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Hal Elrod Books In Order

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Publication Order of Miracle Morning Books

The Miracle Morning(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning Journal(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents (With: Honoree Corder,Jay Kinder,Michael Reese)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Salespeople (With: Honoree Corder,Ryan Snow)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers (With: Pat Petrini,Honoree Corder)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Writers (With: Steve Scott,Honoree Corder)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Salespeople Companion Guide (With: Honoree Corder,Ryan Snow)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning Art of Affirmations (With: Honoree Corder,Brianna Greenspan,Paul Joy)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs (With: Honoree Corder,Cameron Herold)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship (With: Honoree Corder,Stacey Martino,Paul Martino)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for College Students (With: Honoree Corder,Natalie Janji)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for College Students Companion Planner(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning Companion Planner (With: Honoree Corder,Natalie Janji)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Miracle Morning Millionaires (With: Honoree Corder,David Osborn)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery (With: Anna David,Joe Polish,Honoree Corder)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Couples (With: Honoree Corder,Lance Salazar,Brandy Salazar)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Teachers (With: Honoree Corder)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families (With: Honoree Corder,Mike McCarthy,Lindsay McCarthy)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Taking Life Head On!(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Miracle Equation(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cancerpreneur (With: David Wagner,Pam Hendrickson)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Hal Elrod is the author of one of the most popular and highly rated books on Amazon titled Miracle Morning. The book has been translated into over 37 languages, garnered over 3000 five-star ratings, and impacted over two million people in more than 70 countries. Hal literary died at the age of 20 years after he was involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver at 70mph. His heart stopped for six minutes, he broke 11 bones and woke from a coma after 6 days in the hospital. His doctors told him he would never walk again, but not only did Hal manage to walk again, but he also ran a 52-mile marathon and became an international keynote speaker, famous business achiever, husband, father, and author before turning 30 years.

In late 2016, Hal Elrod nearly died after his lungs, kidney, and heart almost failed after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and given a 30% survival chance. After enduring the most challenging part of his life, Hal is now cancer-free and focusing on his mission as The Miracle Morning founder, the producer of the Miracle Morning movie, and host of Achieve your goals podcast.

In his debut book, The Miracle Morning, Hal utilizes straightforward techniques aiming at achieving transformative outcomes. According to Hal, morning is the most important time of the day. Therefore, the rest of your life will greatly improve if you can effectively enhance your morning routine. He describes how he overcame a car accident-related prognosis of incapacity and brain damage to living a life full of possibility and accomplishment.

The majority of Americans are not achieving their full potential in life. They are overweight than they should be, have more debt, and are alone more often. Hal argues that the Social Security Administration provides a case study that illustrates how far people are from reaching their potential. There will only be one affluent person and four financially stable if you monitor 100 people for 40 years. Comparatively, 36 will have passed away, 54 will still depend on friends and family, and five will be required to work their entire lives. In essence, 95% of individuals do not.

Hal offers himself as a demonstration of how everyone might begin realizing their potential. Hal died after a vehicle accident for six minutes. He then lay in a coma for several days. Doctors told him he’d have chronic head trauma and couldn’t walk again when he awoke. Hal persevered, though, and eventually made a full recovery. Rather than wasting time dreaming of a different existence, he realized his potential and built the lifestyle of his dreams. Your thought patterns and performance are closely related. As a result, you might not achieve your full potential because of how you think about your life. Most of us tend to concentrate our thoughts on past events. Hal refers to this tendency as Rearview Mirror Syndrome (R.M.S.)

People frequently look to the past to dictate their future, which is among the major problems resulting from R.M.S. Let’s say a person with R.M.S. learns about a fresh opportunity. If that is the case, they will decline them since they have never had these opportunities. Hal cites the example of individuals who encounter a wonderful potential partner but reject them due to previous failed relationships.

Additionally, our propensity to isolate occurrences keeps us from reaching our full potential. Disconnecting episodes from other incidents and your future includes isolating experiences. Hal gives an illustration of someone who postpones working out. Many times, folks tell themselves they’ll work out today or tomorrow. However, these individuals fail to remember how their choices will affect the person they become. They are becoming into a person who is content to delay pressing tasks in place of comfort. To increase your motivation, Hal suggests a few ideas you should include in your morning routine.

Assure yourself that you’ll wake up the next morning feeling rested before bed. A positive outlook on the following day will make getting up less of a chore. Position the alarm clock on the side of the room opposite where you want to sleep. Make the decision to silence the alarm more difficult than the decision to go back to sleep. Brush your teeth when you leave the bed and turn off your alarm. After waking up, brushing your teeth should make you feel refreshed. Drink a glass of water as quickly as you can. We lose a lot of water overnight, so we need to replenish it. We may feel more fatigued if we are dehydrated. People are delighted to skip an exercise because they are kinder to themselves when they think of isolated occurrences. But if you consider everything that has happened, you’ll see that exceptions are starting to happen more frequently.

The Life S.A.V.E.R.S.—Silence, Affirmation, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing—are the focus of the MM. We can feel better and function better throughout the day if we get up an hour earlier than normal and accomplish these things. If there isn’t much time, we can finish the book in roughly 6 minutes, with one minute allotted for each chapter. How we communicate with ourselves is crucial. Our unconscious self-talk trains our brains. Therefore, positive affirmations may be used to better our life. Hal suggests the steps below to begin using positive messages in your life.

1. Describe how you envision your life in the future. Ensure that you address as many aspects of your life as possible.

2. Consider why you desire these things

3. Determine your level of commitment to doing whatever it takes to achieve your life goals.

4. Reading them loudly at least once daily is recommended after drafting these affirmations.

Although Hal advocates particular practices, he also suggests adapting your morning routine to your requirements. For instance, you may exercise longer than the recommended 20 minutes each morning. Additionally, you may like to favor one action over the other; this is OK as long as you incorporate all the habits.

Furthermore, some individuals may not have a traditional morning routine. Hal travels frequently, so it guarantees that he can maintain his habits wherever he is. Therefore, he brings yoga classes, a book, and a diary everywhere he travels. Similarly, shift workers may have difficulty waking up in the morning.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Hal Elrod

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