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Carola Saavedra Books In Order

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Carola Saavedra is a renowned Brazilian writer of women’s fiction, chick-lit, romance, and young adult novels. She has written several widely popular single novels in her career, including Blue Flowers, With Sleepy Weapons, The Inventory of Absent Things, Outside, etc. Author Saavedra was born in 1973 in Santiago, Chile. When she was 3 years old, her family relocated to Brazil. Saavedra completed her graduation from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and obtained a degree in journalism. She has lived in France, Germany, and Spain. During her stay in Germany, Saavedra earned her master’s degree in the subject of communication studies. Currently, she resides in Germany and Rio de Janeiro. In 2010, Saavedra was invited to attend the literary international festival of Paraty called Flip. In 2018, she collaborated with Sonolentas Armas to launch her new book.

Saavedra’s works have helped her win several popular awards, including the Premio APCA and the Premio Rachel de Queiroz. She has also been the runner-up for the Jabuti and Sao Paulo de Literatura prizes. In addition to writing full-length novels, Saavedra has contributed to numerous magazines and journals, including Granta Magazine. All the novels written by her have been originally published in Brazilian Portuguese and they have been translated into various foreign languages for the worldwide audience. The Granta Magazine selected her as one of the 20 promising new authors who have contributed to the Brazilian literature. Various critics have praised Saavedra’s efforts in writing her novels and have hailed her as Brazilian literature’s leading exponent. Her books have been labeled as ravishing and captivating. Even the translators have been praised for doing brilliant translations of her work into other languages.

The writing of author Saavedra in her novels seems evocative and relentless. Its intensity is depicted by the intriguing characters created by her in her books and is strongly pre-occupied with meaning and words. As of now, author Saavedra is looking forward to writing many more books in the years to come and publish them for her fans to read and enjoy. She hopes to get the love of the English-speaking readers for all her future books just like she has received in the previous novels.

A popular book written by author Carlo Saavedra in her writing career is entitled ‘With Sleepy Weapons’. It was released by the Cia das Letras publication in 2018. This book revolves around the lives of three women, who experience abandonment and exile in a mismatch of places, experiences, and languages. The three women depicted by author Saavedra in this book include Anna, Maike, and the third one is an unnamed lady. Initially, Anna is introduced as an aspiring actor. She comes from a humble origin and sees the possibility of treated seriously by a filmmaker from Germany.

Anna hopes to achieve recognition and fame. Soon after meeting the German filmmaker, she decides to relocate to Germany with him. After arriving in Germany, the reality of the lack of knowledge about the German language comes as a completely different experience from what she had expected. Maike is depicted as a young and enthusiastic German woman. For no specific reason, she decides to learn Portuguese at the university and this decision of hers shocks her parents, friends, and lawyers. Maike goes on to discover that she has a strong connection with Brazil and the Portuguese language. During the course of her study, Maike falls in love with one of her colleagues and goes on to have different life experiences with her new partner. The third character is forced by her mom to move out at the age of 14.

As she leaves her hometown of Minas Gerais, the girl goes on to take up the job of a maid in Rio de Janeiro-based family home. She comes across very complex relationships while interacting with her bosses. The three ladies look very much distinct, but they seem to be strongly interconnected. All of them go through a growing situation of exile & abandonment. The trip taken by each one of them seems to be a homecoming for them as they try to unveil their real identity. This book was liked by a large number of readers across the globe. It also received excellent reviews from various noteworthy critics for its rich content, believable characters, wonderful storyline, and an exciting setup. The readers felt that they could easily connect with the story and experience the emotion depicted by Saavedra. Numerous critics and readers appreciated Saavedra’s efforts in writing this novel. Their comments and praise motivated her to continue writing mind-blowing stories.

Another exciting novel penned by author Saavedra is known as ‘Blue Flowers’. It was originally published in 2008 and re-released by the Riverhead publication in 2020. The essential characters mentioned in this book by Saavedra include Marcos, his wife, and his daughter. This book describes a story of missed connections, violent love, and dark obsession. Initially, it is shown that Marcos has recently completed all the formalities of divorce with his wife and has relocated into a new house. The divorce makes him feel alienated from his former wife, his daughter, society and everything else. Life begins to feel like fake and emotionless to him. Shortly after, Marcos starts receiving letters from an unknown troubled lady, who signs off every letter as A.

The woman thinks that she is writing the letters to her former lover, who was living in that apartment before Marcos moved in. She seems to be going through a heartbreak and wants her ex-lover to patch things up with her. After reading everything that the woman was going through, Marcos doesn’t reveal to her that she is sending the letters to the wrong person. Instead, he falls under maniac spells, hypnotic missives. He begins to feel as if something has moved him after many years. As more and more letters start pouring in, Marcos grows the desire to meet A and know her real identity. Overall, this novel is about desire and undermining accepted realities about, love & sex, men & women, and violence & fear. This book also entertained numerous readers in all corners of the world and helped author Saavedra increase her fan-following to a much larger extent.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Carola Saavedra

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