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Graeme Simsion Books In Order

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Publication Order of Don Tillman Books

The Rosie Project(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Rosie Effect(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Rosie Result(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Two Steps Books

with Anne Buist
Two Steps Forward(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Two Steps Onward(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Best of Adam Sharp(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Glass House (With: Anne Buist)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Don Tillman’s Standardized Meal System(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Novel Project(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Morgan Kaufmann in Data Management Systems Books

Database Tuning (By: Dennis E. Shasha,Philippe Bonnet)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications (By: Ahmed K. Elmagarmid)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Building an Object-Oriented Database System (By: François Bancilhon,Claude Delobel,Paris Kanellakis)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Transaction Processing (By: JimGray,Andreas Reuter)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data Modeling Essentials (With: Graham Witt)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Atomic Transactions (By: Nancy A. Lynch,Michael Merritt,William E. Weihl,Alan Fekete)(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Database (By: Patrick O'Neil,Elizabeth O'Neil)(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties (By: Joe Celko)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Distributed Algorithms (By: Nancy A. Lynch)(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers (By: Joe Celko)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Predictive Data Mining (By: Sholom M. Weiss,Nitin Indurkhya)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Complete Guide to DB2 Universal Database (By: Don Chamberlin)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Database Modeling and Design: 3rd Edition (By: Toby J. Teorey)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Database Modeling and Design: 5th Edition (By: Toby J. Teorey,Sam S. Lightstone,Tom Nadeau,H. V. Jagadish)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Management of Heterogeneous and Autonomous Database Systems (By: Ahmed Elmagarmid,Marek Rusinkiewicz,Amit Sheth)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Database Design for Smarties (By: Robert J. Muller)(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data Mining (By: Ian H. Witten,Mark A. Hall,Eibe Frank,Christopher J. Pal)(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data on the Web (By: Serge Abiteboul,Peter Buneman,Dan Suciu)(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
TCP/IP Sockets in C (By: Michael J. Donahoo,Kenneth L. Calvert)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Object Data Standard (By: David Jordan,Fernando Velez,R.G. Cattell,Douglas K. Barry,Mark Berler,Jeff Eastman,Conn Russell,Olaf Schadow,Torsten Stanienda)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Understanding SQL and Java Together (By: Jim Melton,Andrew Eisenberg)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data Mining, Southeast Asia Edition (By: Jiawei Han)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Component Database Systems (By: Klaus R. Dittrich,Andreas Geppert)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
TCP/IP Sockets in Java (By: Michael J. Donahoo,Kenneth L. Calvert)(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Information Modeling and Relational Databases (By: Tony Morgan,Terry Halpin)(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spatial Databases (By: Philippe Rigaux,Michel Scholl,Agnes Voisard)(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
JDBC (By: Gregory D. Speegle)(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Struts Framework (By: Sue Spielman)(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Multicast Sockets (By: David Makofske,Kevin Almeroth)(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications (By: Stefano Ceri,Piero Fraternali,Aldo Bongio,Marco Brambilla,Sara Comai,Maristella Matera)(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data Quality (By: Jack E. Olson)(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Business Modeling and Data Mining (By: Dorian Pyle)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
XML for Data Architects (By: James Bean)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
JSP (By: Robert Brunner)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Java (By: Michael Sikora)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Database Modeling with Microsoft® Visio for Enterprise Architects (By: Terry Halpin,Ken Evans,Pat Hallock,Bill MacLean)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
JSTL (By: Sue Spielman)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
How to Build a Business Rules Engine (By: Malcolm Chisholm)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Java Cryptography Extensions (By: Jason Weiss)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
TCP/IP Sockets in C# (By: Michael J. Donahoo,Kenneth L. Calvert,David Makofske)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Location-Based Services (By: Agnes Voisard,Jochen Schiller)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Multi-Tier Application Programming with PHP (By: David Wall)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration (By: Earl Cox)(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
SQL (By: Gregory D. Speegle,Michael J. Donahoo)(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moving Objects Databases (By: Ralf Hartmut Güting,Markus Schneider)(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Querying XML (By: Jim Melton,Stephen Buxton)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data Model Patterns (By: David C. Hay)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Joe Celko's Analytics and OLAP in SQL (By: Joe Celko)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Joe Celko's Thinking in Sets (By: Joe Celko)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Physical Database Design (By: Toby J. Teorey,Sam S. Lightstone,Tom Nadeau)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Java Data Mining (By: Mark F. Hornick,Erik Marcade,Sunil Venkayala)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS (By: Mamdouh Refaat)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Collections

Creative Differences and Other Stories(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Graeme Simsion is an Auckland born Australian writer, data modeler, playwright, consultancy manager, and author. He is famous for writing contemporary, fiction, humor, and comedy stories. Simsion has successfully written the Don Tillman book series, which has reached out to a large number of readers throughout the world. Prior to the beginning of his writing career, he used to work as a consultant of information systems in an IT company. While working in that job, he wrote a few papers on data modeling and two books. In 1982, Simsion established his own consultancy business called Simsion Bowles & Associates that had grown to a strength of over 70 staff, but had to sell it in 1999. Later, he co-founded another business of wine distribution along with Steven Naughton and named it Pinot Now. After trying his hand at several other business ideas, Simsion finally decided to earn his Ph.D. degree from Melbourne University in 2006 in the subject of data-modeling. Previously, he had acquired his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Monash University and Deakin University respectively.

