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Fairy Tales Books In Order

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Publication Order of Sci Fi Fairy Tales Books

Red Run (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flight and Fantasy (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Asylum Mine (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Rapunzel Factor (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Washed Up (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Micro Lena (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mask of the Overlord (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Escaping Lightning (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seven in the Sky (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heart of the Oracle (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Silver and Silence (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Drop of Blood (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jill and the Genestalk (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Mermaid's Wish (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bride of Death (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rhoe's Request (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Whyt's Plea (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bride of Fire (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Feather's Blossom (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bride of Midnight (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Guarding Forever (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Huntsman (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Virtual Snow (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Viola Grace is one of the best authors who have written a number of books in their career as authors. She is a Canadian romance writer, who has great passion in writing and this is something she is willing to do for the rest of her life. Her AKA name is known as Zenina Masters. Something that always keeps her writing is the thrill of discovery of all those first. She has her specialization in writing short stories that you will always love reading. Besides being an author, Viola grace is also an artist who is known for great stories that will whirl you and catch you up. She always does cheap laughing as she is not specialized in doing drama.

Despite being an experienced writer, she always gives much attention to her readers. This is something that has greatly enhanced her writing as she is able to collect the view of her readers and put them into practice. She has done several series like the “Fairy Tales series” and “The Nexus Chronicles series” among others. She has done over 300 books in her career, hence one of the female authors to be admired. She has always used high level of writing in her books that gives you the best view. She has also used humor in the books to ensure that you enjoy reading her books. She is an excellent author, who loves her work and with the positive attitude in writing, most of her books have got the top spot among other authors.

In the Fairy Tales (Series by Viola Grace), there are a total of twenty-three books. The pioneer book of the series was published in 2011 and currently has two editions. The second book of the series was published in the same year as the first and also has two editions. The first two books were entitled as “Red Run” and “Flight and Fantasy” respectively. The latest book in the series was published in 2014. The books are always available online and locally at your nearest library. They are very smart romance books that you will definitely love reading. you can therefore go online and get the books for more reading. with only 23 novels in the series, you can easily read the entire series in just a couple of days.

Red Run

This is the pioneer book in the Fairy Tales (Series by Viola Grace). The book has two editions and was published in 2011. It has about 39 pages. The protagonist character in the book is known as Sophie Redding, who is counted as one of the luckiest people. This is because Sophie has been able to dodge the shapeshifting Sethen’s evacuation. This is something that not many people have not been able to dodge. Sophie is on a very long journey to the Northlands. She is not traveling by either a vehicle or a train, but on foot. This is a ridiculous outfit journey as she has left the trail a mile wide and she is very determined to reach her destination. On the other hand, T’bir, who is the commander in charge of the outer part of the town and villages cleaning is doing his best to ensure that his people within the city get better above the ground level. Something happens that switches off the interest of the commander from cleaning the outside town and village to start hunting. This is because the detached trackers are not able to catch the human who is wearing the fancy red dress. This is something that disturbs the commander and he thinks that he can do it better. He is therefore ready to do anything that may be needed to capture the human in the red dress as this may be the point of tipping for herself and even his own people.

Did the commander bring the human in red down? This is the question that remains unanswered. To get the entire story, then get the copy of the novel and you will enjoy more reading. The book is readily available online and at the local libraries.

Flight and Fantasy

This is the second book of the Fairy Tales (Series by Viola Grace) that was published in 2011. The book has about 43 pages, hence you can easily read in just a day. The main character in the novel is known as Annanya. She is a great and charming woman, who works in the flight suit. This is for the grand exhibition. Annanya is described as wingless, though very determined in her work and always want to offer her best. This is until a handsome and charming young man comes into her life. Is the wingless Annanya ready to quit her job because he had met a charming young man? Perhaps, she may get on the losing end of her job. This is because since she met the prince, she has not been performing at her best in her job.

Despite meeting the handsome prince, there are still doubts if the two can really get into a relationship. This is because Annanya is a great woman who has been raised among those species with wings. On the other hand, the handsome is not even able to soar whenever Annanya can’t. This is the small summary of this fairy tale story. The wingless culture of the winged society is very perfect and it generally has a wonderful world that is building in the story. The adopted father of the inventor heroine and the heroine herself are very lovely, hence making the story very enjoyable. This is one of the best books in the series that you don’t want to miss reading. It has great humor and the author has shown a high level of writing in this smart book.

The book is available online where you can either purchase the book or read it online. They are very pocket friendly and therefore you can easily grab your copy. You can also get the book locally at the bookshops and libraries. Get your copy today and you will find it very fantastic. This is one of the best series done by Viola Grace.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Fairy Tales

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