his found humor in it all. His character brings a lightness of atmosphere amidst the daily political drama by going against everything that is expected of him as the First Gentleman by the President’s Chief of Staff.

Jim McGill is the first private investigator to have lived in Whitehouse. He declined an offer to lead the FBI and anything that has direct political connection. This makes him controversial and a source of consternation of those tasked to protect him, his security detail. He is a protective father and husband who will stop at nothing to keep his family safe but will not any mystery pass him unresolved.

The Series

The Jim McGill series is a political thriller that melds politics, suspense and drama through intricately woven details. It is a fast-paced novel that takes the reader into the Whitehouse and the intrigues surrounding those who live in it. The story is created with subplots that are smartly driving the story.

The first two books of the Jim McGill series are the aptly titled The President’s Henchman released in 2008 and The Hangman’s Companion in 2010. This series is a well-crafted political thriller that would make a good TV series or movie.

The President’s Henchman

The first installment of the Jim McGill series started with the election of Patricia Darden Grant. Jim McGill had his private investigation firm brought to D.C and while she was running the nation, he was solving crimes. The president’s henchman brings most of the character development for all the characters that the reader meets in the whole series.

Jim McGill displayed all the things you want in a protagonist; strong-willed, smart, tough yet soft towards his family. His private investigations in this first book lead him to a crazed doctor while providing assistance to an Air Force officer who is investigating an adultery accusation. While he is solving mysteries, his investigations led him across events that are intertwined to the President. From a Whitehouse press corps stalker to a political trouble with Cuba, down to a fanatic evangelistic group threatening his kids, this first Jim McGill series book offers a true-to-life excursion of political intrigue and family drama.

The Hangman’s Companion

This Jim McGill series installment brings us from the White house to the Buckingham palace and some thrilling-mystery chase in the streets of Paris. Protagonist Jim McGill takes his investigator shrewdness with him to Europe after they were invited to the Buckingham Palace for dinner with the Queen. McGill, however, have a week-long free time while Patti Grant, his wife and president of the US, delivers a keynote speech in the G8 summit. The week of waiting became a week of mystery investigation when a child of his former colleague in Chicago asked for his help to investigate the case of his father.

McGill’s colleague has killed a French sports hero because he, as he claimed, was trying to stop the Frenchman from beating a blonde girl. The Frenchman died and then the blonde disappeared. Strong-minded as ever with a propensity to defy authorities, Jim McGill solved his case while making sure not to do anything that would embarrass his President wife and anger the French authorities. Amidst their unlikely adventure in Europe, political enemies have been planning to make sure that Jim and Patti does embarrass themselves and the state.

Latest Book

The latest release of the Jim McGill series was released early this year with the title The Good Guy with a Gun. Our favorite First Man slash Henchman is on his toes as his wife orders him to bring in a murderer alive.

The newest case of the first private investigator to live in the Whitehouse involves a political whistle blower Jordan Gilford. Gilford, who presently works in the Inspector General’s office, has been receiving death threats and Zara Gilford sought the help of Jim McGill’s firm. This case becomes intertwined in a local case of distressed high school football coach, Abel Mays. Mays was found dead in his SUV after he gunned down rival coach and former players. His gun was found to have killed its last victim, Jordan Gilford.

While this seems like a perfect “the good guy with a gun” scenario for Firepower lobbyist Auric Ludwig, Zara Gilford was suspicious of her husband’s death. She convinces McGill to do the investigation. As a First man, his investigation threatens the statements of Ludwig and may cause political friction. And just when everything seems to get steamier, Patti Grant orders McGill to bring in the perpetrator alive.

Other Jim McGill stories

Aside from the main books in the Jim McGill series, author Joseph Flynn has also released three shorts on McGill solving three short cases. The shorts Found Money, Lost Dog, Pins & Needles follows our protagonist as he solves cases that might impact his and his wife’s political positions. In Found Money, McGill is to solve overnight a case that could otherwise present him as a corrupt person. He did a cautious investigation in Lost Dog as his client is a child of a Russian diplomat with a possible Chinese involvement. This poses a possibility for a rather odious political situation. On Pins & Needles we find McGill investigating a rather bizarre case of NFL drafting that mixes with voodoo queens and juju. Joseph Flynn offers more McGill in these little thrillers for readers who want it.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Jim McGill

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