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Heather Dune Macadam Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Weeping Buddha(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Rena's Promise (With: Rena Kornreich Gelissen)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
999(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nine Hundred(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Crossed (With: Simon Worrall)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Children's Books

Will and the Magic Mirror(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Heather Dune Macadam is a bestselling author of memoir, nonfiction and literary fiction works that is best known for the 2020 published work 999.

Before she became a bestselling author, Macadam was a dancer and performance artist with the Martha Graham Contemporary Dance Company.

Heather was unfortunate enough to get into an accident that resulted in the premature end of her performance career. She would then decide to switch to fiction writing.

While she had been a fairly quiet person as a dancer and performer, ever since she discovered that she could write she has never shut up.

Macadam published “Rena’s Promise” her debut work in 1995, but it would not be until she penned “999” in 2020 that she blew up and would go on to become one of the leading figures in the literary world.
Publishing under Kensington Citadel Press, her novel was very popular on Bookbuzz and in 2019 it would make the list of the top 10 nonfiction works for the Winter/Fall season.

The memoir would also go ahead to be translated into more than a dozen languages and was released in several other jurisdictions including by Stoughton and Hodder in the United Kingdom.
It has also been optioned and is due to be made into a documentary by the same name.

Ever since she published “Rena’s Promise” in 1995, Heather Dune Macadam has come to be known as one of the leading voices talking about the Holocaust.

The work was co-written in Auschwitz with the 716th woman but it would take more than two decades before it took off.

It was only in 2012 that the digital edition of the work became a bestselling tile as it went viral topping Memoir and Holocaust lists on Amazon.

Earlier on, Heather had gotten into fiction writing and in the year 2000, “The Weeping Buddha” was published. Unlike her previous works, this was a murder mystery set in Chinatown New York, where the author and her loft mates lived.

One of the roommates at the loft had gone missing after going for a walk never to be found. The work was nominated for a Nero Wolf Best Mystery in 2002.

Heather Dune has been published and featured in many prestigious publications.

Some of these include the likes of Newsweek, The New York Times, Marie Claire, National Geographic, The Daily Mail, and The Guardian UK. Heather has also regularly appeared on All Things Considered on NPR.

Heather is the holder of a creative writing master’s degree, has received a PEN American stipend, and a Savannah College of Art and Design Presidential Grant for Research.
Heather Dune Macadam was named the 1995 and 1996 Outstanding Writer of the Year. Heather is now the president and director of Rena’s Promise Foundation and for more than five years he ran the Rena Promise International Creative Writing Camp.

This was an organization that reached out to children at risk and helped them discover their talents. Some of the prominent people she has worked with include Simon Worrall, Melissa Banks, Simon Van Booy, Halley Feiffer, and David Sobel.

She currently divides her time between Herefordshire in the United Kingdom and the Hamptons in the United States, where she loves to regularly visit the Cornwall Arms and Hay Literary Festival.

Heather Dune Macadam’s novel “Rena’s Promise” is a brilliant work that showcases how much the human constitution can be pushed.

The work captures Rena’s life before the 1939 invasion of Poland by the Nazis. It then follows her life as she lived in a concentration camp, where she endured many indignities until she was freed in 1943.
Rena Kornreich shows her life as she illustrated how many lives often hung by a threat. She asserts that many simply willed themselves to die and they usually did.
However, Rena never gave up on life for the most part because she needed to protect Danka her sister that was brought to the camp shortly after she arrived. She needed to ensure that Danka made it and got back to their parents after it was all over.

The account is also an illustration of the extremes of human cruelty. They had to live under constant fear not just of death, but also of experimentation and merciless torment.
One of the best things about this work is the brilliant recap of the lead’s sights, interactions, specific details, and survival techniques.

“999” by Heather Dune Macadam is a work set in 1942 where about 1000 unmarried Jewish women board a train headed to Poprad, Slovakia.

They had all been told that they would be given government jobs at a factory. But upon arriving at their destination, they are all herded into the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Very few of the women would survive the ordeal as they would be worked by the Nazis as slave labor. They did not have any input on their destiny as they were female and even worse Jewish.

In this novel, Heather Macadam tells intricate details of what happened in the concentration camps. She draws upon the interviews she did with victims, families, and witnesses from the USC Shoah testimonies.
It is clear that some work assignments were to an extent more comfortable and safer than others, which meant some people survived while others did not.

Illness was often a death sentence that could be deadlier than the whims of the guards even though those that survived also never had it so easy.

It is an important account of the horror of the Nazi Holocaust that adds to the literature that the world needs to never again repeat such mistakes.

Heather Dune Macadams’ novel “The Weeping Buddha” is set on Long Island New York on New Year’s Eve.

The leads are Lochwood Brennen and Devon Helsey who are secret lovers and also detectives that find themselves in the middle of the brutal murder of one of their best friends.

The thing that has haunted Devon’s life for years is crystalizing and as she investigates she studies the carvings on the body of the victim and believes they are Koans.

It makes for a convoluted mystery that has found inspiration from a real-life story of a disappearance.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Heather Dune Macadam

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