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Gordon Doherty Books In Order

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Publication Order of Empires of Bronze Books

Son of Ishtar(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dawn of War(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thunder at Kadesh(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crimson Throne(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Shadow of Troy(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Earth(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Legionary Books

Legionary(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Viper of the North(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Land of the Sacred Fire(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Scourge of Thracia(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gods & Emperors(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Empire of Shades(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blood Road(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Eagle(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eagles in the Desert(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Emperor's Shield(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eagles in the Desert is a prequel short story in the Legionary series.

Publication Order of Rise of Emperors Books

with Simon Turney

Publication Order of Strategos Books

Born in the Borderlands(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rise of the Golden Heart(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Island in the Storm(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Assassin's Creed Novelizations Books

Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Official Novelization(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Gordon’s imagination was first fired by travelling around the sun-washed ruins of antiquity in Turkey, Greece and Italy. Already an avid reader of historical fiction as a means of escapism, he realised that putting pen to paper for himself could be an even more powerful way to experience the past for himself.

Several years of research and literary experimentation followed, before he made the breakthrough with the advent of self-publishing. Ironically, this was the key to acquiring an agent and striking several deals with mainstream publishers including Penguin, Head of Zeus, Canelo, WF Howes, Newton Compton and more. His books have since been published in over seventeen languages, worldwide, in eBook, paperback, hardback and audiobook formats.

He now spends his time writing in his Falkirk home, or researching abroad The Great Hittite Trail’ research tour: , and endeavours use his literary connections to raise money for >Myeloma UK the blood cancer charity.

‘Legionary’, his first foray, is a soldier’s tale. Set in the Eastern Roman Empire during the 4th century AD, Pavo and the much-disparaged border legions are the first to endure the huge wave of barbarian assaults as the Huns push tribe after tribe against the imperial defences. Pavo will become a man during the titanic struggle, and he will come to realise that the darkest enemies lie not beyond the borders, but within…

‘Strategos’ is a tale of medieval Byzantium, and follows the journey of Apion – a broken orphan boy – in his journey to greatness. It takes in the violent throes of the Byzantine-Seljuk wars, culminating in a battle that will change the course of history… Manzikert!

‘Empires of Bronze’ catapults the reader back into the 2nd millennium BC, an age when four great empires ruled the near east. Chief amongst them was the Hittite Empire. The Hittites were strange people with strange ways, and they would find themselves at the heart of the legendary events of the period: the Battle of Kadesh, the Trojan War, the coming of the Sea Peoples… and the collapse of the Bronze Age itself!

‘Rise of Emperors’ is the story of Constantine. Not Constantine the Great… Constantine the man. It tells the little-known story of his boyhood, and the violent world of persecutions and power struggles in which he came of age. Finally, it recounts the tragic and world-changing military campaign against his childhood friend, Maxentius, for control of the Western Empire.

‘Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’ is the official novelization of the smash-hit video game. Kassandra is a mercenary, a blade for hire, broken by her murky past. She avoids the Peloponesian War, raging on nearby her home island of Kefalonia. Yet the war will not let her be. When fate comes calling, her past, and her future are unveiled amidst the frenzy of battle, and the demons of the past that she faces in the fray.

(Bio above written by Gordon – thanks Gordon!)

About Gordon Doherty

A Scottish author of historical novels, Gordon Doherty is widely regarded for his unique and interesting titles. Primarily centering his works around Classical Antiquity, he largely writes historical novels with an element of fantasy to them. Drawing from a range of different influences, including H.G. Wells, David Gemmell, and Sam Barone, he’s definitely an inspired author. Writing rich and immersive stories, he really works at drawing his readers in, holding them there for the duration of the novel.

Finding his own style as an author, he’s written work that has reached countless readers from all over the world. Gaining an audience, he really understands what drives the genre, giving readers what they want, while saying what he wants to say. Pushing the format to its fullest potential and beyond, he definitely has a way with words that is quite unlike any other. Giving his work a real sense of immediacy, his writing would also be well-researched, making it feel wholly authentic in the process.

