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Emily Gould Books In Order

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Emily Gould is a published author of fiction. Born October 13, 1981, she is an American writer.

Gould was born in Silver Spring, Maryland, where she also grew up. She would attend Kenyon College for a period of two years. After that, she studied at Eugene Lang College, where she was able to complete her B.A. in the New York City school. She has lived in the famed East Village, Greenpoint, and Bed-Stuy, located in Brooklyn.

Emily has held a variety of jobs ever since she moved to New York. She worked for Hyperion Books and has also been employed at She was able to go through teacher training for yoga under Alison West in 2008. There she completed a two hundred hour course on teaching yoga. Two years later, she was able to go through her yoga certification under basic back care.

Gould co-runs a publishing project with a feminist approach that she has named Emily Books with fellow author Ruth Curry. She enjoys doing yoga. Her other hobbies include going to museums such as Ps1 and also doing karaoke and going bird watching.

Friendship first came out in 2014 and is Gould’s debut novel. The book has received favorable review. The Wall Street Journal named it to be its favorite book of the entire year. It was also named an Editors’ Choice pick for the New York Times’ Book Review. Canada’s Globe and Mail as well as Vol. 1 Brooklyn called it one of their best books of the year as well.

Check out Friendship for yourself and find out why it is a great story that you won’t be able to put down for a second! If you love stories that are about best friends or just are flat-out interesting, this is a story for you.

The main characters in Friendship are named Amy Schein and Bev Tunney. The two girls have known each other for a long time and it has been years that they have shared the status of being best friends. They have gone through a lot together but now some time has passed. Amy and Bev are now at the point where they are both thirty years old.

Already naturally at a point where lifestyles can shift, the two friends find that they have reached a crossroads of sorts. The two are relatively different. Bev is from the Midwest and defines herself as a hard worker. While she has a lot of ambition, she is still emotionally affected by a romantic disaster that happened years ago that managed to somehow set her career off course.

The there’s Amy, who is just as charming as she is seemingly lucky. This East Coast girl has been able to get through life relatively easily, but will that continue to be the case for her much longer? She’s at least temporarily doing better than Bev. Bev has been stuck in a rut and the cycle just keeps on going. She’s doing what she can to make money temping, but at the same time, she’s got more debt in the form of student loans than she knows what to do with. She is also still residing with roommates while figuring out how to move her life forward.

Amy had been doing well, but now she is finding that all of the bridges that she burned in the past may be on their way to having consequences .To make things even more complicated, it appears that her best friend is now pregnant. The two young women were so close for so long, but is that destined to somehow come to an end?

As Amy and her pal Bev move from young adults to officially adults, the two must face the present and the future. Will they do it on their own and accept that their new adult lives mean that they must be apart? Or is there still space for the two to salvage their relationship? Pick up this intriguing novel from Emily Gould to find out!

Perfect Tunes is the second novel from Emily Gould. Published in 2020, pick up a copy of the book that people are calling ‘intoxicating’ (Stephanie Danler) and a ‘profound story’ (Emma Straub).

Perhaps you may have wondered about what your parents were like before they had you or your siblings. What were their lives and personalities like before they became your parents, and what did they give up in order to have children?

Meet the main character of Perfect Tunes, a young woman named Laura. The new millennium is seeing its first early days. Laura has come to the East Village in New York so that she can pursue her dream. She wants more than anything to record an album, which would be her first if she could land it.

Laura isn’t just a big dreamer with stars in her eyes. She actually has talent, and is a competent song writer. The city is the place to be if you want to make these types of things happen. Laura is starting out booking gigs, a huge step forward for her. The gigs are with her best friend, who also happens to be a beautiful young woman.

But will things be derailed when she starts to have feelings for a fellow musician? Even if he is troubled, the musician is starting to hit it big. So what if he’s troubled? The two end up being magnetically pulled towards each other. While their affair lasts only a short time, the echoes of what happens between them could very well affect the rest of her life.

Fast forward to 15 years in the future. Laura has a daughter named Marie, and the teenage girl has started asking her some questions. They all naturally have to do with the identity of her father, but Laura isn’t sure that she’s ready to have that talk.

She’s put a lot of work into building a good life for them in Brooklyn. It wasn’t what she thought it would be when she was leaving Ohio, but Laura has made efforts to move on from the past. She is tempted to give up on her dreams, but when she wants to throw in the towel, her daughter and her best friend both rally to inspire her not to give up.

Is Laura’s time in music done? Will her daughter know her father? Pick up a copy of this story and find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Emily Gould

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