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D.L. Bogdan Books In Order

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Publication Order of Tudor Court Books

Secrets of the Tudor Court(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rivals in the Tudor Court(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sumerton Women(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Forgotten Queen(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

D.L. Bogdan is a historical fiction novelist from Wisconsin who is best known for the “Tudor Court” series of novels.

She is married to a retired but very handsome US Navy chief, with whom she has a blended family of four. She is also a vocalist and trained pianist but much of that was cast to the side when she discovered show tunes, classic rock, and Janis Joplin.
Bogdan still loves to sing and play a very broad range of music which she has said is an outlet just like her writing is.

Her parents came from Chicago and she is the first of her family that was born in Wisconsin. This makes it hard for her when it comes to choosing between the rivalry between the two states.
As such, she often swears allegiance to both the Packers and the Bears.

Bogdan published “Secrets of the Tudor Court” her debut novel in 2010 and has never looked back since. She now has at least half a dozen novels to her name.

Bogdan got interested in writing as soon as she could read.

During her childhood and young adulthood years, she was always daydreaming and making up stories that took her to other worlds.

The more she read, the more she got the passion and desire to one day become an author. But it was not until she was 16 that she began her first serious pursuit.

D.L. Bogdan had always been interested in historical novels right from the times before the current era right to the Vietnam era and hence it was not surprising that she would default to the historical genre when she started writing.
With so many stories to be told about the events, the places, and the people who shaped our world, she finally settled on the Tudor England period.

She loved the compelling personalities from the period who had to deal with a lot of personal struggles and intense conflict, which she thought had been overlooked and decided to breathe new life into.
But it would not be until she was in her twenties that she started pitching some of her manuscripts to agents, as she figured that it was a good time as any to check if anyone else found her work to be as good as she thought it was.
Lucky for her, she found an editor and agent who believed in her work.

Now a full-time author, D.L. Bogdan has all the time in the world to write even though she prefers to work during the night. She does most of the writing from her house with animals and kids and the responsibilities that come with them.
Given that she finds the afternoons most peaceful, she sometimes does some work in the afternoons if she is alone at home.

When she is on a deadline, she can write up to 5 pages every day but when she is not she can take an entire day writing just one or two pages. Still, she enjoys the latter way of doing things as she finds it to be more inspiring.
She is lucky to have a supportive husband who remodeled one of the bedrooms at their house into the office from which she writes.

Bogdan often retires to that room whenever she needs a peaceful and quiet working environment, away from all the chaos of the other rooms in the house.

When she is not writing, she can usually be found on her social media profiles on Twitter and Facebook and her blog keeping her fans up to date on her works.

D.L. Bogdan’s “Secrets of the Tudor Court” is an interesting work of fiction that introduces Mary Howard.

She has just been informed that she will be heading to King Henry VIII’s court to become a lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn his mistress and she couldn’t be any more ecstatic.

Everything Boleyn touches turns to gold and she believes it is only a matter of time before she becomes queen. However, Mary thinks the king is a fickle man who tends to discard the people closest to him without thought.
At some point, she finds out that she is nothing but a pawn in a well-orchestrated scheme that the Duke of Norfolk her father had come up with.

She cannot defy the man but despite her efforts to make him happy, it is not long before she is subjected to his cold wrath.

It is only when she gets engaged to the Duke of Richmond, Harry Fitzroy who is also the son of Henry VIII that she finds the approval and love she had been seeking.

But just when she believes she has gotten away from the clutches of her father, things change. She finds herself in a very complex and deadly chess game that could not only change her life but also the course of history.

“Rivals in the Tudor Court” by D.L. Bogdan tells the story of Elizabeth Stafford.
As the daughter of the Duke of Buckingham and maid to Queen Catherine, the future could not be brighter. But when her father gets her betrothed to the third Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Howard she will have to sacrifice everything for duty.
While she was never for the match she is surprised by how passionate she is toward her new husband. When he ultimately takes a mistress she will do anything to get back her man and her honor.

Vulnerable and naive, Bess Holland is swept off her feet by the duke and does his bidding in exchange for adoration and gifts.

For years, she competes for Howard’s affections alongside his wife Elizabeth. Nonetheless, what they do not know is that they are both just spectators to Howard’s obsession to get his name into the royal bloodline.
Their loyalties are tested to the limit as plots come to light among them the litigious marriage of Anne Boleyn his niece to King Henry VIII.

But in that period, ruthlessness was the order of the day and Bess and Elizabeth may have to fight some very sinister forces just to stay alive.

D.L. Bogdan’s novel “Ritual of Fire,” tells the story of Lady Cecily Burkhart.

She was left an orphan when she was eight and had to live with the Earl of Sumerton, Harold Pierce.

Luckily, Lord Hal and Lady Grace his wife welcomed and treated her like one of their one while she developed a playful and easy relationship with their young son Brey.

However, Mirabella their intensely devout daughter is given to her religious vocation and her devotion to the family tutor and priest Father Alec Cahill.

The priest is her closest confidant and over the following months, Cecily begins to get glimpses of the painful secrets the Pierce family has been hiding.

When they have a family tragedy and the obsession Henry VII has developed toward Boleyn results in chaos across the land, Mirabella loses her calling while Cecily loses her dreams too.

Struggling to hold her household together, Alec and Cecily grapple with a dangerous mutual attraction. Jealous to the core, Mirabella unleashes a torrent of events that could destroy everything and everyone around her.
With suspicion and treachery rampant, desire could just tear a kingdom apart and shatter a family.

Book Series In Order » Authors » D.L. Bogdan

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