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Jilliane Hoffman Books In Order

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Publication Order of C.J. Townsend Books

Publication Order of FBI Agent Bobby Dees Books

Pretty Little Things(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Plea of Insanity(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
All the Little Pieces(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Jilliane Hoffman is a well known American author, who is particularly famous for writing thrillers and legal suspense novels. The C.J. Townsend series of novels written by her are the most famous works of her. This novel consists of three novels published between the years 2004 and 2012. Other than this, Hoffman has also written several stand alone novels in her career, which have also been very successful. Before becoming a full time author, she used to work as an Assistant State Attorney from 1992 to 1996 in Florida. After that, Hoffman worked as a Regional Legal Advisor for the Law Enforcement Department of Florida. As of today, she lives in South Florida along with her husband and a couple of children. While working as an assistant attorney in Florida, she used to prosecute the felonies of the state. She used to deal with special assignments from the Legal Extradition Units and the Domestic Violence departments. Hoffman hails originally from Long Island, New York, but lives in South Florida. While working as the regional legal advisor, Hoffman used to advise more than a 100 special agents in the complex investigations of the criminal and civil matters that were related to homicide, organized crime and narcotics.

One of the initial novels written by author Jilliane Hoffman is the ‘Plea of Insanity’, which was published by the Penguin Books publishing house in the year 2007. The plot of the novel deals with a suspenseful legal case involving the main characters Julia Valenciano and David Marquette. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, Julia Valenciano and David Marquette are introduced as a prosecutor and defender respectively, in a case that involves David Marquette’s wife and his 3 small children as the victims. In his defense, David Marquette gives the plea of not being guilty by the Reason of Insanity in the case of slaughtering his wife and children. Julia Valenciano is introduced as a young and ambitious attorney, who has been successful in grabbing a case like this one, which she thinks will help her to launch her career. On the other hand, David Marquette is depicted as a successful surgeon from Miami as well as a devoted man towards his family. It seemingly appeared that David Marquette had snapped from his role as a perfect father and loyal husband, thereby killing his entire family and due which he was getting prosecuted by Julia Valenciano in the court of law.

However, he hires an experienced team of defense lawyers, who claim that David Marquette has been suffering from paranoid delusions that were caused by Schizophrenia. And due to this medical condition, he was driven to slaughter his entire family. The state differs from the claim of the defense team of David Marquette and suspects that his insanity plea is a well fabricated plan to disguise the calculated and cold-blooded murders. To make matters worse for David Marquette, Julia Valenciano believes that he could be responsible for a series of unsolved and brutal homicides. She has a firm belief that he could be one of the most elusive and prolific serial killers in the history of the country. Therefore, in order to support her suspicion and bring David Marquette to justice, she is required to embark on a difficult and terrifying journey into her personal past, although it is something that she has struggled to forget for almost 15 years. This journey seems to lead her to a confronting future, which is so chilling that she is not sure whether she will be able to face it ever. The novel was highly successful among the readers of the suspense thrillers and helped her to establish herself as a talented thriller writer, being at the peak of her abilities and power.

Another thriller and suspenseful novel written by author Jilliane Hoffman initially in her career was published with the title ‘Pretty Little Things’. This novel was published by the Vanguard Press publishing house in the year 2010. The plot of the novel revolves around the lives of the main characters, Liza and Lainey Emerson, who are depicted as sisters; Special Agent Bobby Dees. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, Lainey Emerson is introduced as a 13 year old child in a family which suffers from family problems and is frequently visited by the local police. Everyone is aware of the fact that her mother works very hard, while her stepfather does not like her and her wild elder sister Liza. He appreciates his own child and always avoids Liza and Lainey. Soon, after a late night out along with friends on Friday night Lainey does not return home. When her mother complains about it to the police department, they avoid it by thinking that it is just another disillusioned case of a teenager running away from the unhappy life and family drama. Then Special Agent Dees in introduced as the head of the Crime Against Children Squad (CAC) of the Miami Police Department for many years. He is not quite sure whether it is a regular case of a teenager running away from his unhappy life. His colleagues have nicknamed him as The Shepherd because of his uncanny ability of finding the missing persons and bringing them back to their homes, dead or alive.

Besides, Bobby himself has a haunted past due to the unsolved case of the his missing daughter and understands the up-swell that must be happening on the inside of Lainey’s mother. This feeling makes him believe that Lainey Emerson has not run away and that something else has happened to her. He begins to search her computer and talk to her friends for knowing what was happening in her life recently. Bobby Dees comes to know that Lainey was involved in an internet relationship secretly, which spawned over one of the chat rooms and nurtured through several untraceable messages. He begins to fear that Lainey might have become a victim of one of the online predators. Soon, hand-printed portraits of many other possible victims are mailed to a television station, which make Bobby realize that Lainey may not be the only victim. Seeking a captive audience, the cyberspace monster tries his best to remain invisible and watches the activities of Bobby Dees. Now it is to be seen whether who among the online predator and Bobby wins the game of cat and mouse. Even though he has never encountered such a prolific killer in his entire career, Bobby strives to save Lainey and other victims before it becomes too late.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jilliane Hoffman

3 Responses to “Jilliane Hoffman”

  1. Louise Bennett: 3 years ago

    I agree with Mary’s comments – when can we see the last 2 books in English? I’m desperate to read them!

    • Fran Anicete: 3 years ago

      Yes, I agree! I am also desperate for the English version!!!!

  2. Mary Allen: 4 years ago

    When do you plan to release the last 2 books in English?


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