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Elle Cosimano Books In Order

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Publication Order of Finlay Donovan Books

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Veronica Ruiz Breaks the Bank(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finlay Donovan Digs Her Own Grave(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Nearly Boswell Books

Publication Order of Seasons of the Storm Books

Seasons of the Storm(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seasons of Chaos(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Holding Smoke(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Suffering Tree(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Busybodies Collection Books

Staged(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Lucky Subscriber (By: Kellye Garrett)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nosy Neighbor (By: Nita Prose)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Classic Case (By: Alicia Thompson)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Crime of Fashion (By: Emma Rosenblum)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Reunion Dinner (By: Jesse Q. Sutanto)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Elle Cosimano is an author of thriller novels that is best known for the ‘Nearly Gone’ series of books


Elle Cosimano comes from a Washington, DC Suburb. She would like to think that her childhood was pretty ordinary. Her parents were normal, and so was her little brother, despite his tendency to eat her pet caterpillars.

Cosimano had a vivid imagination as a child. She could daydream at any time and in any place, and the images in her mind were so often so clear that they drove her to pursue that which she wished to acquire with unrivaled fervor.

Her friends and family imputed this trait to a goal-oriented mind. But Cosimano knew better. She knew that her imagination held the key to her future. She knew that it explained her passion for storytelling.

Even as a child, Elle Cosimano loved to read. It helped that there were always books around the house. By the time Cosimano was in elementary school, her friends and teachers were marveling at the short stories and epic poems she wrote.

Or rather, she would like to believe that they marveled at her work. Her memories of those days are not as vivid. Though, the author knows she wrote a lot about pirate kings and ponies.

As the years passed, Cosimano graduated from writing cheerfully sweet tales to angst-ridden poems. Life saw the author enroll at St. Mary’s College in Southern Maryland. The liberal arts college wasn’t especially prominent but it had all the tools the author needed to refine her skills and take those first tentative steps towards a brighter future.

Cosimano was a stubborn child and that trait followed her to college. For all her dreams about writing and telling stories, the author got it into her head at one point that she wanted to be a biologist.

And being so stubborn, she went ahead and gave the field a shot. Anyone that knew the author could tell that hard sciences were not her cup of tea. But Elle Cosimano wouldn’t be dissuaded.

It took three years of fruitless struggle for Cosimano to see the truth things. She didn’t have the capacity for Math and she had to accept that fact. To her credit, once she saw her limitations, Cosimano changed tracks and eventually left college with a degree in psychology.

If it looked like the author was fumbling in college, her days after college where even less certain. Elle Cosimano remembers trying her hand at a number of fields before finally setting in real estate.

No one who knew Cosimano as a child would have guessed that she would end up in real estate. But the author had enough cunning to survive in the industry and she actually worked in real estate for fourteen years.

That is how long it took her to realize that the field, though financially rewarding on occasion, brought her no satisfaction. It was around that time that Cosimano decided to put her imagination to good use by writing a novel.

The author started in 2010. It only took her two months to write ‘Nearly Gone’, her first novel. Though it looked like the author had literally stumbled into publishing, Elle Cosimano’s friends will tell you that, even before ‘Nearly Gone’ came into being, she was frequently joking about the idea.

As a much younger woman, Cosimano would talk often about the day she would have a midlife crisis and finally leave her work, betting everything on a novel she had suddenly decided to write.

Most of her friends never took her seriously. One assumes that most of their jaws dropped the day they saw her name on a novel in their local bookstores.

While Elle Cosamnio has garnered a reputation for her thrillers, she initially intended to write romance. Even as a child, Cosimano was pretty certain that her prospects for success lay in the romance genre.

However, when she sat down to write, people started to die, which generally doesn’t happen in romance. More importantly, the author found that she enjoyed generating tension and writing action in her stories.

Once her first novel was written, Cosimano knew there would be no turning back. She had found her voice and it was firmly planted in the thriller and suspense genres.

When Cosimano has been pushed to think about why she thinks she started writing novels after so many years spent working in every field from marketing to finance, she has suggested that it could have been her doctor who tipped her over the edge.

Elle Cosimano had really high blood pressure at the time, and it would sometimes keep her awake at night. During those nights, Cosimano would think about all the unwritten stories that were swirling about in her head.

She thought about what it would be like to die without ever giving those stories life, and she realized that she did not fancy dying with that sort of regret.

Cosimano has a husband and two children who she has described as ‘perfect’ and ‘random’. The author was married in 1991.

+Nearly Gone

Nearly Boswell likes to keep things close to the vest, and for good reason. Nearly lives in a trailer park somewhere outside Washington, DC. That isn’t the sort of upbringing that endears one to their classmates.

If that wasn’t bad enough, her mother is an exotic dancer. So Nearly keeps her secrets. She has been doing so for so long that it’s become second nature to her. She has no intention of giving her classmates any reason to target her.

The only person Nearly Boswell has trusted with her life is her best friend.

Of course, Nearly’s less than perfect life is hardly a point of concern for her classmates. After all, there’s a serial killer on the loose and his murder spree doesn’t seem to have an end in sight.

With the way he’s been attacking students, Nearly knows that she must put the clues to his assault together quickly and figure his plan out before she suffers a deadly fate.

+Nearly Found

Nearly Boswell caught a killer last spring. Now she’s interning at a crime lab. However, Nearly doesn’t expect much from the gig besides the boost it will give her college applications.

Things change when a girl from a trailer park is killed and then the corpse of a missing person reveals a message for Nearly.

Nearly wants to believe that she’s being paranoid but she knows there’s a secret in her past that she must discover before a killer strikes again.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Elle Cosimano

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