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Hannah Mary McKinnon Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Time After Time(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Neighbors(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Her Secret Son(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sister Dear(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Will Remember Me(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Never Coming Home(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Revenge List(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Only One Survives(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Hannah Mary McKinnon
Hannah Mary McKinnon is a mystery author who was born in the UK. McKinnon and her family later moved to Switzerland, where she spent most of her youth before later moving to Canada. After a long and successful career, McKinnon decided to leave the corporate world for her first love, writing. Her first novel was published in 2016, and the talented author now has an impressive list of publications to her name. Currently, McKinnon lives in Ontario with her husband and their three boys. She enjoys chocolate, cheese, the mountains, and of course, books.

The Neighbors
The Neighbors tell the story of three people and the events that shaped their lives. In 1992, Abby and her brother were going home after a night of fun when their car crushes. Abby survives, thanks to the man who pulls her out just before the car explodes. Unfortunately, her brother is not as lucky. Abby never forgives herself for her brother’s death. Her mother doesn’t forgive her either, and just when Abby is about to give up, her guardian angel shows up yet again. The man who pulled her out of the wreckage, Nate, turns into her husband. While Nate did all he could, given the circumstances, he also felt guilty that he did not manage to save Abby’s brother. It is the shared guilt that brings this couple together.

Twenty years have passed, and Abby and Nate are still happily married. Abby left all she knew to start her life afresh, and things have been going great for the couple. Nate and Abby even have a teenage daughter together. When another couple moves to the house next door, Abby and Nate are all too happy to meet their new neighbors. However, Abby is shocked to discover that one of the neighbors is no stranger to her. Her ex-fiancé and the man she considered her soulmate had just moved his family next door. Liam and Abby decide to act like strangers and pretend that they have never met. However, this will not be as easy as it sounds. When memories from the past start flooding, Abby and Liam find it hard to keep the promise they made to each other.

This is an intriguing domestic fiction story that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Told from different timelines and POVs, this story will capture your attention from the first page and hold it all the way to the end. The ending is quite explosive, and once the dark secrets start being exposed, the tension rises to exhilarating levels. Abby’s story is sad, and, amazingly, Nate shows up just at the right time to save her from despair. Just when their marriage couldn’t get better, Liam re-enters Abby’s life, and the havoc that this second meeting creates is unimaginable. What will happen when Nate discovers that Liam is part of Abby’s past?

The Neighbors is a fun yet horrifying read. Once you get into the story, you will find yourself turning curious to read what happens next. The author has done a great job of developing the characters, so it is easy to fall in love and identify with them. If you are looking for an engaging read to fill a boring weekend, this book is perfect. The story is close to 380 pages, so you can enjoy it all in a single weekend.

Sister Dear
Sister Dear tells the story of Eleanor Hardwicke, a woman going through one hell of a time. When she loses her father to cancer, Eleanor is devastated. To make things worse, Elanor discovers that the only parent she loved is not even her biological father. Eleanor was the product of an affair, and her father was still alive, living the perfect life with his family. As you can guess, Eleanor’s father did not want anything to do with her. As her life spirals out of control, Eleanor gets desperate to meet her father only to discover that he has a daughter, the same age as her.

Her half-sister, Victoria, has everything Eleanor could only dream about. From a loving childhood to a beautiful home, Victoria has it all, and much more. Eleanor cannot help but feel that she deserves to live just like her enviable half-sister. Determined to take back the life she thinks she deserves, Eleanor comes with a solid plan that ends up leading her down a dark hole. Things worsen the more Eleanor infiltrates Victoria’s life, explaining why the book starts with her in Jail. What did this young woman do to warrant jail time? Is there any hope that Eleanor can turn her life around and enjoy it for a change?
This is a gripping, depressing, heart throbbing, and intense read. The author paints a great portrait of the heroine, and it is easy to feel sorry for her considering all she had been through. From growing up with a mother who body-shamed her every chance she got to losing her beloved father, Eleanor goes through it all. Things get depressing when she continues to turn her life into hell in every chapter. Where does the downward spiral lead her? The rest of the cast is just as captivating. You will love meeting Victoria while wishing that Eleanor’s mother and biological father would have made better choices.
Sister Dear is an intense story that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Things get so crazy at some point that it will be impossible to put the book down. The power of this novel lies in the way it portrays its characters. All are well developed, easy to identify with, and their stories are so touching that they will stay with you long after you are done reading the book. It is hard not to feel sorry for Eleanor and cringe every time she makes yet another bad decision. The twist towards the end is fun, and the ending will leave you with an evil grin on your face. Want a compelling, cleverly layered, and dramatic page-turner? This book is perfect.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Hannah Mary McKinnon

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