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Jack Aubrey / Stephen Maturin Books In Order

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Publication Order of Aubrey/Maturin Books

Master and Commander (1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Post Captain (1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
H.M.S. Surprise (1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mauritius Command (1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
Desolation Island (1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fortune of War (1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Surgeon's Mate (1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ionian Mission (1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Treason's Harbour (1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Far Side of the World (1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Reverse of the Medal (1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Letter of Marque (1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Thirteen-Gun Salute (1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nutmeg of Consolation (1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Truelove / Clarissa Oakes (1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wine-Dark Sea (1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Commodore (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Yellow Admiral (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hundred Days (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blue at the Mizzen (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
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The Jack Aubrey/Maturin series comprises of twenty novels and one still unfinished by a renowned writer Patrick O’ Brian. The series is definitely one of the best of the 20th century. Many readers have described it as a masterpiece and claim that it’s addictive. These books give an intriguing story in the history. The book revolves around the period of Napoleonic war. It’s a story set in the British Navy and it’s all about Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin. The two are friends whereby Jack is a captain while Stephen is a physician (and intelligent agent).

Peter Weir directed the movie” Master and commander: the far side of the world” in 2003. The story was retrieved from Patrick’s tenth book “The far side of the world”. Some parts were, however, derived from “master and commander”, “The letter of marquee”, “The fortune of war”, and “HMS surprise” It’s a fascinating movie whereby Russell Crowe, Billy Boyd and Paul Bettany are starring. Russell acts as captain jack whereas Paul takes the role of Stephen. Russell leads his team in taking French war ship in South America. It got a slot in the ten Oscars nomination and even the best picture category. Other than in movies, the series has received international recognition. Most of the novels have reached the top list of New York Times.


The series revolves around the two characters. Jack is a large-bodied man. He is a professional sailor who loves his job. O’ Brian portrayed him as having a simple personality and being a cheerful person. His dedication to his work earns him success and recognition. He is a fighting captain and is always referred by his forks as “Lucky”. He however has some weaknesses. While he has reputation at sea, he is very incompetent on land. He is known for financial mismanagement which brings out crises in the camp.


Patrick reveals the roles of Maturin as being a doctor in the British Navy. He is also portrayed as a natural scientist who is also an intelligent agent. This is due to the fact that he is not known to many. Being a naturalist is clearly shown by love of birds. He also makes a discovery of new species of tortoise. He named it Tstudo aubrelli and he does this purposely for his friend Jack.

He has a weakness of being a drug abuser. He is an addict sometimes .He loves tobacco, Laudanum, coca as well as Khat. His love for music is shown by how he frequently uses flute and cello.

He is referred to as being short and dark. His friends say that he has curious eyes. This due to the fact that they are pale blue. He is skinny weighing just 56 kg. All these characteristic are associated to his Spanish origin. He has however, have weird behaviors. He is a very disorganized fellow with hi room being untidy all the time. He is also a very mean person who despite inheriting a large amount of money from his grandfather can’t even buy new clothes.

He understands numerous languages. Being Irish-Catalan, he is fluent in English, Spanish, and Catalan. He also speaks Irish, French, and Latin well; furthermore, he can read Portuguese and has a little knowledge of Greek. But despite all this, he really understands the jargon used by the military.

Maturin is a very romantic man. But this is very frustrating to him. He is very much interested in a very beautiful lady called Diana Villiers. But, she is not reliable and often lets him down. But finally, after a lot of struggle he marries her. They are blessed with a girl named Brigid. But unfortunately Diana dies in a road accident. This makes to start a relationship with fellow scientist Christine Hatherleigh after which he proposes to her.

Maturin is a very educated person. He dependable in the force and this earns him professional roles in the force. These roles together with his personal interest make him to go on land to look at different aspects of life. These include both political and social activities in the Napoleon period. He advocated for independence of Catalan from Spain. His intelligent gathering skills helped much in the process. However, he offered these services for free.

These two are described as not being in common in many ways. They have many different aspects: size, nationality, profession, and body shape. That’s however not the case. Both had a love of music. They spent their nights playing music. Their love for music can be demonstrated in the first book of the series where both were attending a music concert. Both have a common characteristic: thy love satire. They language is characterized by puns. Some word plays are repeated throughout the series. This shows that despite their differences in professionalism, they are friends for many years.


Patrick wrote twenty one interesting novels in the series. One of them is The Golden Ocean. It was first released in 1956. George Anson, who was moving around the world, is joined by Peter Palafox. Peter is brought up as a Christian by his father and is really interested in joining the force. He is educated on different roles in the navy. He is very sharp and disciplined and this makes him to rise in ranks in the military. He is later joined by Sean who is his friend. This book contains historical terminologies which includes Keppel and Anson. In the end of the book, both are given the role of transferring a treasure. They are successful as they sail past French ships. They are mostly helped by fog which makes visibility difficult. Finally, they are given their shares of prizes. Peter is wanted by all his family members after giving his father one thousand pounds.


Another fascinating book to read is The Unknown Shore released in 1959. It’s also a story of ship moving around the world navigated by Anson. There are two friends who are part of the crew. These are Tobias Barrow and Jack Byron. Unfortunately, the ship does not make it. This novel is seen as a fiction of real events of Wager Mutiny. It is hit by storms while moving along the Cape Horn. The wreckage is the swept off the coast in Chile. They are lost and the crew members disobey their superiors .Some take a boat and leave others together with the captain. Luckily, they find themselves in a settlement composed of Spanish. This novel revolves around the survivors who claim that their captain had no authority over them once the ship got accident. Some of them made back home before their superiors.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Jack Aubrey / Stephen Maturin

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