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Francesca Serritella Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Ghosts of Harvard(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Happy and Merry (With: Lisa Scottoline)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman Books

with Lisa Scottoline
My Nest Isn't Empty, It Just Has More Closet Space(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Best Friends, Occasional Enemies: The Lighter Side of Life As a Mother and Daughter(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Meet Me at Emotional Baggage Claim(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have a Nice Guilt Trip(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat?: True Stories and Confessions(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
I've Got Sand In All the Wrong Places(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
I Need a Lifeguard Everywhere but the Pool(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
I See Life Through Rosé-Colored Glasses(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Francesca Serritella
Francesca Serritella is a mystery author and a columnist with the Philadelphia Inquirer. Aside from graduating cum laude from Harvard, Serritella has a few awards to her name. The talented author is respected amongst her peers, and some of her works feature prominently in the best sellers list. Serritella currently resides in New York, where she lives with her dog and cat. Before she wrote her Ghosts of Havard, Serritella had co-authored over ten books with her mother, celebrated writer Lisa Scottoline.

Ghosts of Harvard
Ghosts of Harvard tells the story of Cadence Archer, a woman in search of the truth. Against her family’s wishes, Cadence chooses to go to Harvard’s campus, the place her schizophrenic brother, Eric, took his life a year ago. While his condition made him paranoid, Cadence is sure that something else pushed her brother to the edge. The two were close, and Cadence felt that her brother would have talked to her if things had gotten so bad.

Still grieving, Cadence figures out that there would be no better way to unravel the truth than to go to Harvard and follow her brother’s footsteps. Armed with nothing but Eric’s notebook, which is filled with cryptic scribblings, Cadence starts to piece Eric’s last days. Life is not easy at Harvard. The pressure is enormous, and as her suspicions about her brother’s death escalate, Cadence starts to hear voices. Could this young woman be as delusional as her brother or are there three ghosts in Harvard’s walls? Why would the ghosts be contacting her and not anyone else? Could the ghosts be the reason why her brother jumped out of his apartment’s window?

These are the questions running through Cadence’s mind almost daily. Cadence will also be approached by her late brother’s living friends, starting with his mentor and physics professor Mikaela and Eric’s friend Nikos. These two try to support Cadence, but most of the time, she is on her own. Will this determined woman finally get closure after unraveling what really happened to Eric?

This is an intense, thought-provoking, and psychologically overwhelming story. The author lets in on the family’s excruciating pain as they deal with their son’s loss. When Cadence decides to go to Harvard, her family has a hard time accepting her decision, and it is easy to feel their hurt. Filled with many unforeseen twists, this book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. Cadence is a lovable character, and it is hard not to sympathize with her as she takes her brother’s last steps. What will she uncover about her brother’s death? How long will she continue hearing the voices, and will the ghosts help Cadence figure out the truth?

Ghosts of Harvard is centered on a family grieving a loved one’s death. The story focuses on the sister to the deceased, a woman who will often question herself, and the thin line between reality and madness. Cadence struggles dealing with her schoolwork, invisible enemies, and paranoia. It is intriguing following her through it all and seeing her become victorious in the end. Serritella’s writing is engaging, riveting, and mind-blowing. The book will have you hooked from the first page, and it will be hard to put it down until you get to the last one.

Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat?
Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat? Is a collection of Essays written by Francesca Serritella and Lisa Scottoline. All essays are non-fiction, and they expose us to an unstoppable mother-daughter team that has created many great books together. Lisa Scottoline, a bestselling author, is Francesca’s mother. From their writing, it is easy to see that writing skills can be passed through generations. Mother and daughter’s writing is so articulate, and it is not hard to see that Francesca will be following in her mother’s footsteps.

This book is made of true confessions, funny stories, and issues that most women can relate to. From the hazards of bicycling to identity theft, Lisa and Francesca cover it all, and much more. These two women tackle the absurdities and quirks of everyday life with such warmth and wit. Lisa confesses that she enjoys going to that carefree child she was and looking at herself from her parents’ loving eyes. The two women’s accounts of Mother Mary and the times they shared will push you to tears as they are explained in the most realistic way.

Lisa’s essays mostly focus on her friends, getting older, her dogs, and her home. Francesca, on the other hand, represents a young perspective. The young author reflects on her life, living in a big city, staying healthy, and socializing with her friends. Since this book is simply about life and humor, it is a perfect choice if you are looking for a feel-good read.

Forget your worries and join Francesca and Lisa in their crazy, action-filled life. Both write in such a humorous way, and it is incredible how they can laugh at themselves and overlook their shortcomings. One message that comes clear is that women need to be easy on themselves. There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence when the occasion calls for it. Life can be challenging, but if you judge yourself as society does, your life will be nothing but miserable. Every woman must realize that we are all human and small wins have to be enjoyed just like the bigger ones.

Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat? It is a perfect book for women, both old and young. The younger generation will identify more with Francesca, who talks about dating at her age and the tribulations it comes with, staying connected to friends, and simply learning to be her own person. Her mother lets in on her struggles, caring for a loved matriarch, dealing with menopause, and guiding Francesca in the right direction. Since each essay takes just a few minutes to read, this is a perfect book to bring to a doctor’s appointment or ride to work. The stories are unrelated, so you will not feel the loss of flow when you take a break from your reading to resume hours or days later.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Francesca Serritella

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