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Dark Wolf Books In Order

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Dark wolf is a series of novels written by Dena Christy. The books are supernaturally themed and take place in a world where wolves, Valkyries and the like roam about.

+The Story

Dark wolf is another one of the several supernaturally-themed urban fantasy novels on the market. The books take place in a world filled with all manner of unnatural creatures.

The urban fantasy genre has been growing strong since the early 2000s, and anyone that has dipped their toes into that particular genre can probably figure out the plot of the Dark wolf series.

That isn’t to say that all the books in the Urban Fantasy genre are alike. Rather, the genre has only survived for so long because there’s always a stand out in the crowd, a series that brings something new to the table.

However, even in the most unique of Urban Fantasy novels, there recurring themes and ideas, plot elements that keep repeating in some form or fashion.

In that regard, anyone that has read urban fantasy in notable quantities won’t be surprised by what the Dark wolf series has to offer. The novels take place in a world where werewolves and Valkyrie and succubae walk the land. You also have gods operating within the fringes.

Every story seems to revolve around the Order of Odin in some form or fashion, an entity that seems to unite the different supernatural creatures walking the world under a single banner.

It isn’t always easy to make sense of the titles of some of the urban fantasy series saturating the shelves.

Most of them have a poetic interpretation that can only be understood as one progresses through the series and begins to discover the different mysteries of the story in question. With the Dark wolf series, it isn’t that hard to figure out the meaning behind the ‘Dark wolf’ title.

Crucial to the entire story of the Dark wolf series is a deadly virus called Dark Wolf. The virus doesn’t kill werewolves per say. Rather, it causes them to regress into their most brutal and most feral forms, making them killing machines that must be put down.

The Order of Odin has operatives in play working to eliminate the source of the virus even while removing those werewolves that have been infected from the board. This plot stands at the center of practically every novel in the Dark wolf series.

Every novel has a character that has been affected by the virus in some way. Though, the Dark Wolf virus isn’t always the primary aspect of every plot. The different Dark wolf novels are driven by the characters.

Each new book in the series either elevates a pre-existing character to the role of protagonist or it brings a completely new set of individuals to the forefront. The drama between the protagonists of each series typically plays out within the vicinity of the Dark Wolf virus plot.

Someone is either out to stop the production of the virus or they have been infected by it or they are dealing with the consequences of their actions while under the thrall of the virus. Either way, the action always revolves in and around the Dark Wolf Virus.

And as one might expect, these books contain plenty of action. Where there are supernatural creatures with impossible abilities on the prowl, there is bound to be some fighting. Though, the romance tends to play a big part in almost every plot.

In fact, the romance is just as important an aspect of the Dark wolf series as the Dark Wolf Virus. The protagonists are always a boy and a girl, a man and a woman. And they always fall in love. But their romance isn’t always straightforward.

Like every decent love story, something always stands as an obstacle to their relationship. In the first book, you have a girl that doesn’t know how to tell the man she loves that she probably led to the death of his brother.

In another book, a man doesn’t know how to go about approaching a woman he knows he deeply loves because the Dark Wolf Virus caused him to bite her, turning her into a werewolf.

In yet another novel in the Dark wolf series, you have a woman who thinks the man she once loved abandoned her; he must get her to fall for him a second time even while dealing with the fact that she is dead set on helping the Order of Odin eliminate his father.

The love stories are supposed to be unconventional, and most of them have a connection with the Order of Odin. Because the books are so simple and straightforward, it isn’t that difficult to keep track of all the characters even when they have recurring roles down the line.

At some point, the landscape of the Dark Wolf series begins to shift as more emphasis is given to the gods of Dena Christy’s world. The dynamics of the romances remain the same. You are still dealing with ancient creatures of a supernatural nature that are not particularly effective at communicating with one another. However, they are operating on a slightly more complex scale.

The Dark wolf novels are very short. They are not designed to deliver complicated storytelling. They are meant to be consumed quickly over a short period of time, simple reads that provide simple thrills.

They are definitely written with fans of Urban Fantasy in mind. Some of the earlier novels have been criticized for being laden with so many grammatical errors.

+Dark Assassin

As an assassin with the Order of Odin, Samara Damalas is an effective killer. Her attributes as a Succubus allow her to enthrall her victims with a single touch, giving her an opening to kill them. When Samara touches Eric, not only is she incapable of enthralling him but he also ignites an unquenchable passion in her.

Eric Johnson has spent years keeping his heart safe from those that might have the power to move it. He only chooses to leave his life of isolation when his twin brother vanishes. Eric cannot help but wonder whether Samara had something to do with it, so he agrees to help her stop the production of a deadly virus that is turning werewolves feral. Eric’s only goal is to keep an eye on Samara, but he is soon sidetracked by her beauty.

+Dark Curse

Hadria doesn’t want to give up on love. But after a thousand years of having her heart broken by werewolves, the result of a curse, the Valkyrie is all but ready to give up. When Hadria meets Nick, she is determined to keep her heart safe this time.

Nick Johnson has nothing but love for Hadria. When a hunt for the Dark Wolf virus throws them together, Nick makes it his mission to show Hadria that he would never betray her.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Dark Wolf

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