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Carl Hiaasen Books In Order

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Publication Order of Black Lizard Books

Powder Burn (With: William D. Montalbano)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trap Line (With: William D. Montalbano)(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Death in China (With: William D. Montalbano)(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sinners of San Ramon (By: William D. Montalbano)(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Skink Books

Double Whammy(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Native Tongue(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stormy Weather(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sick Puppy(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Skinny Dip(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Island(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Skink--No Surrender(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Some sites consider Squeeze Me as part of this series, where Skink plays a very small role.

Publication Order of Mick Stranahan Books

Publication Order of Juvenile Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Picture Books

The Edible Exile(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Team Rodent : How Disney Devours the World(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kick Ass: Selected Columns of Carl Hiaasen(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Paradise Screwed: Selected Columns of Carl Hiaasen(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Downhill Lie / Fairway to Hell(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dance of the Reptiles(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Assume the Worst(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Carl Hiaasen:

Born in Plantation, Florida on March 12, 1953 Carl Hiaasen was destined to become the author he is today. Knowing from the age of six that he wanted to become a writer, he insisted on his parents buying him a typewriter on which he would mainly write sports stories.

In the year 1974 Hiaasen graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of Florida and began working for The Miami Herald as as a general reporter before joining the ranks for the newspaper’s investigations team.

While at the paper he wrote articles which exposed drug corruption, dangerous doctors and sleazy politicians putting him offside with many politicians. In the eighties wrote his first novel, Tourist Season, which made GQ magazines “ ten best destination reads of all time ”.

Hiassen’s other novels, Native Tongue, Stormy Weather, Strip Tease, Sick Puppy, Basket Case, Hoot, Double Whammy and Skin Tight to name a few, have since been translated into twenty nine (29) languages and he has become known as America’s finest satirical novelist.

Carl Hiaasen is a well known conservationist and this shows in his all of his novels in his colorful descriptions of Florida’s physical attributes, the wetlands, waterways and the tropical climate. Hiaasen authored the non fiction book Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World. If he was looking to be permanently banned from Disneyland he has gone the right way about it.

He exposes the man behind the hype, Michael Eisner also known as Insane Clown Michael, CEO of Disney and the cutthroat decisions that are made by the company with little or no regard to people or the environment.

A Death In China

His book, A Death In China which he wrote in the year 1984 with William D. Montalbano is a thriller set in Hong Kong, New York, Washington and China as well as few more exotic locations. The main character Tom Stratton is an American professor who becomes mixed up in Chinese politics trying to find out why his colleague David Wang has been found dead.

After Chinese art being smuggled into New York the trail which Tom is follow leads to Arlington Cemetery. The background for A Death In China rings true, with readers being taken into airports, restaurants and streets while also gaining a little bit of an education into Chinese affairs.

Native Tongue

As with most of his novels, Native Tongue is set in Hiaasen’s beloved Florida where Francis X. Kingsbury an ex racketeer now in witness protection has taken a large chunk of prime real estate and turns some of it into the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills and begins to develop the remaining parting into condo’s villas and a golf course.

The other characters in the story are activists, Molly McNamary an aged activist with a gun and Clinton Tyree, Former Florida Governor who tried to warn the people that this was going to happen. Tyree was thrown out of office, lives in the swamps, and occasionally shoots up rental cars because he believes that tourist pollute the environment.

Other players in the novel are a killer whale, a promiscuous dolphin and two not so smart but good hearted burglars. Native Tongue pokes fun at F.B.I men, Mafia, conspiracies and carnage and is a hilarious tongue in cheek take on a crime novel. Hiaasen’s first young adult novel, Hoot, came out in the year 2002 and is a hilarious mystery, carrying on the ecological vein which is seen in his adult novels, is aimed at middle school kids.

This novel was followed up with other YA novels, Flush, Scat and Chomp. After being asked by an editor to consider writing for a younger audience, Hiaasen decided to give it a go. At the time his stepson was 11 and just becoming interested in reading as were his his nieces and nephews who were around the same age.

He decided to write the novel and if it didn’t take off then he would still have a book he could give to the children of the family. The rest as they say is history. The novel Striptease was adapted into a movie in the year 1996 and starred Demi Moore, who plays Erin Grant and Bert Reynolds as David Dilbeck.

The general consensus here is skip the movie and read the book. With 140,000 copies in print and a fifteen city book tour in place Hiaasen’s latest novel Bad Monkey was released in June 11 2013. With the usual cast of bizarre charachters such as the kinky coroner and the voodoo queen and assortment of corrupt politicians it was destined to be a success.

