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Charlotte Abel Books In Order

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Publication Order of Channie Books

Publication Order of Channie Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Sanctuary Books

River's Recruit(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Down the Rabbit Hole(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
River's Remorse(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
River's Revenge(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gabriel's Gift(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rose's Rebel(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Rocky Mountain Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Charlotte Abel is an American published author of fiction.

Charlotte Abel was born in 1969. She was born in the state of Oklahoma, where she grew up. It was there that she met the love of her life, Pete. He went to Boulder, Colorado, and she followed him there. She was able to finally convince him that the two of them were soul mates and meant to share the rest of their lives together. The two of them got married and had three kids and endless pets.

Charlotte Abel loves to read and write. She loves to write stories that fall into the genre of paranormal romance. She enjoys living real life and also has a variety of hobbies that include biking, hiking, and archery, even though she only practices using targets and has not fired off an arrow at anything living.

Charlotte Abel is the creator and the author of the Channie series. This paranormal romance series kicked off for the first time in 2011. The debut fictional novel in this series is titled Enchantment. The second novel would be released in 2012 and is titled Taken. The third novel in this fictional series is titled Valor. If you are looking for an awesome new series to read, check out this trilogy and see what you think of it!

Enchantment is the first novel in the Channie series by Charlotte Abel. In this debut story, readers get the chance to meet the main character of Channie Kerns for the first time.

Channie is 16 years old and she loves her life. The secluded nature of her lifestyle is idyllic, and she finds that there is magic everywhere that she looks in the deep parts of the Ozarks. The mountains are the place that she feels most at home. But suddenly, she finds that everything changes at the moment when she was least expecting it.

When her family finds that their lives are in danger, they are forced to get out of where they are living as quickly as possible. They decide to leave everything that they have behind and everyone that they know and hold dear. Their only chance at being safe is to try and start a totally new life for themselves.

They decide to move to the state of Colorado to live somewhere called Louisville. While the family is in hiding, they are forbidden to do magic as it may alert others to their abilities. However, Channie finds that the temptation to go ahead and enchant some local boys is too much to resist. But her parents eventually find out and are not happy that she is flirting with delinquents that are crazed over sex and don’t have magical abilities (in their own words).

Channie’s parents decide to cast their own spell, one of chastity, over their daughter. They want to help protect their daughter’s virtue and make sure that she is safe. The spell comes alive anytime that lustful feelings come about. Being a teenager and in high school at a new place, this is a difficult ordeal. Hormones are raging and going through the halls is tough.

Channie can’t even brush up a boy that she likes without having a magical energy jolt come out of her and hit them like a white hot taser. So she tries to avoid doing anything that’s going to activate the magic and give her away. But things might change when she develops a crush on Josh.

Josh Abrim races BMX and is a handsome guy that might just have some of his own secrets to protect. When she falls for him, Channie decides that she isn’t just going to go along with her parents want. She rebels and chooses to utilize dark magic. The forbidden magic is going to help her break the spell, or so she thinks.

However, she’s never dabbled in this type of magic before and may soon find that there is a price to pay. Will she have success in breaking the spell, or will the results be too disastrous for her to handle? Find out by reading the exciting first book in the Channie series!

Taken is the exciting second fantasy romance novel in the popular Channie series by author Charlotte Abel. The book is a best seller on Kindle and is meant for teen readers, although anyone can pick up this awesome series and check it out!

When the debut story came out, readers got to meet Channie for the first time. She’s a young girl that knows how to use magic– which was the reason why her family had to leave their home in the Ozarks behind and try to begin again.

Channie was forbidden to use magic, but went ahead and did it anyway. Furious, her parents did what they felt they had to and cast their own spell on her. Now she is bound by magic and is finding that she cannot trust everyone, even if they feel like they have her best interests at heart.

She’s also tied to a new person in her life, Josh. Ever since she fell for this handsome BMX rider, things have been challenging. Not everyone can make it through the times that test them, and Channie may find that her trust and her love are tested in more ways than she could ever imagine.

She’s just in high school, but she knows already that her feelings for Josh are more than just a passing fancy. She really cares for him, and the love that she has for him is something that she is going to need if they are going to get through emotional and physical tests like none other.

They are coming up against some difficult choices. What they decide to choose may not affect just their future, but their very lives. With the stakes high and the potential reward even higher, this couple is in for a wild ride. Can they make it through everything together, or will they simply fall apart?

Pick up a copy of Taken, the second book in the Channie series, and read to the end to find out for yourself!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Charlotte Abel

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