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Jackie Baldwin Books In Order

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Publication Order of Detective Grace McKenna Scottish Murder Mystery Books

Murder by the Seaside(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder at Castle Traprain(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder at Whiteadder House(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of DI Frank Farrell Books

Dead Man's Prayer(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Perfect Dead(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Avenge the Dead(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Jackie Baldwin is a renowned Scottish author of thriller, mystery, and crime fiction novels and an ex-criminal lawyer. She is best known for writing the DI Frank Farrel series. Baldwin made her debut with the 2016 book called Dead Man’s Prayer and has gone to publish two more books after that. She says that she had developed the urge to become an author when she was seven years old. Her beginning at school was a rocky one as she was slow at reading and all other pupils in her class were way ahead of her. It was later found out that Baldwin was extremely short-sighted and also had a slight problem with hearing. Her parents sought help from a doctor and after two successful operations and getting spectacles, Baldwin found herself on the right track to read and write. She used to sit in the cafe owned by her parents during the holidays and read as many books as could that she used to bring from the library.

Baldwin’s father used to encourage her by giving her money to buy comics. At that time, Baldwin had even started imagining and writing stories out of her small, childish brain. Later, Baldwin enrolled herself at the University of Edinburgh for studying law. There, she experienced a great cultural shock. She also found out that her exuberant style of writing was frowned upon by many. Following her graduation, she started working as a Family & Criminal lawyer by moving back to Dumfries, her hometown. With marriage, a couple of kids, and other commitments demanding her attention, her dream of establishing herself as a writer started drifting away. When she was about to deliver her daughter, Baldwin came across an advertisement in a local newspaper for the requirement of a short movie script. The fact that the selected person will be allowed to join a weekend course with people like Peter Mullen motivated Baldwin to write and submit her work to the advertiser, Border TV. Luckily, her work got selected and it set her on the path of achieving her dream.

During the next few years, Baldwin got engaged in writing drama. And a few more years later, she decided to try her hand at writing a crime novel. Subsequently, she finished writing the manuscript of her first book, Dead Man’s Prayer, and started looking for a literary agent to get it published. Several agents showed interest in her novel, but nothing was able to get finalized. Then, Baldwin decided to undergo a hypnotherapist training that made her put away her first book’s manuscript for several years. One fine day, Baldwin thought of rewriting the story by making some changes and sending it again to various literary agents. Just when she finished the rewrite, Baldwin came to know that Killer Reads is interested in having a look at her rewritten manuscript.

Baldwin submitted the story to the publisher with high hopes and was overjoyed to know that she has landed a publishing contract from the company. This incident made her realize that hard work and never giving up on one’s dreams always pays well. So, one should never get disheartened at initial failures and never give up on their dreams. When Baldwin is not busy with her writing works, she likes to take long walks with her two Retrievers named Rose and Poppy. She also loves to hit the gym and take care of her fitness. Lately, Baldwin has not been able to take out time from her busy schedule to go to the gym and seems to have lost the habit. Baldwin is deeply grateful to the readers for supporting and liking her work. She also expresses her gratitude to all the critics for reviewing her books genuinely and giving rave comments about her writing style, character sketches, storylines, etc.

The DI Frank Farrell series written by author Jackie Baldwin began in 2016. It features the primary characters in the roles of DI Frank Farrell and DS McLeod. Baldwin has set the plots of the novels in rural Scotland. The debut book of this mystery/crime fiction series is entitled ‘Dead Man’s Prayer’. It was released by the Killer Reads publication in 2016. The book opens by mentioning the return of a former priest and current detective inspector Frank Farrell to his hometown of Dumfries. His hopes of a peaceful vacation get shattered when he is handed over a disturbing case of murder to investigate. To make matters worse, the victim is someone whom he knew very well, Father Boyd. Frank was forced out of his priesthood by Father Boyd eighteen years ago. As there are no leads, Frank is required to delve into the past of the old priest.

Frank seems a little bit hesitant to move ahead with the investigation because the victim’s past is linked to his own and he doesn’t want to walk that path again. Later, Frank’s attention gets diverted by the case of the disappearance of twin boys. The police find one of the boys in an abandoned church, but there is no clue about the location of the other one. As Frank works on both cases, he feels that someone is targeting him. He wonders if someone is playing a sinister game with him or the patters he has started to see recently just don’t exist in reality. Frank knows that he must win this game or else he might end up as the next victim or lose his sanity.

The second volume of this series is known as ‘Perfect Dead’. It was published by the One More Chapter publication in 2018. The book opens by depicting that Frank Farrell is asked to investigate a brutal death in a rural region of Scotland. The pieces of evidence collected by the investigating authorities point to suicide. But, when it comes to the notice of Frank Farrell that the all the lights in the victim’s cottage were switched off at the time of his death, he wonders why he would commit suicide in complete darkness. This question turns the case into a murder investigation and leads Frank to Ivy House, the mysterious home of a sinister group of artists called The Collective, who are known to go to any lengths to keep their dark secrets hidden. When Frank finds a young girl’s remains near the far end of the coastline, he realizes that the tight-knit community is hiding something too sinister. He also realizes that he must race against time to catch the ruthless murderer before another innocent person dies.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jackie Baldwin

7 Responses to “Jackie Baldwin”

  1. Sarah Davis: 2 years ago

    Love both your main characters. In not wanting any more DI Farrell books I think the publisher showed a total lack of appreciation of a character with a difference.
    Love Grace for her ‘self’, plus the fact that, like all we humans, she ain’t perfect! Please keep writing.

  2. Amanda Bird: 2 years ago

    Loving your first book so much that only half way through I’ve had to look you up to find if you have written more. Will call in Library later in week and see if they have the other’s.

    • Jackie Baldwin: 2 years ago

      Hi Amanda,
      Glad that you’re enjoying Dead Man’s Prayer! There are another two books in that series called Perfect Dead and Avenge the Dead. I’m also writing a new series featuring Grace McKenna, private detective and set at Portobello Beach in Edinburgh. Happy reading!x

  3. Beryl Hamblin: 3 years ago

    I just came across one of your book last week, what a great read ( I have read it already)

  4. Doreen Harrison: 5 years ago

    Will there be a fourth Frank Farrell novel? This series is fantastic!

    • Jackie Baldwin: 2 years ago

      Hi Doreen,
      I’m so sorry for the late reply. I have just stumbled on this site for the first time. Unfortunately my publisher didn’t want any more DI Farrell books but I have been writing a new series with another publisher featuring private investigator Grace McKenna, and set at Portobello Beach in Edinburgh. The first one is Murder by the Seaside. Happy Reading!

      • Cheri S Leach: 12 months ago

        I read both Grace McKenna books,I really hope you will write more in this series, want to read more about the futures of Grace & Brody. LOVE YOUR WRITING, CAN’T WAIT FOR MORE !!!


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