In 2012, author Simsion won the Unpublished Manuscript Award for his first book called The Rosie Project. The book’s original publisher, Text Publishing, sold its rights for internationally for more than $1.8 million. After debuting in Australia in 2014, the book went on to sell over five million printed copies in more than 40 countries of the world. Author Simsion has stated that he initially wrote the novel as a screenplay. Following its grand success, it was optioned for adaptation into a film by Sony Pictures Entertainment. Simsion wrote and published a sequel novel in the same year. Its third installment is expected to be published in 2019. Other than this popular series, Simsion has also written a stand-alone book called The Best of Adam Sharp. Following its successful release in 2016, the book’s movie rights were sold to Vocab Films. After this, Simsion wrote a book in collaboration with his novelist wife Anne Buist entitled Two Steps Forward. Simsion and Anne are happily married and have two kids.

The Don Tillman series written by author Graeme Simsion is comprised of three books in total published between 2014 and 2019. It is based on romance, contemporary, women’s fiction, humor, chick lit, and fiction genres. The main characters of this series include Don Tillman, Rosie Jarman, Gene, Claudia, Dave, Lydia, Hudson, Judas, etc. The novels have their setups based in Australia and New York, United States. Author Simsion has introduced Don Tillman as a genetics professor and Rosie Jarman as his love interest and wife. The series shows how Don Tillman sets out to find a perfect life partner with a list of necessary qualities he looks for in her. When he comes across Rosie Jarman, he feels his search has come to an end. He finds her intelligent, beguiling, fiery, and a perfect candidate to be his wife. The debut book of the series is entitled ‘The Rosie Project’. It was released in 2014 by the Text Publishing. The narration of this novel is done by the socially challenged and oddly charming genetics professor, who describes his unusual quest of finding true love.

At the book’s beginning, it is mentioned that Don Tillman has never had the opportunity to go on two dates with the same woman. Because of his profession, he has very few friends. And due to his dislike for social rituals, he thinks he won’t be able to have romance in his life. Later, when a friend tells Don that he is going to make a wonderful husband, he becomes shocked to hear it. So, with the determination of finding his perfect partner, Don Tillman embarks upon his Wife Project. He proceeds with this ambitious project by approaching things in an evidence-based and orderly manner. He expects her to be a logical and punctual woman, and not a drinker or smoker. Rosie Jarman has all the qualities he is looking for in a life partner, but she also possesses the qualities that he doesn’t like his future wife to have. She seems to be on her own quest of finding her biological father. And for this purpose, Rosie is the need of a DNA expert who could help her in verifying if her find is actually her father or not. Seeing the urgency of Rosie’s quest, Don decides to put his project on hold and provide the necessary help to Rosie. Being in her company causes an unlikely relationship to develop. It forces Don to realize that love can come into one’s life in the most unexpected ways. He proposes Rosie and takes her as his beloved wife.

The second novel of the series is called ‘The Rosie Effect’. It was also published in 2014 and features the central characters as Claudia, Don Tillman, Dave, Rosie Jarman, Gene, Lydia, and several others. The book’s setting is done in New York City, New York. Simsion has begun the story by depicting that Don succeeds in completing the Wife Project. He is happily married to Rosie and the two are living in New York City. As Rosie Jarman is pregnant with her first child, she and Don are about to face another big challenge in their lives. Before the birth of his first child, Don Tillman thinks of preparing himself to become a father. He starts learning all the necessary protocols, but soon lands in trouble with the judiciary because of his unusual research. Fortunately for him, his close friend Gene is there to provide the best advice on this matter.

Gene has left Claudia and is living with Rosie and DOn in New York. Later, Don Tillman finds himself indulging in a number of tasks simultaneously. He tries to get Claudia and Gene reconciled, schedule the pregnancy research, give time to service the industrial reefer unit that has occupied half of his apartment, help Dave in saving his business, and be on good terms with a social worker named Lydia. While doing all this, he fears that he might end up being away from his wife when she requires his presence the most. And this appears to be the biggest problem in Don’s life at the moment. This novel was labeled as a smart love story by many reviewers. The readers loved to read a romantic story filled with lots of laughter. Many others felt swept away and captivated by the engaging characters and the interesting storyline of the book.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Graeme Simsion

One Response to “Graeme Simsion”

  1. anat kamenka: 3 years ago

    enjoyed all 3 rosie bks.funny and intelligent and as non-tecky loved the comp analyst approach to life.chars gd too.3rd on howard and asperger’autism actually got me doing the online test yes i am on spectrum.diag bipolar yrs ago.trying to find 3d one to re read.our lib gets blips .gd on yr anyway,2 steps fwd not same league reads like a bonkathon.studied medieval his and some terrific rom sculptures on route froissac moissac idea but no real theme.doesnt have to be ‘name of the rose’wh can be grim but has a plot.canterbury tales?pilgrimage plus stories.and chars.otherwise vv gd rosie bks


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