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D.A. Roberts Books In Order

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Publication Order of Apex Predator Books

Publication Order of Code Name: Wild Hunt Books

Odin's Call(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Curse of the Wendigo(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Operation Blood Eagle(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Operation Lilly & Other Tales(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death In Dyatlov Pass(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Dark Frontiers Books

First Hunt / Cry of the Wendigo(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Howl of the Wolfman(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Infinite Black Books

Blood and Honor(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Perdition's Flames(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Lakeview Man Books

The Lakeview Man(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
First Duty(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beast of Blunk Road(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Mann's Marauders Books

A Planet Too Far(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Nightmare Hunter Books

Publication Order of Ragnarok Rising Saga Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Cold Hunger(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death Stalks Moon Valley(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

D.A. Roberts is a science fiction and dystopian horror fiction author who is best known for the “Ragnarok Rising Saga” series of novels.

The author was born in Lebanon, Missouri and while he was growing up, he had all manner of opportunities to develop a very fertile imagination.

When his mother recognized just how good of an imagination he had, she encouraged him to continue dreaming of becoming a famous writer.

He continued dreaming but as an adult, he had a diverse career path which is what shaped his unique view of the world.

Over the years, he has worked as a security officer, soldier, lab technician, factory worker, bouncer, and even as a corrections officer. He thus makes use of his many experiences to write works on a very human level that have mesmerized readers.
Outside of his writing, he is married to Annette and together they have three sons Noah, Nic, and Nathan who are their pride and joy and keep them very busy. They also have Xandr, a massive English Mastiff who is a big part of the family.
When he is not spending time with family, writing, or working as a corrections officer, D.A. Roberts loves a good book, a warm fire, and a good cup of coffee. He will also sometimes head out to go hike, camp, fish, and hunt.

While he was born in Lebanon, Missouri, D.A. Roberts currently makes his home in Springfield Missouri. He has spent the greater part of his life working in law enforcement and this has informed much of his writing career.
Over the years, he has been researching and investigating cryptids for at least forty years. He is also a director at the North American Region 2 Dogman Project.

For his work in cryptid research and his writings, he has been a featured guest on many shows and podcasts. However, he would make his name when he published the “Ragnarok Saga,” which would become his most popular.
In his works, he combines zombie fiction with elements of Norse mythology which has led to his works being referred to as the thinking man’s apocalyptic world.

Even though he is a huge lover of horror fiction, he does not limit himself to one genre only. He has penned all manner of zombie fiction but has also released several science fiction novels inspired by video games.
Outside of his writing, he is the host of the “D.A. Ex Machina” podcast, which is a very popular podcast that he usually cohosts with Robby Raines, Kerry Davis, and Steve Monrotus.
He can also be found on Patreon, where readers can shape the future of his fiction works depending on their contributions.

How D.A. Roberts came to be an author is an interesting story. He had been working as a corrections officer for nearly a decade when one night, several of his colleagues began talking about horror movies.
They were talking about the many movies they had watched when one of them mentioned zombie films.

He had always been a lover of zombie films and hence he loved talking about them. One of the officers asked what would happen if zombies suddenly appeared in town and how would the department react.
They would soon realize that they were in no way prepared for such an apocalypse. It was from that discussion that he began thinking about a concept that he just could not get out of his head.

He just could not stop thinking about how could they modify or defend a car or building whenever he saw them while out on the streets. A few weeks later, he began taking notes and this would be the spring for “Ragnarok Rising.”

D.A. Roberts’ novel “The Lakeview Man” opens with Deputy Daniel Clark getting drawn into the bizarre investigation of a missing child that leaves him befuddled.

He has been trained to go with his instincts and be very attentive to details yet his rational brain can’t make any sense of what he has seen.

There is something very bizarre in Sloan County in Missouri and he could not have been more unprepared despite years of experience. Things get even more mysterious when the sheriff makes an attempt to cover up what has been happening.
Clark gets the help of other deputies who have been witnesses to the strange happenings. In the rural lands of Missouri, primordial creatures have been spotted on the shores of Table Rock Lake and the hunting grounds of the Ozarks.
The closer they get to tracking down the creature, the more they are pressured to go slow on the investigation The pressure is coming from mysterious F.B.I. agents and the sheriff who certainly know more than they are letting on.
Things get very interesting when Clark discovers the primordial creature is also hunting him as he hunts it. It is going to be a massive battle of man versus beast in Missouri.

“First Duty” by D.A. Roberts is a thrilling work that opens with a series of brutal murders. These murders shatter the tranquility of the rural communities found around the shores of Table Rock Lake and the investigators find them eerily familiar.
Amanda Sanchez Clark the newly elected sheriff is once again going against a large hairy and bipedal hominid coming against the citizens of her community. They have limited resources as they are a very small department.
She calls Major Daniel Clark her husband who is the only person she believes would provide much-needed help. But even with the resources he brings from the “Wild Hunt,” stopping the primordial creature is not going to be easy.
From the streets of the Silver Dolar City, one of the most beloved theme parks in the Midwest to Table Rock Lake shores, the creature has been taking out residents and nobody can seemingly stop it.

D.A. Roberts’ novel “Beast of Blunk Road” is another thrilling novel set on the shores of Table Rock Lake, where some unknown beast has been killing residents.

Sheriff Amanda Sanchez Clark is once again called to battle and tame a monster believed to be from the folklore of the Ozarks. The creature has been claiming territory all along the shores of the lake.

Its violent actions have brought it into conflict with law enforcement in the Sheriff’s Office in Sloan County. It will not be long before they find out that this is nothing like they have ever dealt with before as it may just change lives forever.

Book Series In Order » Authors » D.A. Roberts

3 Responses to “D.A. Roberts”

  1. Raymond Tautuhi: 1 month ago

    Great books and series looking forward to all new series love going over old. Wild hunt series ending in Argentina taking out Hitler there appears to be trophies on wall of the pub hanging up that I have not read yet in relation to pub owner looking for place to hang Hitler painting?

  2. Lloyd A. Hill: 7 months ago

    Love your books.I have read most of your books and the process of reading the rest. thank you for writing such great Books.

  3. Dawn: 11 months ago

    Hello, I’ve read all the Wildhunt Series & everything on “Greyeagle” so sad that the last book I read, finished with him & Sarah being lost inside a portal. At the end of the book, you said it would continue on in the Blood & Redemption Trilogy. Would you tell me when this will be out on Kindle please, I can’t Dawn xx


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