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Chuck Palahniuk Books In Order

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Publication Order of Damned Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Fugitives and Refugees(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stranger than Fiction(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Consider This(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Fight Club 2 Graphic Novels

Fight Club 2 (With: Cameron Stewart)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Chuck Palahniuk

As a reader, there are times that the reader is wondering if there are any books or novels that relate to real life situations. There are those who are seeking some books that they can relate to all because they might be experiencing the exact situations as the character specified in a book, such as the protagonist. One notable author, Chuck Palahniuk is where he is good at, and his novel focuses on people that might be struggling on some sort of problem, and in any form.

Who is Chuck Palahniuk?

Chuck Palahniuk is a freelance journalist and a novel writer that is well known to the genre called transgression fiction. Given his family name, he has a French, Russian and Ukrainian ancestry. During his twenties, he attended the University of Oregon school for Journalism and graduated in 1986, and while he was attending college, his job as an intern was with National Public Radio which is a member station of KLCC in Eugene, Oregon.

Chuck Palahniuk started to write the stories that he made in his mid-thirties. It has been with his time attending workshops for writers that were hosted by Tom Spanbauer that he started to write some of his stories along with the workshop, and that is where he also met some of his friends in writing.

Writing Style

Chuck Palahniuk’s writing style focuses on a character that has issues on things that goes around them like being marginalized by others that often times leads them to having an aggressive behavior and being aggressive. Most of his work has a distinctive similarity to the next or last novel he have written and somehow, people came to realize that Chuck Palahniuk’s fictional novels can pertain in real life as well.

One of his styles that he applies on his writing are inspired by people that are well known in their minimalistic approach on the stories that they are writing as well, that is why Chuck Palahniuk’s stories are so simple to understand all because of the simplistic and minimalistic approach towards the character and how the character progresses along the story of the novel. In some occasions Chuck Palahniuk pertains his works as writings that has parts like a song, especially where there are choruses like in the middle of the whole story that he wrote.

When he is not writing fiction, he writes short non-fiction novels that also accommodates ordinary people that are not into fictional stories and prefer a more real life approach that could sometimes directly reflect to any person that has a very similar life than the protagonists of his book.

Fight Club

One of Chuck Palahniuk’s earliest novels is Fight club, where the story follows an individual that was diagnosed with insomnia and claims that he is suffering from it, despite the doctors claim that he is not suffering from the disorder. The protagonist however falls into a trance where he impersonated other identities and presented himself to different support groups, until another protagonist met him and brought him into an underground world if fight club as a radical solution to the ill person, and will be treating him in his condition with this radical psychotherapy.

Fight club is an underground fight scene where the fighters do not talk about this underground society and that trust is very important between the people that are around fight club. Most of the time, or even all the time, the fighters do fight bare knuckled against each other, and the only way to stop the fight is to say that they are quitting on that particular fight. All the fighters there, especially first timer or new ones, must fight, with no questions asked. It is really important for the fighters to learn how to trust each other aside from just fighting for glory. As it turns out that the narrator is somehow connected to the whole plot of the story and that the story tells about true suffering, for both the protagonist and the other supporting characters. In the end the narrator wakes up in the middle of a mental hospital where the people who really set up the sabotage are telling the narrator that their plans are still up.

This novel has been adapted into a movie with Bradd Pitt and Edward Norton as the main characters of the movie. Some parts of the novel was taken out to be replaced with some information that will make the movie more appealing, not only to the movie goers but to the readers as well that are looking forward for the film adaptation of the book that they learned to love over the course of the story.

Guts and Haunted

This book focuses on accidents involving masturbation which happens to be part of the book Haunted. There is however a catch to this book, that when the story began with the author telling his listeners to inhale deep and hold their breaths, all because the author claims that the story lasts as long as people can hold their breath, but to their surprise and according to reports, around 40+ people fainted following the controversial instructions of the story. Some magazine even deemed publishing the teasers of the story a controversial one all because of the sensitivity of the story that involves masturbation.

Controversies that Revolved Around Fight Club

Following the attacks on September 11, 2001, the movie was deemed by some groups and even the American people (one of which was the government), all because in the movie, the plans of the people that wants to sabotage fight club involve in their plans to crash a plane into a building, in which happened during the 9/11 attacks over NY. The releasing of the movie was almost put into hold all because of the particular scene in the move from 1999 that portrays high jacking a plane and crashing it into a building later, and soon after the controversial claim made by some movie goers, critics, and even the government, the producers left it there with that status and never bothered to explain and say that everything that might happen in the movie, or the person may be existing or fictional in which case the claims pushed through, and without effort from the film company, they have left it there and never bothered to have the status of the movie returned to its original status as a movie.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Chuck Palahniuk

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