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Ethan Kross Books In Order

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Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shift: Managing Your Emotions—So They Don't Manage You(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Ethan Kross is an American scientist, author, and teacher.

Ethan is an experimental psychologist in addition to being a neuroscientist. He made his writing debut in 2021 with the publication of his debut non fiction book. The full title of this book is Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness It. The book is a best seller. He has appeared on Good Morning America, CBS Evening News, Morning Edition on NPR, Anderson Cooper Full Circle, and numerous other platforms.

He is one of the top experts in the world on controlling our conscious mind and specializes in the field of emotion regulation. He is a professor teaching management and psychology at the University of Michigan. There they have a laboratory there and he is the director of the University of Michigan’s “Emotion & Self Control” Laboratory. Kross was the original founder of the lab.

The author was born in Brooklyn, New York, where he would grow up. He would attend the University of Pennsylvania, graduating with his degree magna cum laude and as a part of Phi Beta Kappa. He would then attend Columbia University and study psychology, graduating with his PhD. He also was able to complete a post-doctoral fellowship in the field of ‘social-affective neuroscience’ so that he could learn more about the various neural systems that are able to support self-control. He has also been an award-winning professor at the Ross School of Business.

Kross resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is married and has two daughters with his wife. They all reside together in Ann Arbor, a close commute to the university for the author. He has been employed with the University of Michigan ever since 2008. One of the things that he studies is introspection. He looks further into the conversations that people have silently with themselves and analyzes how the internal dialogue that they are having has an effect on their lives and the way that they ultimately live them, as well as the impacts they have on their choices, relationships, performance, and health.

Ethan Kross has also loaned his considerable intellect and experience in the field to the political world. He went to the White House to participate in policy discussion. He has also had his research, deemed by many to be pioneering in the field, published in a variety of well-respected and widely-distributed places such as The New Yorker, USA Today, The New York Times, Forbes, The Atlantic, Time, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, and the New England Journal of Medicine, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, peer-reviewed journals, Science, and more.

Kross has participated in a lot of work that looks to find connections between the way people behave and what they are doing. Kross collaborated with Leuven University’s Philippe Verduyn to look into social media and the way that it made people feel. They found that the more time that a person chose to spend on the social media platform ‘Facebook’, the less they were found to be satisfied on an overall basis with life.

Another study done by the writer discovered that the way that people are processing negative experiences can often help to assist in the resetting of that behavior. They concluded that when people were recalling an experience from the past, using self-distancing practices to put a psychological distance between them and the situation happening resulted in improved indicators of physical health and reduced stress levels. They were also more effective at problem solving and conflict resolution.

Ethan Kross is the author of Chatter. The book was a national best seller in the United States and has been called one of the year’s best books according to USA Today, CNN, and the Washington Post. It was also a Winning Winter 2021 Selection by the ‘Next Big Idea Book Club’.

The book was named a top book of the year by BBC, Shape, The Washington Post, Kirkus Reviews, Behavioral Scientist, Shelf Awareness, and Publishers Weekly, among others. It will be translated into over thirty languages so that readers around the globe can check this psychologically intriguing book out for themselves and discover why authors like Angela Duckworth are calling it a ‘masterpiece’.

When it comes to the mind, Ethan Kross is pioneering a path and searching to find answers to questions that no one else was asking. This book takes a closer look at the world of inner dialogue and explores our inner voice and the power it has. Could adjusting your inner voice lead to better mental health, physical health, less anxiety, and better relationships?

Kross uses this book to inform the reader about a field that he knows well and to explore his own insights into the conscious mind. We all share that inner voice that’s in our head, speaking to ourselves. Sometimes we hope to find a coach inside of ourselves but simply discover a critic. When up against a task that is tough, our coach is able to encourage us, but the critic inside of us can often be discouraged.

The author goes over the many conversations that we all have constantly going with ourselves in a complex yet easy to understand book. He also includes the research that he has done at his lab, groundbreaking research done in the fields of behavior and the brain, while helpfully including case studies from real life.

Whether it’s a baseball pitcher that has suddenly forgotten how to actually pitch, or an undergrad at an Ivy league school that is dealing with her two lives, one as a spy– this book is endlessly fascinating as well as an exploration of how this dialogue and the conversations actually work to shape work, our lives, our relationships.

Kross also warns the reader that negative self-chatter has the capacity to lower our moods, make our health worse, put weight on social connections, and can lead to buckling under pressure. However, we all have the ability to use tools to help transform our inner voice to something that helps us. Check out this well-researched book full of great arguments and stories that will have you interested in neuroscience like never before!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ethan Kross

One Response to “Ethan Kross”

  1. Gina Pfarr-Natz: 3 years ago

    I heard a bit of the Hidden Brain podcast on Befriending your inner voice last weekend, then found and listened to the full podcast several times. The critic, that negative inner voice was switched on, i believe, at an early age growing up within an alcoholic environment. I have been wrestling with negative emotions all my life and, since 2016, on a focused path to understand and change the ‘chatter’ and develop skills toward a positive, calm mind.
    I have begun to use the skills of meditation, Tapping, and the skills you shared of taking 2nd person, and 3rd person ‘Fly on the wall’ perspective and the mind and heart both quiet! I’m purchasing your book and exploring your YouTube presentations. So very glad I happened to hear the Hidden Brain that day!
    Thank you. Gina


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