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Jandy Nelson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Sky Is Everywhere(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
I'll Give You the Sun(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
When the World Tips Over(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Jandy Nelson is an extremely superstitious author. This is something she was taught ever since she was youn. During her childhood years, Nelson was taught how to bang up weird concoctions, and also how to carry charms in her pockets, sprinkle salt, and also hunt for clover leaves. Her award-winning, New York Times bestselling novel, I’ll Give You the Sun, received several awards including the Bank Street’s Josette Frank Award, the Printz Award, and a Stonewall Book Award. Both of her novels, I’ll Give You the Sun and The Sky Is Everywhere, have been nominated as YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults and other notable mentions on the best sellers lists like the New York Times, NPR, Time Magazine, and also still enjoy immense worldwide success. I’ll Give You the Sun was sold to Warner Brothers and playwright Natalie Krinsky, has written the adaptation of the book.

Jandy has been a literary agent and writer for several years. She graduated from Cornell University and also received MFAs in Poetry and Junior Writing from Brown University and the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She writes full time and lives in San Francisco –California

I’ll Give You the Sun

I’ll Give You The Sun, is not only poetic but also complex, emotional, and exceedingly powerful. This book will make you want to read it repeatedly, make notes and overanalyze the situations as if it was your life on the line since this is an intricate, well-told story. In this novel, Jandy introduces the reader to Jude and her twin sibling, Noah. These two characters are inseparable. At thirteen, Noah is introverted and has deep feelings for the charming young boy next door. Jude is a freaky extrovert that likes to wear bright lipstick and constantly; sometimes she talks on Noah’s behalf. When the twins turn 16 years old, the twins can barely stand each other. Something wrecked Jude and Noah in unusual and dramatic ways.

Jude meets an arrogant, wrecked, handsome boy. This is the second boy in her life. She considers this a new beginning. Noah has a different tale to tell in the early years of their life. The later teens are Jude’s. The twins do not realize that their stories represent half-truths of what they know. Now they must find a way to reconcile and be close like they used to. The teenage story is complicated than any ordinary adults love story that you may have encountered before. This novel centers on contemporary issues like family, sexuality, and romance. Noah and Jude have extreme personalities, yet their blood connection is stronger than their personalities.

The Sky is Everywhere

Lennie Walker is a seventeen-year-old bookworm and a band fan; he plays the second clarinet and stays safely and blissfully in the shadow of her fierce older sister, Bailey. Bailey suddenly dies, leaving Lennie hurled up at the center of her life. Despite her imaginary past with boys, she unexpectedly finds herself fraught to balance the two boys from her hood. Toby was Bailey’s boyfriend; his heartache reflects Lennie’s sorrows. The author also introduces the readers to Joe. Joe is the new hunk in town; he is French and has a nearly magical grin that only matches only his music talent. For Lennie, the two boys are sun and moon; one boy to take away her grief and replace is with magical joy, while the other soothes her in it. However, just like their outer celestial equals, they cannot run into each other without a world explosion.

When you lose a loved one, there is no telling on how to mourn the dead; it is a sporadic emotion, which we hardly have time to prepare for. It may take a few months to get the eerie feelings out of our system or just deal with it for the rest of our lives. Lennie, in her grief, instinctively and consciously explores her sexuality with Toby and the new French boy, Joe. There is a thin line between right and wrong, and Lennie is treading on it. She enjoys the best of both worlds. One life with mad, hot love and kisses, taking her time to explore one another with Joe. She has this undying lustful love inside her. She needs to feel loved, needed, wanted. It is kind of odd for a beginner to know how these things work. But why not do it?

Toby and Lennie feel a stronger connection. One of loss and sorrow and they understand what each is experiencing. Is it wrong? Is it right? Does it matter? Young people experiment messed up stuff to make things better. They try out different ways to erase the pain or struggle to keep the memories alive, but it is all an illusion. Lennie does not know what right. She just wants to go with the flow is. She does not realize that she is making the situation bittersweet, instead of better. Joe comes off as funny, clowney, sweet and sexy. He makes Lenny feel like her heart will pop right out of her chest. He effortlessly melts’ away Lennie’s heart. He has had to fix one broken heart and been deceived all over again.

Joe and Lennie desperately needed to fill a huge void in their lives. It is hard not to forgive Lennie for playing two ways with other people’s feelings. Toby was her medicine. Joe came in at an appropriate time. It is a seasonal affair, and poor Joe must contend with it. Lennie and Joe blend well. They are happy, though the relationship was a bit rushed. You cannot help but sympathize and soak up in the romance. Overall, the novel has many surprises. Moments of bliss and extreme sadness that make you want to cringe away and die in their sorrow. It easy to fall in love with Joe! The book comes alive with raw emotions that pull your heartstrings. It defines how people mourn a departed loved one. That people can choose to enjoy life, to smile, to love, laugh and finally to slowly let go and be at peace with themselves when sad.

This incredible debut novel is perfect for all romantic fools. It is a beautiful celebration of love as it is a portrayal of loss, in this case; death. Lennie’s struggle to deal with her song out of the sounds surrounding her is honest, rushed, quite hilarious, and ultimately memorable.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jandy Nelson

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