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Jack Higgins Books In Order

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Publication Order of Martin Fallon Books

Cry of the Hunter (As: Harry Patterson)(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Prayer for the Dying(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Paul Chavasse Books

as Martin Fallon
The Bormann Testament / The Testament of Caspar Schultz(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Year of the Tiger(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Keys of Hell(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midnight Never Comes(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Side of the Street(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Fine Night for Dying(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Nick Miller Books

as Harry Patterson
The Graveyard Shift(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Brought in Dead(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hell is Always Today(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Simon Vaughn Books

as Martin Fallon
Dark Side of the Street(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Savage Day(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Day of Judgment(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Liam Devlin Books

The Eagle Has Landed(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Touch the Devil(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Confessional(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Eagle Has Flown(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Dougal Munro and Jack Carter Books

Night of the Fox(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cold Harbour(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flight of Eagles(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Sean Dillon Books

Eye of the Storm / Midnight Man(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thunder Point(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
On Dangerous Ground(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Angel of Death(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Drink with the Devil(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The President's Daughter(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The White House Connection(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Day of Reckoning(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Edge of Danger(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midnight Runner(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bad Company(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Justice(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Without Mercy(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Killing Ground(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rough Justice(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Darker Place(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wolf at the Door(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Judas Gate(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Devil is Waiting(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Death Trade(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rain on the Dead(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Midnight Bell(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Chance Twins/Rich and Jade Books

with Justin Richards

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Sad Wind from the Sea (As:Harry Patterson)(1959)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Thousand Faces of Night (As:Harry Patterson)(1961)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hell Is Too Crowded (As:Harry Patterson)(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Comes the Dark Stranger (As:Harry Patterson)(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seven Pillars to Hell / Sheba (As:Hugh Marlowe)(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pay the Devil (As:Harry Patterson)(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Side of the Island (As:Harry Patterson)(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Phoenix in the Blood (As:Harry Patterson)(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wrath of the Lion (As:Harry Patterson)(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
Passage by Night (As:Hugh Marlowe)(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thunder at Noon / Dillinger (As:Harry Patterson)(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Iron Tiger (As:Harry Patterson)(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Candle for the Dead / The Violent Enemy (As:Hugh Marlowe)(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
East of Desolation(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
In the Hour Before Midnight / The Sicilian Heritage(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Game for Heroes (As:James Graham)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Night Judgement at Sinos(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wrath of God (As:James Graham)(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Place God Made(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Toll for the Brave (As:Harry Patterson)(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Khufra Run (As:James Graham)(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Run to Morning / Bloody Passage (As:James Graham)(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
Storm Warning(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Valhalla Exchange(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
To Catch a King (As:Harry Patterson)(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Solo / The Cretan Lover(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
Luciano's Luck(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Exocet(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Season in Hell(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Memoirs of a Dance-Hall Romeo(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
In the Hour Before Midnight(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Under the name of Jack Higgins, Harry Patterson released a variety of thrillers.

His first bestseller as Higgins was The Eagle Has Landed (1975). This edgy thriller sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. Jack Higgins was born on July 27th, 1929 in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Jack Higgins is the main pseudonym for popular United Kingdom author, Harry Patterson. He unfortunately passed in April of 2022. After his parent’s marriage dissolved, Patterson moved to Belfast, Ireland with his mother.

As a boy, he was exposed to an immense amount of political and religious violence in Belfast. To escape the violence, he mother moved to Leeds, but the violence followed them there too. Patterson was not particularly fond of school and decided to leave without graduating.

It wasn’t until he joined the British Army, did he feel at home. He served for two-years as a non-commissioned officer in the Household Calvary in the 1950’s In the army, he discovered that he possessed extraordinary intelligence and commendable sharpshooting abilities.

Once Patterson left the army, he enrolled in the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he studied sociology. He worked his way through school as labourer and driver. After graduation, he taught at a secondary school and began writing novels. He also taught liberal studies at Leeds Polytechnic.

The success of his work allowed him to work part time. Eventually, he left teaching all together to become a full time writer. He now lives in the Channel Islands and publishes a book annually.


Patterson has written a plethora of novels underneath several pseudonyms of: Hug Malowe, James Graham, Martin Fallon, and Jack Higgin. In the beginning, Patterson made a modest career as a novelist.

His books met moderate success, but were lackluster thrillers with stereotypical characters and very little intrigue. Patterson spent15 years and 35 publications learning the art of novel writing. In the late 1960’s Patterson began to use the pseudonym, Jack Higgins where he started to produce a few small bestsellers in the 70s.

His 36th book, The Eagle Has Landed, put Higgins on the literary charts. The novel is set in England, and follows a German commando who is sent to England to kidnap Winston Churchill. After The Eagle Has Landed, came a series of captivating novels featuring the same protagonist (Touch the Devil, Confessional, and The Eagle Has Flown). The Eye of the Storm, published in the year 1992, marked a turning point for Patterson.

The book is about an unsuccessful assassination attempt on the Prime Minister by a young Irish gun-man, Sean Dillon. The next series of novels follows Dillon through various missions and mayhem. Many critics believe that Sean Dillon’s characterization is based off of a young Patterson. As a whole, his novels have sold over 250 million copies and are available in over 50 languages.

A lot of his books have also become films. As Jack Higgins, he was awarded with an honorary doctorate from Leeds Metropolitan University. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Jack Higgins The Eagle Has Landed(1975)

This novel was Patterson’s first major success, and was written under the name Jack Higgins. The story is set in WWII as the allies are slowly starting to win the war. As a desperate last attempt, Hitler orders the kidnapping or assassination of Sir Winston Churchill.

A rag tag team of commandoes led by a ex-hero venture into England to exact the deed. At the same time, an Irish assassin named Devlin, has made plans of his own.

