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C.C. Hunter Books In Order

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Publication Order of Divorced and Desperate Books

as Christie Craig
Divorced, Desperate and Delicious(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divorced, Desperate and Dating(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divorced, Desperate and Deceived(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divorced, Desperate and Dangerous(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divorced, Desperate and Dead(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divorced, Desperate and Daring(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Hotter In Texas Books

as Christie Craig
Don't Mess with Texas(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blame It On Texas(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Texas Hold 'Em(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of TheMortician’s Daughter Books

One Foot in the Grave(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Two Feet Under(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Three Heartbeats Away(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Shadow Falls Books

Turned at Dark(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Born at Midnight(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Awake at Dawn(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Taken at Dusk(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Whispers at Moonrise(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Saved at Sunrise(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Chosen at Nightfall(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fighting Back(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Shadow Falls: After Dark Books

Publication Order of Tall, Hot & Texan Books

as Christie Craig
Gotcha!(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cop Who Stole Christmas(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Junkyard Cowboy(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Texas Justice Books

as Christie Craig
Don't Close Your Eyes(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Don't Breathe a Word(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Don't Look Back(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

This Heart of Mine(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
In Another Life(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
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C.C. Hunter is a New York Times bestselling author who is best known for writing her popular Shadow Falls series and the spin-off Shadow Falls: After Dark series. C.C. Hunter is actually a pen name that she writes under. Her name is actually Christie Craig and she writes humorous romantic suspense romance novels under that name.

Hunter has had a good writing career as she has written well over thirty books in her career and has won awards for her writing. She is well known within the romance genre as a former Golden Heart finalist, and a finalist in more than fifty RWA-sponsored contests.

In addition to her writing under both names, Chris Craig is a motivational speaker, photojournalist, and writing teacher. She is a Native of Alabama, but now makes her home in Texas where she lives and works. She is married and they have a dog that they keep as a pet and member of the family. When not working at one of her many careers, Craig enjoys a good glass of wine.

Her career as a photojournalist has also been very successful. She has had her photos and non-fiction articles published in multiple publications with circulation in nearly three thousand national magazines.

A great story of her perseverance as a writer surrounds the writing of her novel Don’t Close Your Eyes. It all started back in 1995 when Craig saw a screen writing contest and decided to enter despite never having written one before. She took a screen writing and began brainstorming an idea. She thought of the film The Prince of Tides which had intrigued and unsettled her. She decided to make a similar story involving damaged characters and childhood dysfunction, a psychological thriller type of film.

The story she came up with ended up being called To Remember Jenny and involved a woman with a repressed memory that is boiling back to the surface and a cold case cop trying to forget some memories of his own. The two work together to unearth the mystery and that leads them to two dead bodies.

She finished the screenplay and entered To Remember Jenny into the contest. The screenplay won the contest, very impressive for a first time screenwriter, but she knew how difficult selling a screenplay could be and decided to put the story aside. She would then spend the next ten years writing romantic suspense novels when the story of To Remember Jenny popped back into her mind.

She then decided to take that screenplay and turn it into her next novel. She worked on the first few chapters and entered it into a contest where it won. It was being requested, but around this same time her romance novels were really starting to break out so she ended up putting the story on the back burner once again.

It was another eleven years before she returned to To Remember Jenny. She decided to tweak things and add some additional characters, realizing that the story would fit much better as a trilogy of books. She released the story as Don’t Close Your Eyes as the first in a three-part Texas Justice series.

“One Foot In the Grave” is the first book in C.C. Hunter’s The Mortician’s Daughter series of books. The book focuses on Riley Smith as the new kid in school. Her family has moved thanks to her dad’s career as a mortician and as soon as the other kids at school find out, she is labeled as a freak by her classmates. The only thing is that she is a much bigger freak than even her classmates suspect.

She doesn’t have any friends at school and the only real group of friends she has is the dead ghosts who follow her father home from work each night. She can see them and speak to them so she works with them to help them solve their final problems in life so that they can move on to the other side. She has enough problems in her own life with the loss of her mother and her father’s drinking, but Fate thinks that she can handle all of this.

Despite all of this, she does it and the latest tormented spirit might be the most terrifying yet. She is a young girl who died via an accident, only Riley soon learns that wasn’t the case at all. She finds herself meeting the spirit’s killer with the only thing protecting her is Hayden, a spirit boy that is her own age. She works with Hayden to help the young woman move on, but she holds reservations about helping Hayden himself move on. She’s not ready to let him go.

“Born at Midnight” is the book that kicked off the Shadow Falls series of books. The book introduces us to Kylie Galen at time when her life is a mess. Her parents are getting divorced, her boyfriend dumped her, and her grandmother just died. Making matters worse, she now has a stalker and she really wants to get rid of him. The reason she wants to get rid of him so bad is that she is the only one who can see him.

Her parents send her to Shadow Falls Camp to see a psychologist. Her parents think this is a camp for troubled teens, but it is something much different. It’s a camp for vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches and shapeshifters. The realization that these creatures exist is a hard one to swallow, but even harder to swallow is the fact that she might be one of them.

Kylie doesn’t know what she is though and how she fits into this crazy new world. She has two boys who like her, a vampire and a half-fairy, but she is not looking for love right now. She is looking for answers and she desperately wants to find out what her ghost stalker wants and, more importantly, what she is.

Book Series In Order » Authors » C.C. Hunter

One Response to “C.C. Hunter”

  1. Darlene Johnson: 4 years ago

    just started to read the first of Shadow Falls, I love it and will continue with this series. Great stories from a great writer. Thanks


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