J.A. Jance Books In Order
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Publication Order of Joanna Brady Books
Publication Order of Ali Reynolds Books
Publication Order of Walker Family Mysteries Books
Hour of the Hunter | (1991) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Kiss of the Bees | (1993) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Day of the Dead | (2004) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Queen of the Night | (2010) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Dance of the Bones | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Blessing of the Lost Girls | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
After the Fire | (1984) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Midnight Louie Books
Catnap / Cat in an Alphabet Soup | (1992) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Pussyfoot / Cat in an Aqua Storm | (1993) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat On A Blue Monday | (1994) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Crimson Haze | (1995) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Diamond Dazzle | (1996) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat with an Emerald Eye | (1997) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Flamingo Fedora | (1997) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Golden Garland | (1997) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat on a Hyacinth Hunt | (1998) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives | (1998) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in an Indigo Mood | (1999) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Jeweled Jumpsuit | (1999) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Kiwi Con | (2000) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Leopard Spot | (2001) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Midnight Choir | (2002) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Neon Nightmare | (2003) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Midnight Louie In Something Fishy | (2003) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in an Orange Twist | (2004) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit | (2005) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Quicksilver Caper | (2006) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Red Hot Rage | (2007) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Sapphire Slipper | (2008) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Topaz Tango | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in an Ultramarine Scheme | (2010) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta | (2011) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Fruit of the Tomb | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a White Tie and Tails | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in an Alien X-Ray | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Yellow Spotlight | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in a Zebra Zoot Suit | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Cat in an Alphabet Endgame | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
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If you are reading the Midnight Louie series in chronological order, you will want to read the Cat and a Playing Card series prior to the Midnight Louie series. However, this is not required. |
Publication Order of The MatchUp Collection Books
Honor & ... | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Deserves to Be Dead | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Getaway | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Midnight Flame | (2018) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Short Story | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Past Prologue | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Faking a Murderer | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Dig Here | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Taking the Veil | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Rambo on Their Minds | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
Footloose | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon | ||
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Publication Order of Anthologies
Born in 1944 on the 27th of October, Judith Ann Jance was born in Watertown, South Dakota in the United States of America. Later she was raised in Bisbee in Arizona, a setting which would come to form the basis of many of her books in the years to come. Over the years she would harbor a strong love for both reading and writing, taking in much from the world around her, formulating many of her ideas to follow.
Attending the University of Arizona where she graduated from, she would focus herself on her craft with a serious sense of dedication. This would allow her to progress throughout the years in both style and tone, as she would gain the tools that she needed whilst studying. Over the course of these years she would also gain a vast amount of material to put into her work as well, shaping and refining it gradually and consistently.
Prior to becoming an author she would work as a school librarian upon a Native American reservation called Tohono O’Odham. After this she would go on to work as a teacher, before later becoming an insurance agent, leading on to her finally becoming a full-time author. It was all this experience though that would help shape her writing career today, allowing her to become the highly versatile novelist that she now is.
Living between Arizona and Seattle for different parts of each year, she still currently writes to this present day. Using her initials as her pen-name, she was advised not to give away her gender by her publisher who felt that readers might not appreciate a male detective story being written by a woman. This has become more open over the years though, as she has garnered critical and commercial success in equal measure, something which will continue for many years to come.
Starting out in 1985, she would bring out her first book titled ‘Until Proven Guilty’, which is title that would bring her to the attention of the public at large. This would also mark the first in the long-running J P Beaumont series of novels featuring the eponymous detective of the same name. Following his career over the course of the books, these novels would become the titles for which she’d probably be most famous for.
Taking up the majority of her backlog of work, the J P Beaumont is one of most successful and critically acclaimed series to date. Along with that, she has also produced a number of other highly popular detective series, such as the Brandon Walker franchise, along with the Joanna Brady and Alison Reynolds series too. These would all run for extended periods of time too, as she would go on to become a highly accomplished author of modern detective fiction.
