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J.L. Bourne Books In Order

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J.L Bourne is the pen name of an active duty naval intelligence officer and aviator who is best known for the “Day by Day Armageddon” series.

Like many military guys, Bourne comes from a humble beginning, having grown up in rural Arkansas. The author was born in Fayetteville, where he grew up camping, hiking, and hunting in the hills of Arkansas.
Prior to enlisting in the Navy, he worked at a sawmill and hardware store. He would join the Navy as a 19-year-old, where he started working as a junior radioman. During his time in the Navy, he toured all over the Western Pacific and Japan.

He would finish his college degree while he was in the Navy and soon after decided that he would also attend Officer Candidate College. After graduating in 2003, he got his commission and toured in Iraq.
He was a member of several detachments of “Operation Iraqi Freedom” before he got into intelligence. Bourne is currently stationed in Florida and is an instructor of young naval officers.

As for how much research he does, J.L. Bourne has asserted that he hardly does any research. He likes to consider himself a simple, down-to-earth guy rather than a special operator.

However, he has more than two decades of experience working in the military. Over more than twenty years, he has gone on all manner of tours in the Pacific theaters and in the Middle East.
On these tours, he has had the opportunity to see and do all manner of interesting things, from which he finds inspiration for some of his works.

Bourne has also said that since he grew up in rural Arkansas, a lot of the survival and weapon tactics that he writes about come naturally to him.

Later on, he would get into the Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape school. It was here that he would pick up a lot more survival skills and strategies.

His years in the military have also been instrumental in inspiring his fiction works. As such, he often recommends that people travel and do interesting things if they want to become effective fiction authors.

J.L. Bourne has said that he does not intend to reveal his real identity any time soon. He has said that he does not want his literary career to complicate his military career which is perhaps why he chose to write under a pen name.

Given how much success he has achieved, he has been approached by Undead Labs the game developing studio who are working with him to enhance the Xbox One System’s State of Decay.

Bourne currently makes his home on the Gulf Coast where he can often be found toting a bowie knife and rifle on the same hills of Arkansas, where he spent his childhood.

After achieving a lot of success, he is still proud when he sees someone at the military barracks reading one of his novels.

J.L. Bourne’s novel “Day by Day Armageddon” introduces an American Naval officer that is embarking on a journey that is part of his New Year’s resolution.

The work starts out with some mundane reporting but there is a report on some influenza virus ravaging China. Soon enough, it comes out that this is the Zombie virus that has been spreading like wildfire.
These parts are some of the most interesting and realistic ones as there are media blackouts, breakdown of society, and bizarre measures taken by the American government to bring the apocalyptic virus under control.

In the early days, the lead spends much time detailing how he keeps his home secure as he locates and stockpiles ammunitions and weapons, collects water and food, and develops an alternative communication and power plan.
He is one of the super smart people who once worked in the military and he takes advantage of all he has learned to try to survive and protect himself. It is a daunting task with thousands if not millions of undead walking the streets.

Ultimately he teams up with John his neighbor and as they flee the city they team up with other survivors and proceed to try to confront all manner of post-apocalyptic challenges.

“Beyond Exile” by J.L. Bourne continues to follow the survivalist military officer as he confronts the many challenges in a post-apocalyptic world.

This work picks up from the events of the last journal as the lead and his community have found refuge in a nuclear missile silo underground they call Hotel 23. They are in high spirits as an attack by a hostile survivor group had been successfully repelled.

Once again, this story concentrates on the lead as different people come into and leave his life. The survivors who had become part of his community in the debut are still with him but they are not pivotal in this story.

In this work, there are more dramatic swings as the military takes a bigger role in the proceedings. While the lead and the people he has attracted to him could just hide at the underground silo, they do more than that.

The lead character is forced to make some tough decisions and take on some responsibilities outside the safety and security of Hotel 23.

J.L. Bourne’s novel “Shattered Hourglass” is the third work in the “Day by Day Armageddon” series. The novel expands on what was introduced in the first two novels of the series, as it introduces several new characters.

It also places greater emphasis on trying to make sense of the mysteries that came up in the preceding works. We also get to learn more about the origin of the virus in addition to information on how a remote breakaway group is doing.

The author also introduces several parallel storylines that feed into each other. Just like in the previous two works, it is an immersive storyline that was very real and engaging.
Making use of military jargon and survival strategies is particularly effective in developing realism in the story.

Book Series In Order » Authors » J.L. Bourne

One Response to “J.L. Bourne”

  1. Bob Belding: 2 years ago

    I have read your Armagedden series 3 time and love it.
    I hope there will be a new book in the series?




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