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Christina Sweeney-Baird Books In Order

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Christina Sweeney-Baird is a bestselling science fiction author best known for her debut novel “The End of Men.”
The author spent much of her childhood between Galsgow and London. As a teen, she went to the University of Cambridge where she would graduate with a bachelor’s degree in 2015. Over the years, she has worked as a freelance journalist and has been published in the “Huffington Post” and “The Independent.”
She now makes a living as a corporate litigation lawyer in the United Kingdom. She published “The End of Men,” her debut novel, in 2021.

Christina has always been quite the reader ever since she was a child. The first novel she remembers reading which got her inspired to become an author was “Tom and Kate,” a children’s book series.

Julia Quinn’s novel “The Viscount Who Loved Me” also played a huge role in inspiring her to become an author. She got a copy of the work when she was thirteen and has had it ever since.

Even though she has become known for writing speculative thrillers which could not be any more different to historical romance, she tries to insert bubbles of humor and wryness to her characters. Much of this style of writing was inspired by Julia Quinn’s many novels that she read over the years.

As a teenager, one of her biggest secrets was her writing habit. Christina Sweeney-Baird loved writing funny essays and when she was about fourteen she started writing the first chapters of novel ideas she had.

She knew that prose was something she wanted to do and since she never ventured into the reading of short stories, she went with novels. Over the years, she made much progress and by the time she was 19 she had written more than 15,000 words.

She got started on her debut novel as a twenty three year old and by the time she was twenty five she was done. She got started on the manuscript for “The End of Men” a few days later.

Christina Sweeney-Baird was prompted to write her debut novel after she read “The Power” in 2018. The work opened her mind on how speculative fiction may be used in the exploration of gender dynamics. She remembers the lightbulb moment when she said I want to write that book from I need to read that book.
In writing the novel, she intended to take a hyper realistic exploration of how the world would be if most of the men were not here. How would it feel for women trying to keep their friends, fathers, husbands and sons safe. What would have to change and how would everyone left behind react to the changes.
She got the idea in 2018 and by the end of the year she began writing. Christina still remembers the very date she began working on the novel. This was because it was exactly two days after she finished writing a historical manuscript that was never published.

She wanted to finish her manuscript before starting to write something new and it would take him just nine months to pen her new manuscript. She signed with a literary agent the following year and under Felicity’s careful guidance, she completely rewrote the piece.
Upon submission the novel sold in 2020 and was published the following year.

While it may seem that Chistina Sweeney-Baird had an easy journey to becoming a published author, nothing could be further from the truth. As a full time corporate litigation lawyer in a big city, getting the bandwidth and time to write was always a huge struggle.

By the time she published her novel, she had been writing for four and a half years. She used to target a minimum of 500 words a day done in half hour sprints. Christina can usually find a few minutes here and there given that she has been reading a lot of productivity and writing tips over the years.
Having spent more than four years writing a novel, she had all the time to get frustrated at her pace and spent a lot of time online looking for writing hacks. What is fascinating about Christina is that she did not have starts and stops as many other frustrated authors do.

Even though she queried agents and never got anywhere with her historical novel manuscript, she kept going. Once she hit upon the idea for “End of Men” she just knew she had to write it.

What is even more fascinating is that she started querying her novel just at the time when there were rumors of a deadly virus in Wuhan China.

Christina Sweeney-Baird’s novel “The End of Men” is an exhilarating novel set in the year 2025. These are hard times as there has been an outbreak of a strange virus. It is a lethal illness from Scotland that has so far only infected men.

Dr. Amanda MacLean is the first to report the phenomenon only to be dismissed as being a hysterical woman. By the time people start taking her warnings seriously, it is already late and the virus has become both a political and global pandemic. Given that the disease only infects men, it soon becomes a women’s only world.
What follows is a deep exploration of the lives of the women left behind and how they deal with the far reaching consequences. Social historian Catherine and her friend Dr. MacLean intend to document the human stories that resulted from the pandemic.

On the other hand is Dawn, an intelligence analyst working with the government in its efforts to forge a new society. Another woman working for the government is scientist Elizabeth, who is trying to come up with an effective vaccine.

Through the actions of these women and their associates we explore the many ways the absence of men results in wide scale changes in society. The changes range from the political in the meaning of family, fertility and workforce to the loss of sons and husbands.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Christina Sweeney-Baird

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