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Irish End Game Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Irish End Game Books

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The Irish End Game series is a series of highly successful novels based on the cozy mystery, thriller, and suspense genres. All the novels of this series are written by one of the bestselling American authors of the multiple genres named Susan Kiernan-Lewis. There is a total of seven books published in the series between the years 2001 and 2015. Each of the novels in the series is set between Jacksonville in Florida and Ireland. The main characters of all the novels of the series include a married couple from Jacksonville named David Woodson and Sarah Woodson, as well as their 10 year old son named John Woodson. The events in the plots of the series turn out to be quite interesting and suspenseful as the family goes on a vacation in Ireland, where they get stranded and forced to face all sorts of difficulties that they had never imagined to experience in their lives. When the Woodson family visits to stay in a small and rustic cottage in one of the rural areas of Ireland, they get involved in an unwanted international incident.

This forced them to get stranded in the unfamiliar place of the coastal Ireland region. In their attempt to survive and come out of the difficult situation on their own, the Woodson family members face a number of looters and opportunists. Their condition turns so bad that they get forced to face starvation for a few days. These difficult times make the members of the Woodson family get acquainted with the hard ways of life. Their miserable situation forces them to give up their luxuries and modern and corporate ways of living. They try to survive their difficult times with the help of the more unorthodox measures. During their testing times, David and Sarah Woodson comes across a number of other American citizens and families stranded in the coastal region of Ireland like themselves. Soon, they realize that they have to take some risky and desperate measures in order to get out alive from Ireland. They even seem to be quite desperate to get back to their normal modern world in Jacksonville, Florida, and avail their luxuries of life, including internet, electricity, cars, telephones, etc., from which they were deprived in the rural area of the coastal region of Ireland.

One of the initial novels in The Irish End Game series written by author Susan-Kiernan Lewis was published under the title ‘Heading Home’. It was released by the San Marco Press publishing house in the year 2013. The plot of this novel is also set in Ireland and Jacksonville in Florida, The United States. This novel once again features the central characters in the form of Sarah Woodson, David Woodson, and John Woodson, trying to get over from the nightmares of their difficult experiences of life during their vacation in Ireland. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, author Susan Kiernan-Lewis makes the readers intrigued by asking them what will happen if the only thing that you desperately pray for turns out to become the only thing that goes on to destroy you and the things that you love the most in your life? This is followed by the description of Sarah Woodson and her son named John Woodson, who are shown trying to live and adjust to their lives after witnessing a bomb blast a couple of years ago. They seem to have discovered that the small and little happiness of life can help to overcome the grieves, losses, and difficulties.

Working together, the mother and son pair go on to create a life full of hard work and fellowship, self pride and community well being, as well as good friendships all around them. Particularly for Sarah Woodson, the second phase of her life has brought some very good response as she has become successful in finding love again in her life. This was very much required by her after she lost her husband David Woodson in the bomb blast two years ago. While still living in the camp in Ireland along with other stranded people, Sarah and her son had begun thinking the camp to be their home for the rest of their lives. All their hopes of returning back to their home in The United States had diminished. But, as soon as a messenger visits the camp and gives the stranded people the news that the government of The United States has decided to gather all its stranded nationals and help them get back to their respective homes, the world of Sarah Woodson begins to crumble along with a few others who had developed an attachment with the camp area in Ireland. Sarah Woodson, her son John, and all the other stranded nationals of The United States had never thought that the one thing that they had prayed for so desperately would become the same thing that would destroy all that they worked very hard for building for the last two years in the camp.

One of the other initial novels of The Irish End Games series was published under the title ‘Blind Sided’. It was released in the year 2015 as a Kindle edition by author Susan Kiernan-Lewis. The plot of this novel continues to revolve around the life of Sarah Woodson and her son John Woodson, along with an additional character named Mike. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, it is shown that Sarah and Mike get to experience the outside world after spending around 4 years in the post apocalyptic world. After coming out, both of them knew one thing very well that nothing tends to remain the same forever. Just as they were thinking of settling down after overcoming their hardships, a new threat comes into their lives from an unexpected source. This time, Sarah Woodson and Mike do face problems from England, United States, Middle East, or the gypsies, but from the Ireland’s camp area itself. As a result, they are required to protect themselves from the very trees and bushes of Ireland. Now, they begin to think whether the bomb blast has opened a portal that was kept shut for a long time. Or whether the woods of Ireland really have mystical beings and fairies that everyone talks about so much. In the end, Mike and Sarah begin to suspect that the evil creeping out from the portal might be a human being threatening the others posing as a mystical being.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Irish End Game

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