After the first week of his media tour the print total had gone up to 180,000 and has received rave reviews being called “ a comedic marvel ” and “ beach book par excellence ”. Still living in Florida with his family, Hiaasen is currently working on his next Young Adult book and writing his column for the Miami Herald which he has been doing since the year 1985.

He has, at one time or another annoyed just about everybody in South Florida over this time with his outspoken and passionate opinions on just about everything from shady politicians to the rape of the environment to medicare.

A collection of these can be found in Kick Ass and Paradise Screwed. Part history of South Florida part fun poking at all the ineffectiveness of drug war, corrupt politicians, immoral developers and idiotic tourist slogans. Carl Hiaasen is not known for his diplomacy or tact and in Kick Ass and Paradise Screwed, he says what he thinks, horrifies with his stories of life’s insanity, craziness and walks an extremely fine line between comedy and tragedy while still being hilarious.

Unlike his novels, where the bizarre characters are products of his imagination, the columns in these books actually happened. 

An interesting note from Hiassen’s interesting life is that he co-wrote the lyrics of three songs with his friend, Warren Zevon. Two of the songs appeared on Zevon’s Mutineer album and the third was “Basket Case”, based on Hiassen’s novel of the same name, and appears on Zevon’s My Ride’s Here album. 

Book Series In Order » Authors » Carl Hiaasen

13 Responses to “Carl Hiaasen”

  1. Nicke Flynn: 1 year ago

    I love Carl Hiaasen’s books & have all of them other than the YA and children’s books. I grew up in Orlando and Daytona Beach, attended the University of Florida before moving outstate. I was fortunate to meet Carl in Key West at one of his book signings and we talked about the changes that have definitely ruined the beauty of the State. Carl graciously signed my copy of his new book saying, “Nicke, then you really get it!” He is a phenomenal author and can’t wait to read his next book. He’s number 1 on my list of “If you could have dinner with 3 people who would they be?”

    • Debbie: 12 months ago

      I Love Carl also, and had the great pleasure of meeting him many years ago at a book signing in Tampa.
      But the most fun i had was when my friend and i called him at the Miami Herald a very long time ago and he talked to us on the phone, that is something that i will never forget. I had all of his books, but, have passed most of them on to either my daughter or given away to friends. I have bought many copies of Double Whammy to give away as gifts.
      Glad to speak to another Carl fan.

  2. Gisele Busch: 2 years ago

    I love his books, they are funny, tongue-in-cheek, and also expose a lot of the underhanded political and business dealings which harm the environment and try to pave over Florida with houses and condominiums.
    His characters are interesting and engaged. Must make sure I have read them all. Would love to meet the author.

  3. michele garber: 2 years ago

    Hi, Carl!

    Yes, you are awesome, dude! luv luv the way you incorporate all the characters together at end; so cool!; I always tell my twin about the one I’m reading at the time! Luv Skink! 🙂

  4. carol: 3 years ago

    While visiting my kids in Florida, I came across 3 Hiaasen novels in the guest room. Double Whammy, Skin tight and Strip Tease. I am hooked! he’s a freaking genius! May Carl Live long and prosper.

  5. Cynthia Marriott: 3 years ago

    The very best. I am from Lauderdale/Boca and am stuck in cold Minnesota due to sad circumstances. Hiaasen keeps me connected to my roots and the zany but true mother state!!!! I worry that my favorite author and the best humorist in our midst will stop telling the truth with his slant on things.

    • Kevin: 3 years ago

      Cynthia if you are looking for a similar type book set in MN, check out The Mortal Nuts by Peter Hautman. Set at the MN State fair with a Hiiason type crew of characters. I enjoyed it.

  6. m kopp: 3 years ago

    my brother-in-law and wife recommended his books. we started with “squeeze me’. my partner and i have read all the SKINK sereies.

    our ritual is a few chapters that i read out loud before we go to sleep. what a hoot.

  7. Rosalind Reynard: 3 years ago

    I have enjoyed all of Carl Hiassen’s books. He was a frikkin genius.

    • Millie Johanningmeier: 2 years ago

      He IS (not was) a frikkin genius!

  8. Ben Susser: 3 years ago

    Amazing list! Love it! I don’t mean to be annoying, but I think “Squeeze Me!” may sort of be a Skink novel in some ways. Although, Skink doesn’t appear as often as he does in other novels.

    • John brenner: 2 years ago

      Love your books !!!! Thanks for the laughs !!!

  9. s.j.crain: 8 years ago

    some really strange books,great fun to read!! enjoy**********


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