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Hammond Innes Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Air Disaster(1937)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Doppelganger(1937)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sabotage Broadcast(1938)Description / Buy at Amazon
All Roads Lead to Friday(1939)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Trojan Horse(1940)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wreckers Must Breathe / Trapped(1940)Description / Buy at Amazon
Attack Alarm(1941)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dead and Alive(1946)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Killer Mine(1947)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lonely Skier / Fire in the Snow(1947)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blue Ice(1948)Description / Buy at Amazon
Maddon's Rock / Gale Warning(1948)Description / Buy at Amazon
The White South / The Survivors(1949)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Angry Mountain(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cocos Gold (As: Ralph Hammond)(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
Air Bridge(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
Campbell's Kingdom(1952)Description / Buy at Amazon
Black Gold on the Double Diamond (As: Ralph Hammond)(1953)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Strange Land / The Naked Land(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wreck of the Mary Deare(1956)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Land God Gave to Cain(1958)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Doomed Oasis(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
Atlantic Fury(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Strode Venturer(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Levkas Man(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Golden Soak(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
North Star(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Big Footprints(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Voyage(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
Solomons Seal(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Black Tide(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
High Stand(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
Medusa(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Isvik(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Target Antarctica(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Delta Connection(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Publication Order of LIFE World Library Books

with Elizabeth Bishop, D.W. Brogan, Hugh Thomas, LIFE LIFE, Stanley Karnow, Colin MacInnes
Atlas of the World (By: LIFE LIFE)(0)Description / Buy at Amazon
France (By: D.W. Brogan)(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
Southeast Asia (By: Stanley Karnow)(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Brazil (By: Elizabeth Bishop)(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Scandinavia(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Australia and New Zealand (By: Colin MacInnes)(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spain (By: Hugh Thomas)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Harvest of Journeys(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sea and Islands(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Conquistadors(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hammond Innes Introduces Australia(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hammond Innes' East Anglia(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Far Horizons(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Vincent Van Gogh (As:Ralph Hammond)(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Personal Encounters (As:Ralph Hammond)(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Hammond Innes is an English author of fiction. His pen name is Hammond Innes, but his full name is Ralph Hammond Innes. He has composed over thirty novels in the genre of fiction and has also written some travel books and children’s books. He was born on July 15, 1913, in Sussex.

When he was younger, Innes attended Kent’s Cranbrook School. He left in 1931 at the prospect of some journalism work with the Financial News (what it was called at the time). His debut in publishing was with his novel Air Disaster, which was released in 1937.

It was quickly followed by The Doppelganger. Innes did not rely on writing alone and during World War II served in the Royal Artillery, where he became promoted to major. Many of Hammond Innes’ books were actually published during the war, including the 1941 novel Attack Alarm, which was based on a lot of what was happening during the war.

Attack Alarm had a lot of personal experiences to draw on for it with Innes, as it drew quite a lot from his actual time spent working at RAF Kenley shooting aircraft down. Innes eventually was discharged in 1946 from service. He easily transitioned into the civilian life, spending a lot of time writing and working full-time thanks to the success of the books that had been published prior to and during the war.

Readers and critics have lauded Innes’s novels for their attention to accurate details when describing places and events. Eventually, Hammond Innes would produce books quite regularly. He would travel for six months and then follow it up with another six months spent writing. Apparently, this was quite a good strategy as it kept him in business for quite some time! A lot of his work was about events at sea. As the sixties came about, Innes still put out work, although not at the pace that he had before. He also became curious about themes of ecology and wove those into his work.

Innes’ work in the thriller genre stands out because his protagonists were not the same as the typical literary heroes of the day. The main characters and heroes of the books were usually ordinary, everyday guys that had been placed into unusual or extreme scenarios through chance and simple circumstance. This could be arriving or finding yourself in a negative situation where the cards are stacked against you, such as the open sea, or becoming involved with secrets or conspiracies involving a greater conflict.

In these scenarios, the characters must do what they can to get out of the scenario and make the best of their resources and it is their choices rather than fancy weapons or the use of technologies that usually have them ending up on top. Innes was awarded the title of a C.B.E. in 1978.

He has also been honored with an award for Lifetime Achievement in Omaha, Nebraska at the Boucheron XXIV Awards in 1993. Hammond Innes was writing up until his passing in 1998. His last novel that was released was Delta Connection, put out in 1996. There were four feature-length films made based on Hammond Innes’s work as well. The 1973 book Golden Soak was turned into a six-part series for television that aired in 1979 as well.

Hammond Innes has written six books of nonfiction, mostly on travel and concerning the sea. His first nonfiction book was Harvest of Journeys and it was released in 1960. His last nonfiction novel published was The New Yorker Desk Diary, published in 1995.

He has also contributed to two anthologies in his lifetime of work, The Ghost’s Companion and Sixty-Five Great Tales of the Supernatural. He also edited the anthology Tales of Old Inns and had his work showcased in Selected Work. An omnibus of his stories Medusa and The Doomed Oasis was released in 2003. Medusa was first published in 1988 and is available still as part of Innes’s omnibus release.

It is a gripping tale that is set on the exotic island of Menorca, located in the Mediterranean Sea. While this would seem like a perfect paradise, the truth is that the island is dealing with high levels of tension right now thanks to the political environment.The main character of this story is Mike Steele. He used to have a lot of adventures and has been all over the world. Will he be able to survive and thrive in an exotic environment?

Follow every bit of the action in this adventure and exotic travel book from Innes, who has been to many of the places he writes about. He has no problem with bringing them to life right off the pages for the reader. See for yourself by picking up the Medusa/The Doomed Oasis combined release and seeing whether Mike Steele is able to triumph over adversity or if he will fall by the wayside with a few harsh twists of fate.

The second story in the Harold Innes omnibus is The Doomed Oasis. In this story, the reader goes all the way from Wales to the dry and desolate deserts of Arabia. The main character in this tale is a lawyer named Aubrey Grant. Besides being extremely immersed in his work, Grant has been caught up in the lives of not only the Colonel Whitaker but David, his illegitimate son, too. Both of them have come to Aubrey Grant with the same goal in mind.

They want his help to try and do what they can to save a woman named Saraifa from the clutches of the feuding neighboring tribesman. With feuds lasting hundreds of years, the trio does not have that long to save her. The team must work quickly and come up with a plan that is going to really work if they want to get Saraifa back.

Grant is simply an ordinary man working as an attorney, but his help is necessary if the mission is to be successful. Even though he is a regular guy, he gets caught up in events that are beyond his control. Can he succeed and help safe Saraifa from the tribes? Pick up this exciting omnibus to find out what happens!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Hammond Innes

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