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Gail Honeyman Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Gail Honeyman is a Scottish author of fiction.

Born in 1972 in Stirling, Scotland, Gail attended Glasgow University, where she studied French and literature. She first came into print officially with the release of her debut work. This full length fictional novel came out in 2017. She has always been a voracious reader and wrote the original first draft of her book while also working full time at her day job.

Her debut novel Eleanor Oliphant has earned a lot of praise and recognition since its release. The book was nominated for several literary prizes (Lucy Cavendish Fiction, Next Chapter Award). Reese Witherspoon also selected it for one of her book club picks!

The author also made the long list for Opening Lines on channel Radio 4 on the BBC Network. Honeyman made the short list for the renowned Bridport Prize. She currently resides in Glasgow, Scotland.

Honeyman’s first fictional novel is titled Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and it is one that you simply must pick up and see what all the readers (famous and non-famous alike) are talking about!

If you love interesting fiction, then check out this unique story and check out the buzz with this story, winner of a Costa Book Award. In this debut work, readers get to meet the main character of Eleanor Oliphant for the first time. When it comes to life, Eleanor has no idea that perhaps life should not be just fine. No one has ever told her that it could be better than that.

Eleanor is a young woman that has graduated and went out into the world. However, just because she is an adult does not mean that she automatically knows what she is doing or is the perfect example of what it means to be a grown up. She actually has a lot of difficulty in her adult life on a regular basis.

For one thing, her social skills are not always something that comes naturally. She struggles with it and while she does her best, she also has a tendency to blurt out whatever it is that she is thinking. That can make things a bit complicated sometimes when people don’t exactly know how to react to that.

There is a lot when it comes to her routine that stays the same. She likes to avoid having social interactions whenever possible and runs a carefully manicured time table in her life where she prioritizes the things that she wants to do or experience the most. These often include weekends that have frozen pizza as a major staple, as well as some vodka and a chat on the phone with her mother.

Eleanor likes to keep everything in her life very predictable and likes to avoid talking to people and her regular routine of pizza weekends and phone chats and vodka. She never thought that anything would ever change that. However, it may just appear that an individual may be coming into her life soon that may alter the way that she approaches her life.

Raymond is a guy that Eleanor truly never saw coming. He is the IT guy that works at her office, and she always kind of got the impression that he was bumbling. Certainly he was lacking the sense of impeccable hygiene that comes so naturally to so many others.

The two of them do not seem at all like a natural pair at first, but you never know what can happen as people start to see a different side of you. Raymond and Eleanor end up being put together when they join in on a shared goal. They see that Sammy has fallen while walking on the sidewalk. An older gentleman, they both rush over right away to do what they can to help him up.

In the process of this simple act of kindness, Eleanor looks at Raymond with a new found level of respect. It’s like she never really thought about whether this office coworker was really a nice guy or just there like so many others. Through this act the three of them actually start to become friends. The type of real friends that are able to reach out and help each other get out of the isolated nature of the lives that they had been living.

Each of them was reclusive and lonely in their own way. Through this unexpected act of Sammy falling, he, Eleanor, and Sammy have all developed a genuine bond that is tough to come by. These individuals have all been going about their own lives in their own way, and now it is time for them to truly step outside of their routines and comfort zone and embrace the idea of friendship and being there for one another.

Eleanor is pleasantly surprised to find out that Raymond has a big heart. It is that generosity of spirit and care that is ultimately going to encourage her to try and open up some more. She has always tried to stay away from socializing, worried that around people she will do or say the wrong thing.

When it comes to her personal life, Eleanor has never been much of an expert. She knows how to live with her weekends of pizza and talking with her mom but never considered much more beyond that. Now meeting Raymond and Sammy and becoming fast friends with them has forced her to consider what it is in life that she really finds meaningful.

These new relationships may even help this young woman to repair the relationship that she has with herself. Faced with the way that she used to do things and an entirely different and new exciting path, Eleanor must make a choice.

Does she try something new and try to open up her heart? Or is she going to be too scared to let anyone in for fear of being hurt? You have to find out by picking up a copy of this book that is being produced into a motion picture by Witherspoon.

Check out this debut novel by Gail Honeyman by picking up a copy, reading to the end, and then seeing the movie too.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Gail Honeyman

5 Responses to “Gail Honeyman”

  1. Ann Deitz: 4 months ago

    I truly loved Gail’s method of writing. It kept me involved and the way she described Elinor’s thinking and verbiage was entertaining. Looking forward to reading any and all of her next books

  2. Mary Lou Saracino: 2 years ago

    Love the book and looking forward to the next one.

  3. Karen Dearing: 3 years ago

    I have just finished reading this book and must say I didn’t see the ending coming the way it did.

    I truly loved it and wondered if there was to be a sequel, I felt they way the story ended that there was an opening for a sequel, would love to know if Raymond and Eleanor get together romantically and how Eleanors sessions go.

    • Fran: 3 years ago

      Love loved this book!!!! Did not see or even think..mummy was not really on phone!!! I would love a sequel, as I see Eleanor and Raymond have a possible relationship.

      • Georgina George: 3 years ago

        I agree with you, I did like the book but the ending??
        how was she having such vivid conversations with her “mummy”, The way her mother spoke to her? This was all in Eleanor’s mind maybe remembering things her mother used to say?


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