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Erin Hart Books In Order

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Publication Order of Nora Gavin Books

Haunted Ground(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lake of Sorrows(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
False Mermaid(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book of Killowen(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Erin Hart is an American author of literature, fiction, and mystery & thriller books best known for her Haunted Ground series featuring Nora Gavin as the protagonist. Erin Hart was born in Crawfordsville but raised in Rochester. She attended school at the Saint Olaf College and later the University of Minnesota. She has worked across an ally of jobs from a music promoter, a copywriter, an editor, and a theatre critic. She currently lives in Minnesota with her husband, paddy Obrien.

Though Erin came to writing late, her books are incredible drawing from her traveling, work experience to develop top-notch books. From these pieces, she has been awarded The Friends Of American Writers Award and The Roman Times Best Selling Author. They have also received translations into over ten languages.

Haunted Ground

Haunted Ground ushers in the Nora Gavin Series. A discovery by two farmers in the west Ireland of the curving of a woman with long red hair draws the attention of Irish archaeologist Cormac Maguire and the counterpart pathologist Nora Gavin to feed their curiosity. However, little did they know what lies ahead as they embark on this task.

They both have a great passion for these archaeological sites and objects and thus embark on a mission to find out what is in this one. Little do they know that there is a load of information and events that the village harbors. The villagers are suspicious of Hugh Osborne whose wife and children disappeared without a trace two years ago. Nora and Cormac dig deep into the discovery that brought them to this village without knowing the much that is associated with this sculpture.

On another page, Garret Devaney opens up a case associated with Osborne. As the case goes deep, more dangers pop up that previously were ignored with the potential to turn into future murders. The story brings into play thrilling incidences of suspense, action, and curiosity dragging in many people into question concerning the matter.

Osborne’s home is a source of information and answers to the two separate activities that are the police case and the archaeological functions of these two specialists. The detective is being forced to close up the case, but he is determined to find out what happened by establishing who was responsible for the murders.

The author has focused meticulously on the culture of Ireland joining the past and the present as seen from the plot, events and inclusion of folklore and many more indicators of culture. The masterpiece is one that will leave you satisfied for a fictional thriller lover.

Lake of Sorrows

Lake Of Sorrows is the second piece in the Nora Garvin Series. After finding an ancient archaeological piece of an iron age body in a pet bog excavated in the vibrant traditional side of Dublin, Ireland, pathologist Nora is called in to solve a few unknown things. Too many questions come from this issue with some of them perceiving it as murder while others think of it to be a ritual death.

It becomes complicated when a similar body is found next to this discovery site. While facts may be showing similarities such as being put to death under the same way, some facts do not total up to like the presence of a wristwatch on the second body something that was not present during the early age of man’s development. Away from work, Nora and her partner Maguire engage in a love affair that works to make a combined effort in solving the matter.

However, a third body killed in the same way as the first ones raises huge questions and suspicions of what is happening putting the lives of these two at stake. Matters seem even scarier as almost everyone around seems to be hiding some truth about this matter. The two must be highly cautious on this aspect as a slight mistake could end up toppling everything they have worked for, and further put their lives in great danger.

Hart has crafted culture, art, humor, love, and history into this story giving the reader one of the best reads. The method of introducing events, filled with suspense and mystery is one that is done uniquely and perfectly.

False Mermaid

False Mermaid comes second in this series the Nora Gavin. Nora had fled from her home and moved out to concentrate on her work and taken a piece of work in Ireland. After the death of her sister, she found herself in a situation where she could not solve the murder. This bothers her to the extent that she cannot concentrate on what she is doing and has to go home and solve this matter.

When she goes back home, he discovers that her brother in law is about to remarry and move out of the country while he is needed to assist in filing the puzzle on his wife’s death. One thing leads to the other as she goes on to unearth the real cause of her sister’s death though she has her suspicions that she wants to confirm. The case leads her over to Ireland where a fisherman’s wife disappeared one century ago creating a bigger mystery. In addition to all this, she discovers that a similar death happened in the area and seems to have a strong connection to her late sister.

Nora gets to discover some painful memories that move back into the past in connection to this murder. The deeper she goes into the past in her quest for answers, the more she gets at risk as there are features that are hidden and dangerous. However, even though this happens, more clues and missing bits come into play as she investigates the case including her suspicion on Hallet concerning the case .she is prepared to p[ut her life at risk just to unravel the reality of things in connection to this murder and prevent the repetition of history.

Erin Hart connects idea to idea giving the book an incredible plot with a sequence of events that will put you stuck to the story all along. One can almost feel present in the story as he puts the reader through the events of the characters in the book.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Erin Hart

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