The Eagle Has Flown (1991)

In this sequel, Hitler grows continuously isolated and more insane, he is more determined than ever to win the war. The Third Reich experiences a rash of betrayal and treason.

German intelligence has discovered that they did not kill Officer Steiner, the paratrooper that thwarted their assassination attempt on Winston Churchill. They begin to tear through London, desperate to find him.

Liam Devlin

Liam Devlin first appears in The-Eagle-Has-Landed, but reappears in several of Higgin’s books. It is believed that Devlin is an amalgamation of several IRA veterans Frank Ryan( an IRA operative caught during the Spanish Civil War). Later in Higgin’s books, Devlin acts as a mentor to Sean Dillon and Martin Brosnan (leads in later series).

Sean Dillon

Sean Dillon is perhaps Jack Higgins’ most notable character as he has made appearances in over 20 Higgins novels. His first appearance was in the book, Eye-of-the-Storm (Midnight Man). At age 19, he joins the IRA after his father is killed in the crossfire of a gun fight between the British and the IRA.

His mentor is Liam Devlin, the main protagonist of Higgins’ The Eagle Has Landed. Dillon is an excellent marksman and great actor. He uses these skills to his advantage during his missions. He becomes known as “ The Man of 1000 Faces.” Over th course of Higgin’s books, the character leaves the IRA to become a mercenary for hire, managing to avoid the authorities at every turn. Dillon is also an expert scuba diver and pilot who has mastered many different languages, and disguises. .

Film and Television Adaptations

Many of Jack Higgins’ books were adapted into films. The Violent Enemy was filmed and then banned by the Foreign-Office. Many believed it was banned for political-reasons. The-Wrath-of-God, became a MGM classic and was the last film of the great Rita Hayworth’s career.

The-Eagle-Has-Landed; A-Prayer-for-the-Dying, was one of the most controversial films in the 1980’s. It starred Mickey-Rourke and Bob-Hoskins. Thunder Point was adapted into a film and was taped in the Caribbean in 1996. He has also had several television movies released.

On Dangerous Ground, Eye-of-the-Storm, and Night-of-the-Fox, and Confessional were all successful television films. Touch of the Devil and Luciano’s Luck were also filmed for television. Jack Higgins has thrilled the world and captured the imaginations of his fans by bringing them tales of espionage, war, and military intelligence. His books have sold over 250 million copies across the world.

His works have-been translated-into more than 55 languages and have sparked several series and classic beloved characters over thirty years.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jack Higgins

15 Responses to “Jack Higgins”

  1. christopher laidlaw: 9 months ago

    I started reading his magnificent novels about 20 years ago… it was a Sean Dillon book…… I was mesmerised by his ability to, through his writing, allow me to visualise every character & situation. That’s when I started collecting ALL his books, under all his different names. I’m proud to say that I still own EVERY single novel he’s written and I often find myself rereading them. He will be greatly missed

  2. Phil: 1 year ago

    As a kid I loved Higgins’s books for the adventures and locations. I never left my home town until I was 19.
    Now many years later I reread the novels and love the sardonic heroes and strong women. I visited the restaurant in Jersey where he wrote many of his books in St Hellier and his photo has pride and place on the wall.

  3. David Milbourne: 1 year ago

    Having served in the British Army I am impressed with Higgin’s knowledge. His military service has enabled him to write his books with such accuracy.

  4. Henry Alvarez: 2 years ago

    I’m 81, half blind and I love Jack Higgen’s novels, especially the ones with Liam Devlin. I read them as therapy after graduate school, donated them to the public library who had none of his works. Now I’m collecting them again and enjoying them as much as I did 40 year ago.

  5. Margaret Peek: 2 years ago

    A Favourite read along with James Patterson.
    Saw him about 50 yrs ago jogging with his dog on
    the beach in Jersey.
    We mill miss you Jack, you made it to the top.

  6. Alan Evans: 2 years ago

    Jack Higgins is one of the best authors that’s ever lived read every book he has wrote

  7. Theodore McGuire: 3 years ago

    Mr. Higgins. Could you write a fiction book that portrays the Irish, Green and Orange, putting their religious differences aside and uniting as one nation to throw out the British? Make it during the 1800s and have Scotland as allies who attack south into Northern England to relieve Ireland of some of the British troops. Make it a multiple book series which ends with the King of England and the Prime Minister surrendering outside of Buckingham Palace to the Scotts and Irish.

  8. Angela Dunn: 3 years ago

    I love jack higgings books especially the Sean Dillon ones he has to be my favourite author. Once I start one of his books I never want to put it down until I have finished it. It would be great to see a lot more of his books turned into movies.

  9. Angela Dunn: 3 years ago

    I love jack higgings books especially the Sean Dillon one she has to be my favourite author. Once I start one of his books I never want to put it down until I have finished it. It would be great to see a lot more of his books turned into movies.

    • Anthony Holmes: 3 years ago

      I have read about 40 of his books. My favourite author as well.

    • Peter Downie: 2 years ago

      I am 62 and have been reading Jack higgins since early 70’s I believe I have almost all of his novels. Doesn’t matter how many times you read them they never get boring and once started you can’t put down.

  10. Bill Sebet: 4 years ago

    Is someone going to take over his Sean Dillon series, it would be a shame to not continue it?

    • Gary: 3 years ago

      Oh, wouldn’t that be nice?? We can only hope.

    • Geoff Corbett: 2 years ago

      I hope so even if it is to bring the series to an end.

  11. Dr. Mweemba Mwiinga: 4 years ago

    Its true that Jack Higgins is by far one of the best authors of all time. I read Touch the devil when i was still young, some 35 years ago, and i must say it still remains my best read. Just wondering why it hasn’t been adapted into a movie….or has it?


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