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Georgian Books In Order

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Publication Order of Georgian Books

Ask For It (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Passion for the Game (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Passion for Him (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Don't Tempt Me (2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
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An author of modern and contemporary romance novels, the American writer Sylvia Day has brought her romantic sensibilities to a number of different genres. These include paranormal, erotic and historical, as she puts her own idiosyncratic slant upon them, allowing them to come alive in the process. Over time she has also built a variety of successful franchises too, creating a whole collection of series over the course of her writing career. Fitting into her historical novels is that of her Georgian series of books, as they chart the romantic lives of those in the Regency era. With a sense of the erotic she has been able to craft a whole series of books from this initial premise, as they adhere to the time and era. Combining both period detail, with the meticulous research of Day, along with engaging characters, these make for highly engrossing reads, ones which bring the reader into an almost forgotten world where passions are high and romance blossoms.

With a total of four novels in the series so far, this franchise started back 2006 with the title ‘Ask For It’. This was later followed up with the book ‘Passion for the Game’ in 2007, then again with the novel ‘A Passion for Him’ that same year. In 2008 the series finished with ‘Don’t Tempt Me’, as the collection drew to a close, thus providing a collection of engaging and compelling novels.

Ask For It

Initially published through the Kensington Trade publishing label in 2006, this was the first novel to set the overall series of ‘Georgian’ novels up. Establishing the overall world, it manages to create the style and tone of the times, as well as introducing the characters for the first time too. With a clear amount of research done, it does a lot to establish the period detail, allowing the era to essentially come alive off the page.

With passions consuming the two leads, this is a period based romantic novel with dashes of eroticism too. This allows it to create one intoxicating mix, as all the elements combine together to make it far more thrilling and exciting. What this is also does is give it a thrilling sense of immediacy making it feel instantly up-to-date, whilst simultaneously being timeless too. The characters themselves are fully realized, each with their own idiosyncratic personality, making more than simply just two-dimensional caricatures. Creating in-depth personalities, they’re intelligent and witty, playing off of each other well, giving the reader something to deeply immerse themselves within. This is what sets them apart from other stories of this nature, as they’re able to establish themselves apart as realistic characters of the time and period. Using the time and the era to full effect too, it really brings the Georgian period, being the years of 1714 to 1830, to life. This was an era of major upheaval, and this is something that Day has really managed to capture as author, having truly done her research. Knowing and understanding it, she definitely manages to allow the characters to play off of this factor, making it work for both them and their respective stories.

With a passion for a man that she jilted many years ago, Elizabeth runs back into the arms of one Marcus. This also incites him, as the two of them share a passion for one another that binds them together, one that is impossible to ignore however hard they try. Somewhat afraid of her feelings for Marcus, Elizabeth is still questioning herself running away from him all those many years ago. Will they stay together this time? Can they control themselves? Will they both ask for it?

Passion For the Game

Following on directly from the previous novel, this was brought out just one year after the first, it being released in 2007. This would mark the second title in the ‘Georgian’ series of novels, as it sought to provide another story set in this period based world. Working as a stand-alone title, it manages to recapture the style and tone of what came before, whilst simultaneously building upon them too.

With a new story, this works in the same world as before, taking it forwards, giving another look into this way of life. Allowing a different perspective, it really manages to give the series a wider sense of scope, as well as drawing the reader even further in. This gives it a whole new dimension, allowing the audience to really get a feeling of what it was actually like to live back then. The characters are also well drawn once again as well, as they come to the forefront of the story, really establishing themselves in the process. Whilst they may be completely new, they’re still just as strong as those in the previous story, this being set in the same world as before. They also manage to bring the period and era itself to life as well, allowing it to come into full glorious color for the reader. Set in the Georgian era again, the period is well researched with full historical accuracy throughout, this being something that Sylvia Day truly excels at as an author.

A free man once more, Christopher is out to fulfil himself gaining all the worldly pleasures that he possibly can. Setting his sights on the one man who is as ruthless as he is, he aims to seduce her as they both go head-to-head in a game of passion. That’s when their feelings start to come into play and they both find themselves immersed in something bigger than the both of them. Will they overcome their passion for one another? Who will emerge victorious? Do they succumb to the passion for the game?

The Georgian Series

Creating a fun and engaging series, Sylvia Day hasn’t left aside and details when it comes to historical accuracy. Obviously having done her research, the series manages to incorporate a number of elements, all the while building a self-contained period and world. As more and more continue to discover this series to this very day, these books will carry on growing in popularity for some years to come.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Georgian

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