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Hover Car Racer Books In Order

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Publication Order of Hover Car Racer Books

Hover Car Racer (Compilation of below books) (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Crash Course (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Full Throttle (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Photo Finish (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Writing fast paced, high-speed action thrillers for quite some time now, the Australian novelist Matthew Reilly is no stranger to the genre. Working to self-publish many of his own novels, he quickly made a success of himself, enabling him to become the highly popular author that he is today. With a number of commercially acclaimed franchises behind him, he’s got a number of fans all over the world, something which is growing day-by-day. One such series is that of the ‘Hover Car Racer’ franchise, which is a highly visual and fast-paced action series set in the future. Taking place sometime in the 21st century, it feature none other than the young Jason Chaser, as he takes up the national past-time of ‘hover car racing’. Combining both action and sports, it travels along at a fast and exciting pace not letting up, as it’s a story that readers have come to love and appreciate worldwide.

With a total of three books throughout its run, the ‘Hover Car Racer’ series of novels managed to build a lot of traction between 2004 and 2007. The first book to be released in the series was ‘Crash Course’ in 2004, followed by ‘Full Throttle’ and ‘Photo Finish’ afterwards. Gaining a lot of attention Disney have currently brought the rights to the franchise, with the main intention of turning it into a feature film.

You can purchase the book “Hover Car Racer” which compiles all three stories into the one book.

Crash Course

Initially brought out in 2005 on the 31st of May, this was originally released by Matthew Reilly himself. It was later brought out through the ‘Alladin Paperbacks’ publishing imprint after it gained some traction, with many readers discovering it fast. Setting up the fast-paced tone of the overall series, this really keeps readers hooked, making for a compelling and exciting read.

Featuring teenagers in Australia, primarily Tasmania, this is a book that manages to draw in readers both young and old. Fun for younger readers, it’s ideal for any readers with a love of classic adventure, as they root for the underdog to win against the odds. Making them feel the breakneck speeds conveyed in the novel, it really takes them along for the ride, allowing them to feel as if they’re there in the driving seat. The character of Jason Chaser himself is a classic young hero who, at only fourteen years of age, must deal with the insurmountable odds. Accompanied by his brother Bug, they must work together to win and achiever Chaser’s dream of becoming a long-time professional. This is harder than they’d first expected though, and they find themselves up against the odds, as the trials ahead really challenge them both. Set against the backdrop of Tasmania too, this really makes the most of its environment too, as it allows for high-speed races to take place. Watching the landscape zip by, it really works to the stories advantage, setting up a fun and action packed adventure. Reilly also appears to know the area really well too, describing it in great detail, as if it becomes a second character almost in the process.

With a love of hover car racing, the young Jason Chaser has his eyes clearly set on the prize, and he’s not going to let anything get in his way. Just fourteen years old he’s all set to take the world of hover car racing by storm, and the only thing standing in his way is the other players. Taking place in Australia, he’s faced with a set of difficult tasks if he ever hopes to achieve his ultimate dream and get what he wants. Will he ever become professional? Can he become a success? Is he on a crash course?

Full Throttle

Released in 2006 just one year after the first, this marks the second title in the ongoing ‘Hover Car Racer’ series of novels. Continuing on directly from the last, this works as a sequel, as it seeks to develop both the characters and the world of the overall franchise. Brought out on the 24th of October, this was published through the Aladdin publishing label once more to much acclaim.

Much like the first novel, this manages to take the action to the next level in another exciting and fun adventure for all ages. Using the same breakneck style once more too, it travels along extremely fast, allowing the reader to feel as if they’re really once again too. Working essentially as a piece of escapism, it does everything that it sets out to do, telling a good story that is both gripping and compelling in equal measure. The characters themselves return too, as Jason Chaser moves on to Italy this time, seeing what the rest of the world beyond Tasmania has to offer him. Testing him with the culture shock, Reilly has a lot of fun with the fish-out-of-water element to the story that this brings too. In regards to the other characters too, it manages to create a sense of tension, as Chaser feels that he must work to prove himself. Italy itself is also extremely well realized, as it’s brought to life in full glorious color over the course of the novel, creating an almost exotic feel in the process.

With advice from his instructor Scott Syracuse to ‘never give up, never say die’, Jason Chaser is this time taking on the ‘Sponsors’ Tournament’. Facing up against his arch-rival Xavier Xonora, he soon finds himself gaining a sponsor for the forthcoming ‘Italian Run’. Then he must deal with the ‘International Racing School’, and the race fever that’s gripping Italy, with all the glamor and the glitz of the high-life that awaits him. How will he cope with the culture shock? Can he keep his head above water? Will he go full throttle?

The Hover Car Racer Series

A great example of its genre, this particular series follows all the beats expected of such a novel, as it manages to keep the reader entertained throughout. Reilly clearly has a passion for the subject, as well as having a lot of fun, as this shines through on each and every page. With the film rights currently being owned by Disney, it seems there’s a lot of room for the franchise to continue growing in the future.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Hover Car Racer

2 Responses to “Hover Car Racer”

  1. HELEN FULLER: 4 years ago

    I am a Teacher Librarian who is desperately trying to purchase/work out the Matthew Reilly Hovercar Racer Series. I am really confused regarding title names and I am hoping you can shed some light. I have a book titled Hover Car Racer published by Pan Macmillan in 2005 with 438 pages. In your blurb above it list Hover Car Racer, Crash Course, Full Throttle and Photo Finish (4 books)- but your review talks about there being 3 books in the series. I cannot locate details anywhere regarding the series structure – which is leading me to believe that the original publication was re-published in three parts. Is this assumption correct or are there in fact 4 books? (or some other explanation!!) Thak in advance.

    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      Hi Helen,

      Apologies for any confusion and I will update the text above to make it clear.

      The book “Hover Car Racer” is a compilation of all three of the books in the series which are Crash Course, Full Throttle, and Photo Finish. So that book compiles all three of those into one. So yes you are correct 🙂


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