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Jay Kristoff Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Aurora Cycle Books

with Amie Kaufman
Aurora Rising (With: Amie Kaufman)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aurora Burning (With: Amie Kaufman)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aurora's End (With: Amie Kaufman)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Empire of the Vampire Books

Empire of the Vampire(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Empire of the Damned(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Empire of the Dawn(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Illuminae Files Books

Illuminae (With: Amie Kaufman)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gemina (With: Amie Kaufman)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Obsidio (With: Amie Kaufman)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Memento (With: Amie Kaufman)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Lifelike Books

Publication Order of The Lotus War Books

Stormdancer(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Little Stormdancer(2012)Limited giveaway from the authors website.
Praying For Rain(2013)Praying For Rain is a free-to-read pdf short story, a prequel to Jay Kristoff's The Lotus War series, which tells the tale of Miho and the city of Kigen.
The Last Stormdancer(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kinslayer(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Endsinger(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Nevernight Chronicle Books

Publication Order of Nightwing Books

Better than Batman (By: Tim Seeley)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Back to Blüdhaven (By: Tim Seeley)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Nightwing Must Die (By: Tim Seeley)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blockbuster (By: Tim Seeley)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Raptor's Revenge (By: Tim Seeley)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Untouchable (By: Sam Humphries)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Bleeding Edge (By: Benjamin Percy)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Burnback (By: Dan Jurgens)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gray Son Legacy (By: Dan Jurgens)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Joker War (By: Dan Jurgens)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leaping into the Light (By: Tom Taylor)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fear State (By: Tom Taylor)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Get Grayson (By: Tom Taylor)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Battle for Blüdhaven’s Heart (By: Tom Taylor)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Leap (With: C.S. Pacat,Tom Taylor)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Time of the Titans (By: C.S. Pacat,Tom Taylor)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Standing at the Edge (By: Marv Wolfman,Tom Taylor)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Dark Knights of Steel Books

The Gathering Storm (By: Tom Taylor)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Three Kingdoms (By: Tom Taylor)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Knights of Steel, Vol. 1 (By: Tom Taylor)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Knights of Steel, Vol. 2 (By: C.S. Pacat,Tom Taylor)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Allwinter(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Born in 1973 in Perth, Australia, Jay Kristoff , has since moved to the southwest of Melbourne where he lives with his wife and his Russel Terrier he dubbed Samwise. He grew with up with an enthusiastic personality from his childhood that he spent playing lots of tabletops games. Dungeons and Dragons is one example that took the best of his younger years. He holds a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from college. His literary career never quite manifested until eleven years later with a zealous entry hallmarked by steampunk writing. After college, he chose to go the career way as a creative advertisement personnel in television, a job that he held in the period before deciding to ignite his new career in writing.

Literary works

Jay Kristoff is a relative newcomer to the scene of Australian writers who has ventured in literature with high spirit. He may not be trailing such popular Australian authors as David Unaipon, but certainly, his reverberation in the scene adds fame onto the special spot Australian writers have achieved over the years. He is more inclined to steampunk writing that he embraces with a passion for romanticizing the past while incorporating the in-fighting of culture and society. Most importantly, family and the vice of betrayal take special positions in Kristoff’s writings. These themes could never be truer than the characters, scenes and plots he settled on when composing his Japanese steampunk sequel, The Lotus War. The first of this series is the Stormdancer that details a plot that unfurls with a somber sentiment, only to end with an urge for retribution and redemption in the height of colonial tribulations.

The novel is based in Japan at a time when the dispensation of noble governance was at the mercy of a tyrannical Sh’gun who simply dictated, and subjects bowed to every command. As he commissions Yukiko and her father, who is an adorned warrior, to hunt down an Arishatora, his romanticized orders sound nothing short of a mission impossible. Even though the mission turns deadly, she manages to return with an enraged Arishatora at the high price of losing her father. She leagues up with an outlaw, Kagé, and one Kin, and soon learns that Sh’gun has robbed her and society of humanity and decency through sporadic purges. As colonialism bites on, the time seems very right to embrace retribution.

The Stormdancer is a commendable introduction to the Lotus War and sets the tone for Kinslayer and the Endsinger sequels to follow through. In the Kinslayer, the anger rages on as Yukiko and her league of mercenaries slay Sh’gun Yarimoto and his evil associates. The chapters, Shattered Empire, Dark Legacy, and Gathering Storm tell of a chaotic scene spiraling out of control with every blade that is welded. As an entry into the sequel, Stormdancer received lots of positive critics and made it to the final rounds in the 2012 Aurelis Award and the Compton Crook Award. It merely got enlisted in the 2013 David Gemmell Awards without an award. However the prequel The Last Stormdancer shone some light into Kristoff’s portfolio by scooping 2013 an Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Short Fiction.

Kristoff is an imaginative writer who consummates fictional plotlines and technological themes to bring out a beautiful contrast in his abstracted worlds. In his next sequel, The Illuminae Files, the enticing fiction has managed to catch the eye of movie producers such as Brad Pitt. Through his production company Plan B Entertainment, it is assayed that he has acquired the rights to adapt the Illuminae Files to a movie even though the world is yet to see any production of the sequel. Kristoff ditches his solo writing when he teams up fellow fictional bestselling writer Amie Kaufman in The Illuminae series that hatches a futuristic plotline. Certainly, this teaming of vibrant minds in the genre pays off with every paragraph that unfolds.

The setting is a millennium into the future, specifically 2575, where trouble is ensuring real fast. The Illuminae resistance illuminates the sprouting of chaos trickling down from power clashes that closely resembles steampunk Japan. The plotline hugs around two grand protagonists, Kady and her ex-boyfriend Ezra who seems indispensable by the passing of minutes. With little options on the table as impending danger soars out of expectations, she finds herself bringing on board her sworn enemy is soon turning out to be who she exactly needs to confront the myriad of data. By every passing minute, they assume a temporary occupation of data analysis in trying to find out a solution to flee off the planet entangled in corporation wars from a distant earth. Its resources are probably worth more when compared to the planet’s inhabitants.

The Illuminae Files follows the same axis as The Lotus War Series with a mild difference in timeline. Kristoff builds his plotlines around soaring conflict, betrayal, power qualms, and unsolicited dispensation of authority to others that are seemingly weaker in the rungs of power. The temporarily subdued persons stage a sentimental resistance and possible come back in trying to redeem their lost position. Technology is a bold denominator in his works and while he retraces back The Lotus War series to the 19 century setting with maiden technologies that redden the atmosphere with smoke, the two authors fast-forward The Illuminae Files into the distant future, where technology is full blown and the present fantasies of extraterrestrial beings can be substantiated through advanced intergalactic voyages.

The inclusion of Amie Kaufman as a co-author serves to bring on board her close affinity for futuristic and youthfully fictional themes that she has excellently developed in her other works. The Illuminae is a three-pronged sequel with the succeeding sequel picking the same writing tempo to further the events taking toll on this frozen alien planet. The series represents the first complete trilogy by Kristoff and has already received remarkable critiques from literary connoisseurs. Kristoff has shortly been in the literary world, yet is already building a commendable portfolio that rivals prominent figures in the field. As his career flowers in technological fiction, readers remain eager as he holds his pen to jot his next imagination.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jay Kristoff

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