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Graham Joyce Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Dreamside(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Sister(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
House of Lost Dreams(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Requiem(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Tooth Fairy(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stormwatcher(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leningrad Nights(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Indigo(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Smoking Poppy(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Facts of Life(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Limits of Enchantment(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
T.W.O.C.(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Do The Creepy Thing / The Exchange(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Three Ways to Snog an Alien(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
How to Make Friends with Demons(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Memoirs of a Master Forger(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Devil's Ladder(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Silent Land(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Some Kind of Fairy Tale(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ghost in the Electric Blue Suit / The Year of the Ladybird(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

with Peter F. Hamilton
Eat Reecebread (Interzone #86 August 1994) (With: Peter F. Hamilton)(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Black Dust(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Partial Eclipse(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales for a Dark Evening(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
25 Years in the Word Mines(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Web - 2027 Books

Gulliverzone (By: Stephen Baxter)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dreamcastle (By: Stephen Bowkett)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Untouchable (By: Eric Brown)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spiderbite(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lightstorm (By: Peter F. Hamilton)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sorceress (By: Maggie Furey)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Graham Joyce

A British writer of speculative fiction, Graham Joyce was known for writing science-fiction and horror fantasy novels. Writing across a whole range of different genres he was a hugely imaginative novelist, capturing a number of engaging themes and ideas in his work. Creating himself a strong and lasting legacy that’s appreciated worldwide, his work continues to stand the test of time to this very day. Knowing his audience well, his writing has gone on to be admired all over the world, with him being a household name for many.

Writing both short and long stories, he was hugely versatile, really making a powerful impact with both his words and his work overall. Taking in a wide array of different themes, he would prove to be an enormously gifted novelist, with many of his genres overlapping. Many fellow science-fiction and fantasy writers have cited him and his work as a huge influence, along with his horror writing as well. Often using the idea of folklore in his work to get his message across, he use the traditional conventions of the genre to create something quite new in the process.

He would work across a variety of different mediums too, with some of his books being adapted for the big-screen. There would also be his work with video-games too, something which clearly showed his range as a fiction writer. Highly gifted as a storyteller, he would definitely make the most of his talents, really pushing the format to its fullest potential. Still admired by both fellow writers and the general public alike, his legacy continues to grow, as he inspires many around the world.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1954 on the 22nd of October, Graham Joyce was born and raised just outside of Coventry in a small mining town there. Coming from a working-class family, he would go on to attend Bishop Lonsdale College, graduating with a Bed degree in 1977. Following this he would go on to attend the University of Leicester in 1980, before working as a youth officer until 1988 for the National Association of Youth Clubs.

Teaching creative writing at Nottingham Trent University from 1996, where he would also gain a PhD degree by publication. Passing away on the 9th of September in 2014 from lymphoma, he would write a number of essays on his condition and his own reaction to it. Living with his wife Suzanne Johnsen, they would have two children, Ella and Joseph, as his work continues to live on.

Writing Career

The first book that Graham Joyce would see published was titled ‘Dreamside,’ and this would have elements of horror to it. Largely writing stand-alone titles, he’d publish a number books that weren’t a part of any series as such, although he would write for several collections and collaborations. Writing several short-stories too, he’d see his work published in a number of different outlets and prestigious publications.

His work was somewhat difficult to classify, with numerous critics attempting to pin down his work over the years. There would be several themes and ideas he would continually return to though, such as grief, loss, and the power of familial bonds. Winning countless awards throughout his career too, he would receive a number of them from the British Fantasy Society, along with World Fantasy awards and nominations, making him one of the most acclaimed authors of his generation.

Some Kind of Fairy Tale

Initially coming out through the Doubleday publishing imprint in 2012 on the 10th of July, this would be a stand-alone title. Using fantasy elements, it has a fairy tale element to it, much like its title describes, with it being set in the modern day. There is a playful quality to it, but there are some darker underpinnings to it, with a it having a rich and evocative atmosphere throughout.

One Christmas Peter Martin is called to the home of his parents away from his own family, as he’s told of the return of a figure from his past. Coming home after twenty years, his sister Tara disappeared into the woods and now she’s back, seeming just the same and youthful as when she vanished. While she seems happy on the surface, Peter and his best friend Richie, once Tara’s boyfriend feels there’s something different about her. Why does her attention seem to be off with the faeries, what is it about the woods that still attracts her, and is this really some kind of fairy tale?

This book is an extremely interesting take on the fairy tale, really bringing up a number of different themes and ideas. It’s easy to see why it’s been optioned for a film, with it also being translated into French back in 2015, reaching an even wider audience. Well received, it’s a timeless story drawing upon classic folklore in order to say something quite different in the process.

The Facts of Life

Originally brought out during 2002, this would come out through the Phoenix publishing label to a great deal of acclaim. Not a part of any series, this would be entirely stand-alone, with it having a self-contained narrative that can be read by itself. The story itself is a historical one, with magical realist elements underpinning it, delivering ideas of love, family, and bonds made in difficult times. Winning the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel, it was well received upon its release, with some interesting uses of fantasy elements to drive its story.

Set during the Second World War, this sees seven sisters living in Coventry, as a dominating matriarch presides over them. Managing the Blitz together, the sisters take care of each other, cope as best they can, as it continues into the post-war period as well. One of them finds themself living upon a commune, and later a son of one the sisters finds themselves moving between the sisters as an almost magical observer, innocently bearing witness. How exactly will things transpire for them, where will their journey take them, and just how will they come to understand the facts of life?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Graham Joyce

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