Taking readers on a journey back into the past, he would enable them to feel as if they were really there experiencing it themselves. This approach to storytelling has ensured his audience has grown on a worldwide scale, with more and more discovering his work every day. His characters are also testament to his success, with many of them becoming highly iconic in their own right, leaving a real impression. With so much more to come still, he doesn’t appear to be stopping any time soon, as there’s plenty more on the horizon still to follow.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1978 on the 20th of February, Gordon Doherty would grow up in Glasgow, Scotland, with a clear passion for literature. Attending university he would gain a degree in physics, all the while studying history extensively during his spare time. It would also be during this time that he would begin working on his first series ‘Legionary,’ which he would go on to make his name as an author with.

Researching history, such as the Byzantium period, Classical Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Bronze Age, he’s explored a lot. Over time he’s come to find his own style, really progressing as an author, saying something different and unique in the process. Living with his wife in Scotland, he continues to write to this present day, with a lot more still to come yet in the pipeline.

Writing Career

Starting out with his ‘Legionary’ series which he would write back in university, Gordon Doherty would make his literary debut with the novel ‘Legionary.’ Releasing it back in 2011, it would begin the historical series, with seven other novels continuing on from it, and a prequel novella as well. Focusing on historical stories, he would research his novels intensively, really making sure to ensure that they are all fully accurate.

Other series that he’d go on to write would include ‘Strategos,’ and ‘Empire of Bronze’ to name just some of them. He’d also write alongside fellow authors such as Simon Turney, with their ‘Rise of Emperors’ series that they’d write together. There has also been a collection he’s brought out, with ‘Forged in Fire’ coming out back in 2017, as he continues to garner attention to this day.

Dark Eagle

First published in 2020 on the 30th of January, this would be the eighth book in the ongoing ‘Legionary’ series of novels. Continuing on from the previous books, it would follow on in much the same vein as before, building upon the overall premise of the series. It’s best that the books are read in order so as to get the most from them, as it features the same world, developing arcs and narratives.

With the Gothic War now over, it is winter, 382 AD, and the Eastern Roman Empire has struck a peace deal with the Goths after years of bloodshed. Every hero is being honored for their part in this victory, everyone except Tribunus Pavo, who languishes away in exile. He knows the truth, that it was the Emperor of the West Gratian who fully manipulated the war for every single step of the way. Will he be able to finally get his justice though, can the truth be brought to light, and what will finally become of the dark eagle?

As a piece of historical fiction this works extremely well on every level, especially when bringing the period to life. Showing clear attention to detail, the book manages to really capture the essence of the era, giving it a real sense of vitality in the process. The characters themselves are also very well-drawn, feeling wholly real and believable upon the page, every step of the way.

The Dark Earth

Coming out in 2022 on the 26th of May this time, this would be the sixth title in the ongoing ‘Empires of Bronze’ series. Following on, it would capture the historical era well once again, making sure that everything was fully authentic throughout. Each character feels realistic, making for an engaging thrilling story, and one that is best read in order with the other books.

Set in 1237 BC, the empires are in complete disarray, completely ravaged by drought, starvation, and the onset of endless earthquakes. Ascending to the Hittite throne, Tudha is burdened with stabilizing the regions, as he forms allies, while enemies grow, in his attempts to bring about peace. And now there’s the outlanders, otherwise known as the Sea People, advancing on his kingdom, bringing death and destruction in their wake. Will he be able to stop them before it’s too late, can Tudha bring about peace and prosperity, and what will become of the dark earth?

As another entry into the much loved historical series, it really works to bring the world to life for the reader once again. Every element of the story feels fully fleshed out, making it highly enjoyable to read, as if the audience is actually there experiencing it. The characters once again feel well thought out too, with Tudha really striking a chord, making the audience really feel for his plight.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Gordon Doherty

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