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Cay Rademacher Books In Order

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Deadly Camargue(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

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Cay Rademacher is a German author that writes historical mystery novels. Cay came to prominence following the publication of the ‘Inspector Frank Stave’ books.


Cay Rademacher was born in 1965 in Northern Germany, though he eventually came to call Southern France home. Cay always was always fascinated by History, which is why he studied the subject (Anglo-American History and Ancient History) in Cologne and Washington D.C.

He also dipped his toes into philosophy. Cay was happy to refer to himself as a journalist for a long time. He even became an editor at Geo in 1999. He eventually participated in the creation of Geo-Epoche, a renowned history magazine.

Cay has a wife and children. The author writes novels that blend his passion for mysteries with his love for history.

+Literary Career

While Cay Rademacher’s more fervent fans might make mention of his journalistic efforts and even his stint as an editor at Geo, most readers know Cay from the ‘Inspector Frank Stave’ series.

The books allowed Cay to cross international borders and to invade the hearts of readers from different corners of society. Cay’s foray into the arena of historical fiction was mostly accidental.

As a journalist for GEO magazine, Cay was once tasked with writing an article about Hamburg in the 1940s.

The idea was to explore daily life in the British-Occupied city. When he began to scrutinize the actions, efforts and records of the police force at that time, the information he uncovered piqued his interest.

It wasn’t just the lives of the police during that period that caught his eye but the sorts of crimes they investigated. The most prominent was a murder case that went unsolved and which, once he researched it, Cay Rademacher decided that he couldn’t rest until he had written about.

Writing about an unsolved murder case from the WWII era wasn’t exactly within the purview of the assignment he had been given. So the author decided to explore the murder in fiction. This led to the publication of ‘The Murderer in the Ruins’, the first book in the ‘Inspector Frank Stave’ series.

What should have been a standalone story ballooned into a trilogy that put cay Rademacher on the publishing map. The author’s books provide a unique perspective into daily life in the 1940s.

Cay delves into the despair that was rife in the aftermath of the war, the optimism that eventually blossomed as economic transformations manifested, and all the murder that never stopped happening despite the nature of the times.

Cay refers to his books as historical mysteries. The author tries to emphasize all the important aspects of the people who lived and the culture that thrived in the WWII era. He believes that it is necessary to give younger readers an education on the world as it was when conflict threatened to rip society apart.

However, Cay also feels that it is necessary to show that the war did not stop normal life from proceeding; and that people lived, and loved, and ate, and slept and even murdered despite the threat of bombs and the rebuilding process that followed the end of the war.

Cay succeeds in his efforts to bring his historical settings to life by talking to people who were alive at that time, not to mention studying documents (newspapers, letters, police records etc.), watching films, analyzing photographs and even visiting museums.

Cay Rademacher’s efforts have earned him recognition from the CWA International Dagger.

+The Murderer in Ruins

The British bombed Hamburg. And now they occupy it. Things on the ground are desperate in 1947’s Hamburg.

There has never been a colder winter. If that wasn’t bad enough, there isn’t enough food. And with all the refugees and the homeless fighting to survive, the injection of a killer into the mix only creates chaos.

It will fall on the shoulders of Inspector Frank Stave to find the killer and bring about order. But Frank isn’t exactly in the best mindset. His son is missing and all he can do is worry.

Fortunately for the people of Hamburg, Frank Stave has a tragedy in his past that will not let him permit a killer to run loose in his community. Frank is accompanied on his mission by Lt MacDonald from the British Military and a fellow officer from the Vice Squad called Maschke.

Frank knows that whoever they are hunting, he must be the most depraved individual in Hamburg. After all, with the grim campaign of the Nazis and the wave of atrocities suffered by the people of Europe, there is no rational reason for any normal person to go on a murder spree at a time when his countrymen are so hell-bent on rebuilding their lives and their nation.

This book, the first in the ‘Inspector Frank Stave’ trilogy, takes readers to 1947 during the coldest winter in living memory. Cay brings the city to life as a character of its own even as he allows the procedural aspects of a crime drama to play out in this story that finds the hero hunting a killer.

Because the British are occupying Hamburg, the fact that Frank must carry out his investigation in the company of a British Military officer injects a lot of drama into the story.

+Murderous Mistral

Most people would never complain about being too successful at their jobs. But that is exactly what Captain Roger Blanc begins to do when his fruitful work with an anti-corruption-unit sees him removed from Paris and sent to the South of France.

The move is supposed to insulate Blanc from political power, but he isn’t convinced. When Blanc’s marriage suffers under the stress, the investigator tries to begin anew by settling into an old half-ruined house.

It is at that point that Blanc is assigned to a murder case. An outsider with more enemies than he knows what to do with was shot and burned. Blanc must get to the bottom of the incident before more bodies drop.

Blanc’s quaint French countryside is no longer as peaceful and safe as he initially thought.

This is the first book in the Roger Blanc series. Blanc is an effective French investigator who loses his job and his wife following his involvement with a successfully resolved corruption case.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Cay Rademacher

7 Responses to “Cay Rademacher”

  1. Laurence: 2 months ago

    I really like the Province novels, too. The good news is that there are at least ten more titles already published in German. However the bad news is that Peter Millar, who translated Rademacher’s books into English died in January, 2023. So I suspect there won’t be any English versions coming out soon 🙁

  2. Rosa: 2 years ago

    Book 1 and 2 of the Roger Blanc novels are excellent reads, more realistic than many of their contemporaries. The remaining books in the series need to be translated so that English speaking bookworms can enjoy the author’s work.

  3. Lucile Morehouse: 3 years ago

    PLEASE translate the Roger Blanc novels beyond #1 AND #2 for us peons who cannot read German. I’m begging!

  4. John Ward: 3 years ago

    please have the rest of the roger blanc novels translated. they are excellent.

  5. Roseanne Kelly: 4 years ago

    I too would like to know if there are going to be more Roger Blanc books. I have enjoyed the first two. Please someone translate the next one from German into English.

  6. beverly weber: 4 years ago

    It appears that Cay Rademacher has written additional Roger Blanc novels that have not been translated into English. I am wondering if or when they will be.

    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      I am not sure, unfortunately.


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