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Daniel Gibbs Books In Order

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Publication Order of Battlegroup Z Books

Publication Order of Breach of Faith Books

with Gary T. Stevens

Publication Order of Deception Fleet Books

with Steve Rzasa

Publication Order of Echoes of War Books

Fight the Good Fight(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strong and Courageous(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
So Fight I(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gates of Hell(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Keep the Faith(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Run the Gauntlet(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finish the Fight(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Galaxy Bridge Books

with Steve Rzasa

Publication Order of The Lost Warship Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Daniel Gibbs

An American science-fiction author, Daniel Gibbs is well known for writing engaging novels that take his readers to exciting new worlds and landscapes. His imagination is something that really elevates his work to another level, pushing his stories to the limit, really getting the most from each premise. Dealing with deeper subjects as well, he not only entertains the reader, but also manages to say something more profound too. Making sure his readers take something away from each of his books, he leaves them with a strong and long lasting impression.

Setting himself apart from other writers within his field, it’s also his attention to detail that really brings his books to life. Known for using military premises and ideas, he manages to create well crafted stories that feel whole real and believable, despite their otherworldly settings. This formula of his has proven to be hugely successful over the years, ensuring that readers from around the world return to his books time and time again. Letting his work speak for itself, he gets straight to the point, ensuring that his audience really understands where he’s coming from.

Creating characters that are long lasting too, he establishes protagonists that really speak to the reader on multiple levels. Letting the audience feel like they really know the characters, they ground the stories with a real sense of personality, regardless of where they’re set. There are also elements of Christianity and faith interspersed throughout his stories, asking some of the bigger questions humanity faces. With lots more set to follow, he’s definitely a writer with a lot more to say, as he continues writing on into the future.

Early and Personal Life

Born in America, Daniel Gibbs would grow up with a love of literature, and science-fiction military novels in particular. This keen interest would lead to his adult literary career, as he would come to write stories set within this genre himself. Developing his own universes in his writing, he would come to excel at detailed world-building, coupling this with his well crafted characters.

Previously working as an IT computer engineer in the Marine Corps and US Navy, he’d gain first-hand experience of how the military operated. He would later put this back into his own work, allowing him to make his stories far more realistic and believable for his audience. Releasing work regularly, he continues to write to this present day, as he has a lot more books and series to come still.

Writing Career

It was in 2018 that Daniel Gibbs would release his first novel, which would be titled ‘Fight The Good Fight,’ allowing him to make a name for himself. Injecting his work with a lot of philosophical insight, he would also use his faith to inspire him, although this wouldn’t be a dominant feature. Creating numerous series, the first of which was titled ‘Echoes of War,’ he would establish long-running franchises in which he create whole universes.

Always on the lookout for new and innovative ideas, he has a lot of imagination to build from, as he continues to be inspired. Writing alongside fellow authors too, such as the science-fiction series ‘Breach of Faith’ that he wrote with Gary T Stevens, he’s a very adaptable and versatile writer as well. Gaining critical and commercial success in equal measure, he maintains a profile both online and off, and it continues to grow every day.

Finish the Fight

Originally coming out in 2020 on the 24th of June, this was first published to the reading public through the Kindle platform. Reaching a wide audience, it would be an action packed science-fiction adventure, with elements of futuristic military throughout. It would also make up the seventh part in the ongoing ‘Echoes of War’ series, continuing on from where the previous left off, so it’s best they’re read in order.

Facing ending his career behind a desk as opposed to becoming a war hero, General David Cohen has been stripped of his rank after twenty-two years serving in the galactic military. Meanwhile the shipyards lie ruined, as the League of Sol has their defense fleet still, aiming to gain victory over the Terran Coalition finally. Commandeering a ship for a re-con mission, David finds old allies as they confront the Terran leadership with their newfound intelligence. Will they be able to save the day though, can David make a name for himself once again, and what will happen when they finally finish the fight?

This is a fun and action packed story, filled with plenty of interesting characters throughout, making it especially engaging. The story itself is well told, and the use of the military is detailed, making it wholly believable, despite its futuristic setting. Giving the fans of the series what they want and have come to expect, it delivers on every level, providing some twists and turns along the way.

Iron Hand

Published through the Kindle platform once again, this would be another entry into a long-running science-fiction series. Marking the fifth title in the ‘Battlegroup Z’ series of novels, this would carry on from the previous four titles in the franchise. First brought out on the 14th of September in 2021, it would continue many of the ongoing character arcs, as well as developing the world overall.

Considering leaving active duty in the Coalition Defense Force, Captain Justin Spencer feels he’s underprepared for combat, so hopes to leave for a training post. But CDF need more active fighters, especially in the war against the League of Sol, and now pirates have targeted a civilian star-liner. This leads Zvika Greengold to renew an old acquaintance, as he must now work alongside Spencer, as they head into previous neutral space. Can they avoid starting a new war, where will the evidence and their journey take them, and what will become of the iron hand?

While this book is highly entertaining on the surface, there’s a lot of intelligent themes and ideas running concurrently underneath. Looking at the true cost of war, it deals with some heavier subject matter, despite its fun and light-hearted tone of adventure. These questions posed by the author help elevate it to a higher level, really making it a worthwhile book and series to read.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Daniel Gibbs

3 Responses to “Daniel Gibbs”

  1. Mac McNulty: 3 years ago

    Will their be any further books with General Cohen and the Lion of Judea? Loved the Echos of War series and want more….

    • Nigel Boubert: 2 years ago

      Stay tuned. The Lost Warship is coming soon.

  2. Richard Langbecker: 3 years ago

    Having read every one of Daniel Gibbs books (except Ecliptic Flight), I was wondering when the next series will come out and how we find out what happened to the CSV – Lion of Judah.


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