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David Wiltse Books In Order

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David Wiltse is a popular author and playwright from America, who is famous for writing thriller, mystery, and suspense books. He has written numerous novels, TV scripts, screenplays, and stageplays in his career. The best known work of author Wiltse as an author is the John Becker mystery series, in which John Becker is depicted as an FBI agent. Author Wiltse began his writing career in the year 1972 by writing the play called Suggs. He wrote and published his first novel in 1982 under the name of The Wedding Guest. Wiltse’s John Becker book series was started in 1991 with its first novel titled as Prayer for the Dead. Author Wiltse contributed six books to the series, one in each year up to 1996. John Becker is shown as the central character in the thriller/suspense series. He is introduced as a retired hitman, who used to work for the FBI. As the series progresses, John Becker gets convinced by the police to give up his retirement and start working again. They request him to assist in solving the mysterious criminal cases in the city. Author Wiltse is quite well known for being versatile in his work. His career comprises of altogether 14 plays, 12 novels, and several teleplays and screenplays. One of the successful teleplays series written by him for CBS is called Ladies Man. Author Wiltse was the Playwright-In-Residence at the Playhouse of Westport Country between the years 2007 and 2009. Wiltse’s comedy, Doubles, ran continuously on Broadway between 1985 and 1986. The most recent works of author Witlse for the stage include A Marriage Minuet, Hatchetman, The Good German, and Sedition. Author Witlse was born on June 06, 1940, in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. He completed his graduation from the Nebraska University and currently resides in a little town located in Connecticut. As a playwright, author Wiltse has won the Drama Desk prize for his debut play, Suggs. He has always been popular with the readers of Bookhaunts. Apart from the John Becker series, author Wiltse is also known to write the Falls City/Billy Tree Novels.

The John Becker series written by David Wiltse consists of 6 books in total, which were released between the years 1991 and 1996. Each and every novel of this series features the lead protagonist in the role of John Becker, an ex-agent in the FBI living in New York City. An initial novel written by author Wiltse in this series is entitled ‘The Edge of Sleep’. It was released by the Berkeley publication in the year 1994. The central characters of the book’s plot include John Becker and Karen Crist. The book is a tantalizing thriller that shows the pairing of two lethal sociopaths who manage to escape detection. Author Wiltse has shown his skills in capturing the attention of the readers and holding it until the climax. The story takes the readers to the edge and its thrilling description seems to break all the rules. At the start of the story, John Becker is shown reuniting with the FBI agent named Karen Crist. She is the former protegee of John Becker and also his ex-lover. Author Wiltse has described Karen Crist as making excellent use of her wit and skills to nab the criminals and solve the mysteries.

A recent case arrives on her desk involving the disappearance of little boys. She comes to know that each disappearing boy is discovered dead after several days. This crime is increasing at an alarming rate. The killer, who is targeting small boys, is roaming freely, unchecked, desperate, and out of control. Both Crist and Becker investigate the case in search of a lead about the killer, but they do not find any success. They seem to fail in understanding a simple fact that the murderer they are trying to trace does not fit the profile of a typical serial killer. Therefore, even if they come across the guilty, their instincts and training are not able to identify him. The crime streak keeps getting difficult with each passing day for John and Karen to solve. And when they finally come closer to unmasking the murderer, they find that they have themselves become the hunter’s prey. Now, both the agents are not only required to catch the killer, but also save their own lives. Overall, the novel seems quite fast paced, driving, and brilliant. It shows the battle between the hunted and a hunter. Its tremendous success helped author Wiltse secure his reputation as a noteworthy author of suspenseful thriller novels.

Another exciting book written and published in this thrilling series is called ‘Into the Fire’. This book was also released by Berkley publication in 1995. Author Wiltse has mentioned the primary characters of the story of this book as Hatcher, John Becker, and Karen Crist. This book is another taut thriller filled with surprising intersections of hardened prisoners, wily serial killers, and con artists, and unexpected reversals. At the beginning of the plot, it is depicted that John Becker returns to work on yet another absorbing shocker. As the plot opens, he is shown as still being on medical extension from FBI. However, he decides to come out of the indefinite extension as he feels that he cannot completely disengage from the serial killer and whackos. The primary reason for this feeling is that John Becker seemingly shares certain sensibility with the criminals inexplicably. Becker receives several coded messages from an inmate of maximum security prison. Initially, Becker is not able to understand what the inmate is trying to convey. But, later he successfully decodes the messages and reluctantly comes face to face with reality. He learns that the offender has cut a deal with the hated superior of John Becker, Associate Direcor named Hatcher. And when the demon is finally unleashed by Hatcher, even Becker could not anticipate it. Even though John Becker is the first one to wise up to Hatcher’s plans, he couldn’t think of the step he should take to stop him. But, Wiltse knows very well that he is the only one who can spoil Hatcher criminal intentions. He also knows how to exploit his talents and wits against most twisted criminal minds. The novel became highly successful among the masses. It helped Wiltse increase his popularity even further and motivated him to continue writing many more thriller books. A number of critics gave rave reviews of the novel and praised author Wiltse’s efforts in coming up with such an interesting story. The book went on to sell numerous printed copies in many foreign countries and is still all across the globe.

Book Series In Order » Authors » David Wiltse

One Response to “David Wiltse”

  1. Brandon Krantz Neifert: 3 years ago

    Mr. Wiltse

    How do I put this? I wrote a book titled “The Fifth Angel’s Trumpet”, and my main character is named “Marcus Krantz.” Your character is “Mark” in your book “The Fifth Angel.” That’s so bizarre because I don’t remember ever seeing your book. Or even knowing it existed. I don’t remember checking to see if the title was used before; I chose it because mine was something like Star-Ship troopers, and the bugs I invented were similar to the creatures described in the passage of the Fifth Angel.

    Also, the subject of your book is interesting to me. Our two books are nothing alike, except that the main characters are named Mark—mine’s Marc. And the title is similar. However, in my later poetry, there’s been this theme of a doppelganger showing up, whom in my imagination is something like a spy. He shows up in Disney’s Spider Man movies—

    It’s my opinion that true stories, when given by God, have a shadow of substance in them. However, given that your book calls Mark “The Fifth Angel”, it’s true that there were two entities in the Fifth Angel passage. There was the Fifth Angel himself who holds the Keys of David, and Abaddon/Apollyon or Death.

    This furthers the mystery, of whether your character Mark is Apollyon or The Fifth Angel. More importantly, my book foreshadows the Beast Government. It’s not technically the Beast Government—maybe both our books make good out of what’s bad—because the society I built is very against Trans-humanistic technologies. But, I think there’s some truth to what you wrote. That maybe in real life Abaddon were like Mark in you series.

    However, I just wanted to pop by and say this. Maybe you have another novel in you— But, I would like to just let you know I wrote a novel of a similar title, and I would like to get it published. I think it’s needed in our day. Why there are these spooky similarities is beyond me, however maybe you prophesied Abaddon and I prophesied his government. Only both of us made good versions of them.

    B. K. Neifert


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