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Elizabeth Moon Books In Order

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Publication Order of Paksenarrion Books

Publication Order of The Deed of Paksenarrion Books

Sheepfarmer's Daughter(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divided Allegiance(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Oath of Gold(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Legacy of Gird Books

Publication Order of Paladin's Legacy Books

Oath of Fealty(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kings of the North(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echoes of Betrayal(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Limits of Power(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Crown of Renewal(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Serrano Legacy Books

Hunting Party(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sporting Chance(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Winning Colors(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Once a Hero(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rules of Engagement(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Change of Command(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Against the Odds(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Vatta's War Books

Trading in Danger(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Marque and Reprisal / Moving Target(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Engaging the Enemy(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Command Decision(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Victory Conditions(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Vatta's Peace Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Remnant Population(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Speed of Dark(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Publication Order of Planet Pirates Books

Sassinak (With: Anne McCaffrey)(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Death of Sleep (By: Anne McCaffrey,Jody Lynn Nye)(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Generation Warriors (With: Anne McCaffrey)(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Chronological Order of Planet Pirates Books

The Death of Sleep (By: Anne McCaffrey,Jody Lynn Nye)(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sassinak (With: Anne McCaffrey)(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Generation Warriors (With: Anne McCaffrey)(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Elizabeth Moon is science fiction and fantasy writer. She was born in 1945 (March the Seventh), South Texas, and grew up there, near the Mexican border. In a small city of McAllen, she started to write very early, at the age of six. As a little child, she loved storytelling and reading, and the first stories she wrote were mostly about the subjects that could interest a child’s soul; for example, she tried to write a whole book about her dog when she was six. She would also scribble some poetry while in school, or stories on pieces of paper. However, her parents divorced before she was born, and she lived with her mother. Elizabeth new very well that earning for living must be her priority, but still, she chose to deny jobs that were reserved for girls back then: secretaries, teachers, nurses etc.

So, she went to Houston to attend Rice University. At the beginning, she wanted to be physics major, but later discovered that history is maybe a better solution, since her interest in science in high school was not enough for the university level. Therefore, Elizabeth earned her Bachelor’s degree in history, in 1968. Of course, during her studies, she wrote poetry and science fiction novels. After college, Moon had made one unusual decision: she attended military service. She signed up with the Marines, and was assigned to work with computers. Most of her books include precisely military themes, because of her experience with the Marines.

In love with nature since she was just a child, Elizabeth Moon took the opportunity to explore trees, birds, ecosystems, when she had the time. Even when she was little girl, her mother often took her outside on the beach, to ride horses and have fun. In 1969, she married Richard Sloan Moon – her classmate from Rice University. Nevertheless, her admiration for science and nature never stopped, and she later earned another Bachelor’s Degree. This time in biology.

In 1979 Moons moved to a small town in Texas, and about two years later Elizabeth started writing for a weekly magazine Florence News. That was the beginning of her professional writing career. The couple adopted a son in 1983.

Elizabeth claims that her dream was not always to be only a writer. The professions she took into account were: a painter, a composer, an astronomer, a physicist after all. But she could not stop writing. It was always her basic urge. And even though she wrote (at first) adventure stories and poetry about her surroundings, science fiction and fantasy genre brought her many awards. For her novel The Speed of Dark, she got Nebula Award for best novel in 2003. And she received Robert A. Heinlein Award in 2007 for outstanding work in science fiction field. Her books were nominated for Arthur C. Clark Award, and Hugo Award too, so the novels she wrote certainly deserved to be placed among the works of the greatest writers of sci-fi.

Apart from passion for writing, she has many other interests. She has experience in singing in a choir, she likes photographing the beautiful nature sceneries. One of her favorite pastime is cooking. Fencing is one of the many curious activities Elizabeth is interested in. She is also a captain of the nonprofit organization of science fiction and fantasy writers in the United States.


During the 1980s, Elizabeth’s success starts growing. Her science fiction stories appeared regularly in the monthly magazine Analog. The anthology series was called Sword and Sorceress. In 1988, her first novel was published, The Sheepfarmer’s Daughter. For this book she won the Compton Crook Award by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, and it was the very beginning of a series of her most popular books: The Deed of Paksenarrion series of novels.

In The Sheepfarmer’s Daughter, the hero is a young woman who imagined something different for her life. Living on a farm with her father, young Paksennarion Dorthansdotter doesn’t want to marry a husband chosen for her, and instead runs away to be a soldier. Paks (as the lady prefers to be called) enters into training, she learns how to fight, and on the way she has many troubles with accustoming to the mercenary life. Certain Honeycat later appears, who is a warlord, but not so endowed with virtue as she and her comrades. Honeycat is the messenger of dark forces and gods, and Paks must warn the rest of the allies about this evil villain. Throughout the book, her adventures become more and more exciting, until it is even discovered that she has certain powers given to her by gods themselves.

The whole book is set in fictional medieval world that includes vast kingdoms, elves, humans, gnomes. Paks also fights for the right of her first commander, Kieri Phelan, who is the rightful heir of the kingdom of Lyonya, but he encounters strong opposition of the evil spirits and dark sorceries. Adventurous and captivating book, about a young and bold woman who fights for her dreams and for the justice. The perfect beginning of the epic fantasy saga.

In the next volume of The Deed of Paksenarrion trilogy, called The Divided Allegiance, Paks is an equal member of the Phelan’s crew. She departs for the training that can make her a paladin – an anointed knight-errant. Readers follow her new adventures on the way. She encounters several elves who redirect her path, taking her to the land of evil, Elfane Taig. She succeeds in deliberating the land from corruption, and then continues her journey. Kuagan is the next character, whom Paks meets while in search for some clothes in his country. She gets into new trouble by choosing wrong colors for her attire. Unluckily for her, she chose the colors of an enemy court. Again, she manages to save herself, as a real, honest warrior. After such turbulences, Paks is taken prisoner by the evil cousins of the elves, and readers follow her destiny that is questioned throughout the whole novel. In the world of magic, Divided Allegiance is a novel that explores the soul of the heroine, and her coping with responsibilities.

Elizabeth Moon and her exciting, magical books create one special and intriguing world of good and evil, brave heroes, mysterious creatures and glorious kingdoms from the past.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Elizabeth Moon

4 Responses to “Elizabeth Moon”

  1. Richard Dow: 7 days ago

    Much to my regret, I just read the obit for Elizabeth Moon. If you google her name, you will find it. Damn, but I have enjoyed her writing.

    • Mike O: 2 days ago

      Wrong Elizabeth Moon.

  2. Mike scott: 3 years ago

    Will there be any more Paksenarrion novels as I read and re-read every one?

  3. Robert L Curts: 3 years ago

    I have read Esamay’s series & Sassinak & Trading in Danger. loved them all


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