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Jeff Nania Books In Order

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Publication Order of John Cabrelli Books

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About Jeff Nania

The American author Jeff Nania is well known for his concise and taut mystery thrillers, filled with suspense and action. These have translated well across the world, reaching readers from all over, as he’s made a name for himself through his far reaching international audience. This has allowed him to write about exactly what it is that he wants to write about, building a brand that has seen him become a bestselling household name. Knowing his audience and what they’re looking for, he really makes the most of each of his novels, pushing the premise to its limit every time.

Whether it’s fiction or his own pursuits, Nania’s writing has always been hugely accessible, drawing the reader in to his rich and inventive world. Knowing exactly where to take the reader, he writes in an extremely clear and direct manner that immediately gets to the point. This is something that he has excelled at over the years, from writing humorously to creating an air of tension and suspense. There’s always another level to his writing, as he allows his stories to come alive, from the locations to the characters populating them.

Creating characters that really stand out too, Nania heavily draws from his own life, finding inspiration from people he’s previously met. Working in law enforcement too, he brings a great deal of authenticity to his work as well, allowing it to feel wholly genuine and real. From his characters to his situations, there’s a lot of attention to detail in his writing, as the reader can fully immerse themselves within it. With a lot more to come too, he’s going to continue writing from now into the foreseeable future, as there’s a lot more planned upon the horizon.

Early and Personal Life

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Jeff Nania’s family would go on to settle in the Greenbush neighborhood of Madison. Enjoying an active childhood in the great outdoors, he’d often spend a lot of time with his father and brothers heading off on adventures. This would come to heavily inspire his writing, along with his experience working in law enforcement later on.

Working in the canine unit of the police services with his dog Rosi, Nania would gain a lot of insight into the everyday operations there. Publishing work through a number of different publications, he’d also see his name in print on numerous occasion as well. Still writing to this day, he’s semi-retired from his work in law enforcement, and fully invested in his writing, which he will be for many years to come.

Writing Career

The first book that Jeff Nania would release was titled ‘Figure Eight’ and it would come out back in 2018 marking his literary debut. This would also be the first in the ‘John Cabrelli’ series of novels, setting up the franchise and winning the 2020 Midwest Book Award for Mystery/Thriller. He would later follow this up with two subsequent sequels, one in 2019 titled ‘Spider Lake’ and the other in 2021 titled ‘Bough Cutter.’

Prior to writing fiction Nania would feature in several different outlets both online and off, including ‘Outdoor Life Magazine.’ This would see him gain recognition at a national level, being named within the top twenty-five of the most influential conservationists in the United States. Working within wetlands he has contributed towards this field heavily, promoting and educating, as he continues to write regularly too.

Spider Lake

Originally published in 2019 on the 2nd of December this would first come out through the Little Creek Press publishing imprint. Marking the second title in the ongoing ‘John Cabrelli’ series of mysteries as well, it would feature another ‘Northern Lakes Mystery’ title. With a self-contained mystery narrative, it manages to capture the urgency of the previous novel, while taking it in a different direction at the same time.

There’s the use of many different settings here, making for an engaging narrative that really captures the essence of the world. It’s use of Wisconsin really works here too, making it feel like an extremely realistic representation of rural life in the state. There’s so much on offer here, as it brings to life the world for the reader, regardless of where they’re from and if they’ve visited before.

With a federal agent missing, along with an isolated cabin out in the woods and suitcases packed with money, it seems that John Cabrelli isn’t going to be enjoying such a peaceful retreat in Spider Lake after all. Looking to recover from his previous gunshot wounds, former law enforcement officer Cabrelli is dealing with a number of mysterious events in the small-town of Musky Falls. Accompanied by a team of local residents, they aim to get to the bottom of it all, dealing with they mystery once and for all. Just who exactly is behind it all? Where did the agent disappear to? What is the secret behind the mysterious goings on at Spider Lake?

Bough Cutter

Initially coming out in 2021 on the 25th of May, this would be the third in the ‘John Cabrelli Northern Lakes Mystery’ novels. Providing another exciting and enthralling mystery novel, it carries on in a similar vein to before, while bringing in plenty of twists and turns of its own. There’s a lot to unpack here, with an engaging and inventive narrative that really brings the world of Cabrelli to life. Further developing the character of Cabrelli too, it gives him a real greater sense of depth and personality as a lead protagonist driving the series.

Dealing with his new job as the Namekagon County sheriff, John Cabrelli is finding his place in his new role, coping with the responsibilities. That’s when a body is found within the woods, in turn leading him on an investigation, as he races against time after more victims are discovered. With all them being found out in the wilderness, Cabrelli must work fast if he wants to find out what’s really going on. Can he solve the case in time before it’s too late? Will whoever’s doing it strike again? Who is behind the Bough cutter?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jeff Nania

2 Responses to “Jeff Nania”

  1. Paula: 1 year ago

    Loved all the books and can hardly wait for next one. Great characters, setting and story line. More please

  2. Eileen Zarling: 3 years ago

    read all the books…Very good. Live in Hillsboro, Wi. When is the next book coming out?


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