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Jerusalem Chronicles Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Jerusalem Chronicles Books

By: Bodie Thoene, Brock Thoene
When Jesus Wept (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Take This Cup (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Behold the Man (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Jerusalem Chronicles by Bodie and Brock Thoene
Best selling award winning authors and married couple Brock and Bodie Thoene pen the “Jerusalem Chronicles” series of inspirational novels.

The series began publication in the year 2013, when the novel “When Jesus Wept” was released. After three books, the series ended. The final book, published in the year 2015, was titled “Behold the Man”. The next year, an omnibus was released, collecting all three novels in one in e-book format. In America, the books are published by Zondervan for both the hardback and paperback releases, and they handle the releases for audio with Brilliance Audio.

The series of novels deals with different stories involving Jesus, and are told by different people who knew Jesus while he was alive. These books show that anybody that met Jesus Christ was to have their lives changed for the better and for the rest of their lives. They also shed light on how other people viewed the man while he was alive.

“When Jesus Wept” is the first novel in the “Jerusalem Chronicles” series, which was released in the year 2013. Lazarus. The guy that Jesus brought back from the dead in one of the most extraordinary encounters with The Living Savior in Scripture. Lazarus’ life holds a lot of interest far beyond this one miraculous event. Living near Jerusalem, near Bethany, he witnessed quite a few of the most important events during Jesus’ life and ministry.

Lazarus owned a vineyard, devoting his life to caring for the vines and fruit. He encountered another guy, in Jesus, whose vineyard was the rest of the world, its fruits were the eternal souls of men. The book tells about the tough times in Judea during the time of Jesus’ ministry, and centers on Jesus and Lazarus’ friendship.

The book features some rich insights from actual owners of vineyards and vine dressers. The Thoenes explore the Jesus as the True Vine metaphor, and harvest some of the old secrets from the Old Testament. The life of Lazarus, who owned his own vineyard, going into Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

This one is a page turner, as the Thoenes tell a story that is a vivid re-imagining of the evolving friendship that Lazarus and Jesus had way back when. These two authors are in a league of their own when it comes to writing historical fiction. Readers found themselves pondering their entire life and everything that they believed. Some found that they were crying at times while reading this, particularly near the end of the novel.

“Take This Cup” is the second novel in the “Jerusalem Chronicles” series, which was released in the year 2014. Nehemiah (who is Jewish woman’s young son) is a weaver from Jerusalem. He was born and raised among Jews who did not go back to Jerusalem from the Exile. Rabbi Kagba, who was a magi present at Jesus’ birth thirty years before, educated the boy. Nehemiah grows up expecting a Messiah that is coming soon.

Is is possible that Yeshua of Nazareth, who walks the Earth and reportedly doing miracles, be this Messiah? Young Nehemiah has to travel the long caravan road to get to the city of Jerusalem, he gets tasked with an odd mission: to carry a mysterious object to the holy city. It is an object whose appearance signals the coming of the Messiah.

Nehemiah gets to Jerusalem right when the last events of Jesus’ earthly ministry are finishing up. The Feast of Dedication, the Triumphal Entry, as well as the final cleansing of the Temple. Ending with the Last Supper taking place in the Upper Room. Only Nehemiah is able to comprehend the true sacrifice that will come as he makes the cup truly worthy of his Savior.

The Thoenes penned another excellent read with this one, as they bring to life Bible times to bring Scriptures to life. The pair of authors weave mystic experiences, mystery, and the legend of the Holy Grail into the story and it made for a special book. These are a dependable pair when it comes to writing moving and enjoyable novels. It makes some excited to read the next book in the series.

“Behold the Man” is the third novel in the “Jerusalem Chronicles” series, which was released in the year 2014. This story is told from the points of view of Governor Pilate, Claudia Pilate, and Marcus Longinus, people who encountered and interacted with him towards the end of his life.

How is it that Jesus was so hated and pursued? He preached love and mercy towards your neighbors, and righteousness before God. To Temple officials, he represented a threat to the authority and livelihood of the priesthood. Roman overlords viewed him as a dangerous threat, as a guy that commanded an army made up of the common people. To Herod Antipas, he threatened to his ambitions to be the Jews’ King.

Jesus could offer some miraculous provisions, heal people’s wounds, and even bring people back from the dead. If he had become an earthly king after accepting popular acclaim, no one would have been able to stop him.

The final days of Jesus are seen through the eyes of those that interacted with him: Governor Pilate (for which Judea is either going to make or break his career) and Claudia (Pilate’s wife, who is looking for aid for her crippled and much loved son). As well as Centurion Marcus Longinus, who is caught in the middle of his increasing belief in Jesus being the Son of God, his love for Claudia, and loyalty to the Roman Empire. None of them, once they encounter Jesus, will the same.

This is an enlightening read and the authors do a great job of characterization here, brings some important historical figures to life and make them seem like real people. Some simply feel blessed and fortunate just to have read such a book. It allows the reader to see what life would have been like during the times that Jesus was on Earth. These are moving books and the writing is mesmerizing and fluid the entire way through.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Jerusalem Chronicles

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