Writing under a pen-name for the majority of her writing career, she is largely known by her initials, which was originally done in order to hide her gender. As her name has advanced with her reputation, along with progress being made, this has changed in recent years. With her brand now being a household name, she has become a commercial success worldwide, as well as a critical one.
Raising over $250,000 in the past, Judith Ann Jance has made a lot of money for various charities over the course of her career. This is done through book-signings which not only help her to raise money, but also build her name as an author too. Establishing a strong reputation, she has managed to effectively craft herself a career that is the envy of many an up-and-coming writer.
With a lot more to come, Jance doesn’t show any signs of stopping any time soon, as she maintains a strong profile within and throughout the literary community. Helping charities as well, she has requested that many book-stores donate a percentage of their earnings to charity during her book signings. This has lead to her becoming a much loved figure throughout the industry, as her legacy grows from strength-to-strength, on into the foreseeable future.
Cruel Intent Brought out through ‘Touchstone Books’ in 2008 on the 2nd of December, this was the fourth in the series of ‘Ali Reynolds’ novels. Following on in much the same vein as before, this sought to recapture the style and tone of the previous novels. Along with this it also provides a number of twists and turn, as well as developing the central character of Ali Reynolds herself. There’s a dating site called ‘singleatheart.com’ which seems innocent on the surface, but has a dangerous killer lurking underneath.
That’s when the forty-something e-newscaster and amateur sleuth Ali Reynolds steps onto the scene after a murder takes place involving the construction of her new home. Looking to prove her contractor Bryan’s innocence, she then takes it upon herself to clear his name and find the real killer. Will she find them? Can she stop them before they kill again? Who has cruel intent? Judgement Call Released through the Harper publishing label this was first brought out in 2012 to an already eager audience.
Marking the fifteenth title in the ongoing ‘Joanna Brady’ series of novels, this follows on from the previous books in the franchise. With many ideas from before it also makes some interesting developments of its own, making its own unique and interesting mark on the overall series. After the daughter of officer Joanna Brady uncovers the body of her school principle in the desert, a murder investigation is set underway.
Soon, though, it gradually transpires that her daughter may be more culpable in the murder than she initially thought or hoped. Separating her love for her daughter from her duty to upholding the law is harder than Brady could ever have imagined. Who really is guilty? Is Joanna Brady compromised? Can she make an effective judgement call??
Book Series In Order » Authors »
I listen to audio books while driving, working outside and while doing house work. J A Jance is one of my favorite authors. I saw her when she came to the Monroe, OR library. That was a treat to hear talk about her novels. I have listened to most of her books and have a collection of many of the hard back and soft back books. I have 61 of the incredible novels. J A Jance is the best!
“Found” Jance books several years ago. Have read all but the newest Beaumont and all but the latest three of Brady. Very enjoyable!!!!
I have come to the end of my list, too, BUT I just discovered that there are new J.A. Jance books, and another new one out in 2025. Yea!!
I have read and enjoyed many of JA Jance books. Love both Brady series and Beaumont series. Thank you for the hours of enjoyment.
I am having vision problems so listen to recorded books dàily. Love the J.A. Jance books but very sad that I hàve come to the end of the list. Whatever will I do now?
If you enjoy J.A. Jance books, you should try Micheal Connelly. His Bosch series is good as well as the Micky Haller and Renee Ballard series.
I’ve read and loved every book she has written and wait impatiently for each new one!
I would like you to know Ms Jance that I have been reading all the JP Beaumont books in order. Love him, love him. He is so human with faults, warts and all. I also especially enjoy Gene Engene thoroughly as the narrator. Thank you for keeping him throughout the series. Thank you, thank you.
Re: JA Jance = attended a lecture by this author in Avalon NJ tonight -delightful -but she never answered the question of how she sold her first novel at 38. I was interested in the process, rejection letters, edit woes, etc. I was struck by what a kind woman she appears to be. Maybe, a longtime friend from college you meet up with occasionally over the years, and realize you still like each other. Nice evening.