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Helen Fields Books In Order

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Publication Order of D.I. Callanach Books

Publication Order of Eve MacKenzie's Demons Books

The Immolation of Eve(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Vengeance of Legion(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Helen Sarah Fields Standalone Novels

These Lost & Broken Things(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Shadow Man(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Girl to Die(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Institution(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Profiler / Profile K(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Helen Fields is a published author.

Helen Fields originally studied law. After that, she worked as a barrister for over a decade. She is currently a successful author and also runs her media company with her spouse.

Fields first became a writer in print with the release of her first novel, Perfect Remains. It came out in early 2017 and quickly climbed through the ranks to become a best seller on Amazon. It is a crime mystery novel and the first in a series featuring a Scottish detective.

Helen Fields resides with her husband David in Hampshire. They have children together and two dogs. She has a deep love of licorice in addition to writing books and reading them.

She has also self published some of her fantasy books as part of her journey. Helen decided that she wanted to go even further and now has a literary representative.

Helen Fields is the creator and the author of the D.I. Callanach series. This engaging murder mystery meets crime fiction kicked off with the release of the first book, titled Perfect Remains. The novel came out in 2017 and was nominated for a McIlvanney Prize.

Perfect Remains is the first book in the D.I. Callanach mystery series. In this debut story, readers get the chance to meet the main character for the first time.

There is no question that Luc Callanach is good at what he does. It’s his job to solve crimes for a living. He’s assigned to cases and it is his professional responsibility to make sure that missing persons or murders or unusual deaths are investigated and hopefully ultimately wrapped up neatly and solved– although someone in his position usually knows all too well that this is not the case.

Elaine Buxton has certainly run out of luck, and she will never again experience what it is like to be or feel anything. Her body is burning out there on a Highland mountain in the remote wilderness. This lawyer has come to her end, but who did it and why would they commit such a horrible act against another human being?

In cases such as these, there is usually some type of motive and the suspect would presumably be an individual that was close to her or involved in Elaine’s life in some way. When she was living, Elaine Buxton had a respectable career as a lawyer and her peers thought highly of her. Could it be some type of disgruntled client or someone involved with a case that had a grudge?

Though she once walked in life, now all that there is to identify the woman are a bit of clothing and her dental records. It’s a sad state of affairs and the crime is simply tragic while at the same time extremely vexing and distressing for those who knew her.

No one has any idea that she might still be out there. A burning corpse of a person usually seems pretty open and shut. Elaine might still be out there, and if anyone might be able to find her, it is Luc Callanach. The Detective Inspector has just been given a nice new office but has barely time to enter it when the case of a missing person is upgraded to murder.

The investigation ends up coming across his own desk and now Luc has his work cut out for him. He left Interpol and his thriving career to come here and he wants to show the new team that he’s capable of handling the job. With any luck he will do as well here as he did in Lyon.

Edinburgh is a little bit different than Lyon, and here the killer of Elaine is hiding well. They’ve not only covered their tracks but they have been extremely careful about it and done a thorough job. No one has any idea that Elaine could still be alive and is currently being hidden somewhere in Edinburgh. The detective inspector suspects that the killer is still out there and only hopes that he’ll be able to find more leads before they strike again.

When another woman that is a professional in her field disappears, the inspector gets worried. She got taken right from her very own doorstep. Just like that, Luc is in a race to find a killer before it’s too late. The detective now believes that he is in a race against time, and he has to do whatever it takes to figure out whether Elaine and the other woman are alive or dead– and who is responsible for their disappearances in the first place.

He has no idea where this case will take him. Can he recover the missing women and discover the truth about what is going on once and for all? Will Luc ever be able to find out the facts about this case and the women’s fate? Follow his steps and find out by picking up the first story in the Callanach series to see for yourself what happens!

Perfect Prey is the exciting sequel in the Callanach series of fictional novels by author Helen Fields. Rock and roll is said to soothe the soul, but sometimes, things just don’t go the way that they’re supposed to.

A rock festival turns deadly one day when someone strikes. Now a worker is dead, killed from a laceration across his stomach. There were thousands of people there that day, but no one saw who did it. The next week, a school teacher’s body is discovered, discarded in an alley dumpster in Edinburgh. She was strangled by her scarf, apparently.

D.I. Callanach is working with his new partner, Ava Turner. The two inspectors don’t know who did it and are coming up short on the leads. They don’t even have a motive.

When graffiti appears in the city with words that seem linked to the case, the words seem to be describing those that were killed. The two are perplexed, but then they figure it out. The words show up before the murders, not after. Can they use this information to catch a killer? Read this book to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Helen Fields

11 Responses to “Helen Fields”

  1. Elaine Frost: 2 years ago

    Always stuck to same authors,you get to know they are a good read.My new best author is now Helen Fields.just reading Perfect is brill, but I think…think I know who the murderer is around page.?0 won’t give it away ..thanks for a very good continuing read

  2. Lois Benner: 3 years ago

    I just finished reading One for Sorrow and loved it, but naturally didn’t like the cliffhanger ending. Please tell me there will be another Ava and Luc book. When will it be coming out? I’ve read the rest of them and really loved them and appreciated the writing.

  3. Jayne: 3 years ago

    Loved them all but we’re the one called perfect dark

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      I don’t believe a book was ever released under that title. I think that was tentatively the 2020 book title which ended up being Perfect Kill.

  4. Amanda Jones: 3 years ago

    Just finished reading One for sorrow…. Brilliant. Will they be another book soon please xx

  5. Beverley Hatcher: 3 years ago

    Is there a seventh book in the Callanach series? I see that the eight is coming out in 2022. I really enjoy this series and always look forward to the next one.

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Currently just the 6 above. One for Sorrow will be the 7th book in the series.

      • Beverley Hatcher: 3 years ago

        Thanks, I’ll be looking forward to reading this!

  6. ANGELA SHELBY: 4 years ago


  7. Lin Larsen: 4 years ago

    Love the Perfect books.
    However, at the end of Perfect Crime there was a taster of a new book titled Perfect Dark but I can’t find it for sale/ Help!

    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      I believe that was a working title and it was changed to Perfect Kill.


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