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Chains of Honor Books In Order

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Lindsay Buroker is an accomplished American author. She writes full-time and when not writing loves to take her dogs with her to go on hiking trail adventures.

Before becoming an author full-time, Lindsay held several different jobs. She has served as a solider in the United States Army, worked as a network administrator, kept an eye out for swimmers as a lifeguard, and hustled up fast food orders to hungry customers. Starting in 2004 and continuing until 2011, she made her money working as a blogger as well as an affiliate marketer.

Lindsay says that the job was a dream job in many ways, since she was not only able to make a decent living, but she was also able to work from home and make her own hours. But deep down, she had always wanted the chance to tell her stories. So in 2009, she made the choice to get serious when it came to finishing up her books.

She recounts that she had a variety of manuscripts that were already partially written on that she could have chosen to focus on. However, the characters that she was most familiar with and had known the longest were the Emperor’s Edge characters, and she liked spending time with these characters. She picked up Emperor’s Edge and finished it!

From that point on, she let the finished manuscript sit on her hard drive for a year. She was not certain that it was good enough to send to an agent and did not like the idea of getting in touch with and asking a bunch of agents whether they liked it or not. She also thought that logically there was not a lot of point in starting the second Emperor’s Edge story if she had not yet sold the first. So, she wrote a book called Encrypted, thinking that the book would be a lot easier to sell since by now she had more experience, and it was a stand-alone book.

However, what began as an intent to be high fantasy in a world that was in the steam age developed a science fiction angle in the end, leaving the author uncertain how to sell it to agents. She didn’t see many agents that were looking for a book that was in some type of fantasy, science fiction, steampunk cross-genre.

Around fall of 2010, the author received her first Kindle. Through this she found a blog written by J.A. Konrath on the topic of self-publishing. After a few weeks, Lindsay had decided that she wanted to try it out and go with self-publishing. It also helped that she had a background working in Internet marketing, search engine optimization, and blogging, so online book promotion did not intimidate her. Although it did turn out that having the background helped, but not as much as one would think, and she found out that she had a lot to learn.

In 2011, she published her fourth novel online. Thanks to the support of her readers, she has been able to leave her day job behind and go full-time with being an author. While it’s not the income that she made previously, it is her dream job, and that’s what matters most to Buroker.

Lindsay Buroker is the creator and the author of the Chains of Honor series of fictional novels. It is set in the same world that the author’s Emperor’s Edge series occupies. Readers may also be interested in reading the Chains of Honor prequels, stories which were published under the series name Swords & Salt. The Chains of Honor series officially starts with Warrior Mage, the debut novel in the series that came out in 2015. The second installment of the series, Snake Heart, was published in 2016. From there came the third novel, Assassin’s Bond, in 2019. The same year came the fourth novel, which is titled Great Chief.

Warrior Mage is the first book in the Chains of Honor series by Lindsay Buroker. If you’re looking for something new and interesting to read, give this book a try!

Yanko White Fox’s mother was part of the Nurian Empire and one of its most powerful wizards. Then she left her people behind to become a pirate. The choice that she made ended up dooming her family to a life of disgrace as she left them all behind.

Yanko doesn’t recall his mother, but he is the only child in the family who is gifted. As a result, he is expected to help to erase the mark she left of them. He has an affinity for communicating with animals and doing earth magic, so he is not the natural pick to become a warrior mage. However, it is the only sure path to get into the good graces of the Great Chief again.

He has committed himself to training for it, whether the destiny lines up with his passions or not. Before he’s ready to go to his first battle, insurrection arrives to his part of the empire. His family’s salt mine that they manage is taken over by rebels. They kill the only relative Yanko has that ever supported him. On top of this tragedy, a courier brings them a message from the son of the Great Chief.

Despite being prepared or not, Yanko has to take on a quest that could potentially save millions of lives or fail completely, which could lead to his family being forgotten, Yanko dying, and his people dealing with starvation and continual war. Will he succeed? Read this book to find out!

Snake Heart is the second book in the Chains of Honor series by Lindsay Buroker. If you liked the first book in this series, give this sequel a try!

Yanko White Fox is dealing with a mission that seems impossible, all while people hunt him that he’s trying to protect. The thing is, Yanko White Fox is the only person that can deliver his nation from anarchy and famine.

He has only his beginner skills as a wizard, and he’s flanked by allies that he is not sure that he can trust. Yanko must find an ancient relic and track it down before his enemies get to it. He also has plenty of obstacles in his way, one of which happens to be his mother. Snake Heart is a deadly pirate that seems to care nothing about her son or the family she left behind and only cares about the artifact. Will she get to it before her son does? Read this book to find out!

Book Series In Order » Characters » Chains of Honor

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