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Elyssa Friedland Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Love and Miss Communication(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Intermission(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Floating Feldmans(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Last Summer at the Golden Hotel(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Most Likely Club(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jackpot Summer(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Children's Books

The Museum of Lost Teeth(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Elyssa Friedland is an American author and former attorney that writes dramas which tackle themes of love, marriage, and family. Elyssa is best known for ‘The Intermission’.

Elyssa Friedland was already quite the accomplished woman when she set out to write her first novel. The author attended Yale University where she had the pleasure of working at the Yale Daily News as managing director.

That went on to contribute articles to publications like ‘Your Prom’, Modern Bride’, and ‘New York Magazine’.

Elyssa eventually joined and graduated from Columbia Law School, proceeding to secure a position at a major law firm as an associate.

The author has a husband and three children. She writes stories that delve deeply into character. She enjoys following the journeys of individuals as they face love, loss, and heartache, and as they undergo a transformation for better or worse.

+Literary Career
Elyssa Friedland was working as a corporate attorney when the desire to write fiction assaulted her. She successfully resisted it for a little while. But then she had a second child and decided that she was better off staying at home and keeping a closer eye on her children.

This jarring change in her life opened the door for Elyssa to pursue her writing dreams. Most successful authors tend to knock their debut novel out of the park only to struggle with the sequel.

That wasn’t the case for Elyssa. ‘Love and Miss Communication’ was her first novel. The book followed the exploits of a phone addict who was forced to re-evaluate her life when everything she knew began to fall apart.

And while the book was well received, it was for ‘The Intermission’, her second novel, that Elyssa eventually became known. The book follows a couple who make the odd decision to take a break from their marriage so as to reevaluate their priorities.

The idea for the novel came to Elyssa one random day. She was sitting in her kitchen, watching her husband load the dishwasher when she realized that the way he was doing that particular chore had become a source of frustration for her.

Not only was Elyssa Friedland startled by her frustration at her husband but the occurrence compelled her to contemplate the concept of marriage, specifically the fact that any institution that encouraged two people with varying personalities and idiosyncrasies to cohabit for life was doomed to fail.

Elyssa followed that specific train of thought and before she knew it, the template for ‘The Intermission’ had taken shape.

Even though her first novel had been well received, Elyssa Friedland actually felt little in the way of pressure with regards to her second novel. If anything, writing ‘The Intermission’ was much easier because Elyssa was not only more disciplined and motivated but she had the assurance that whatever she wrote would get published.

As a result, so much of the pressure she had felt when writing her first novel was eliminated.

Elyssa admits that writing has complicated her life. Most of her work actually gets done at night. It is in that final hour before she falls asleep that her brain begins to craft the words and lines of dialogue she will write the next day.

For this reason, Elyssa Friedland always has a notepad next to her bed, just in case, she gets struck with an idea that she absolutely has to remember. Of course, because she is frequently jotting ideas down, the first bit of free time she gets the next day is spent unraveling and translating everything her sleep-addled brain threw out the night before.

And of course, free time for Elyssa doesn’t come until she has woken, bathed, fed, and sent her kids off to school. Once she has them out of the house, Elyssa immediately sits before the computer, reviews whatever she wrote the day before, makes revisions and then writes new content.

Elyssa normally starts each day with a specific writing goal. Having a particular goal gives the author the impetus to write because it makes her writing feel like any other errand that must be accomplished regardless of the circumstances at hand.

Every so often, the author will encounter writer’s block. She overcomes it by reading. Actually, Elyssa tries to do as much reading as she can regardless of whether or not she has encountered writer’s block.

But she doesn’t always find the time, not with the rigors that her husband and children inject into her life. That doesn’t even account for the author’s obsession with television which consumes a significant portion of her time.

Elyssa strives to keep her life balanced, to have it all. While she knows that there are women who are happy strictly being wives and mothers, Elyssa wouldn’t be satisfied if she didn’t have a fulfilling career.

When she was first starting out, Elyssa tried to juggle all the different aspects of her life on her own. But then she quickly became overwhelmed and someone convinced her to hire an assistant. She proceeded to do just that and she immediately found it much easier to balance her life.

+Love and Miss Communication
Evie Rosen has had her fill of the internet. She is tired of her partners at the law firm emailing her all day and all night. Online dating has done nothing but bring heartache into her life and she no longer finds fulfillment in the taking of selfies and sharing of hashtags.

Evie wants a fresh start and that is what she gets when she puts her phone down and begins to engage in real interactions with real people, free from online distractions.

+The Intermission
Cass felt so confident in her decision the day she married Jonathan. That was six years ago. Jonathan is still head over heels in love with Cass. She grates on his nerves from time to time, what with her high standards and refusal to clean the dishes.

But Jonathan would still die to keep their marriage alive. So he isn’t particularly amused when Cass suggests that they take a six-month intermission from their marriage.

Cass has secrets, skeletons in her closet that have kept her from fully enjoying her marriage. Her suggestion forces them both to take stock of that which they consider important.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Elyssa Friedland

2 Responses to “Elyssa Friedland”

  1. Ella James: 2 years ago

    I love Elyssa’s books.

  2. Rob Brenner: 3 years ago

    Just saw you in Stockton, NJ, discuss your current book and 2022 future book. Thank you.


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