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Bree Baker Books In Order

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Publication Order of Seaside Café Mystery Books

Live and Let Chai(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
No Good Tea Goes Unpunished(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tide and Punishment(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Call for Kelp(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Closely Harbored Secrets(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Partners in Lime(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pleading the Fish(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

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About Bree Baker

The versatile and gifted writer Bree Baker is well known for her witty and inventive mystery and humor novels, as they have entertained readers from all across the world. Focusing on the chick-lit genre, she combines comedy with suspense to thrilling effect, allowing her stories to flow along in a light-hearted and breezy style. This has seen her rise in prominence and stature as an author, with many of her series and stories reaching readers from a whole range of different backgrounds. Creating characters that really manage to speak directly to her readers, she has a natural way with words that allow her to create stories that are down-to-earth and grounded in their approach. Whilst her stories provide a sense of escapism, they also manage to provide a distinctive viewpoint as well, as the author definitely has something to say.

Looking into small-town life, she likes to write about the hi-jinks that can occur there, allowing her worlds to bristle with a sense of vibrancy and electricity. This also allows her readers to explore them and immerse themselves in them, getting lost in their rich environments in the process. With a lot more novels to follow, she really isn’t showing signs of stopping anytime soon either, as her writing career continues to prosper.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in the Midwest of the United States, the future writer to be Bree Baker always had a strong fascination with the written word from a very young age. This would evolve throughout the years, as she would constantly tell stories to her friends and family and anyone who would listen. Over time this would then progress into the career that she currently has today, as she would continue refining and honing her skills as a storyteller.

These stories she would create would be inspired by the world around her, as she would insert many features from her own life into her novels. This would then develop, as she would take her talents to the page, continually writing and allowing her craft to ultimately flourish. Still writing to this day, she continues to maintain and build upon her profile as a writer, something that will carry on for a long time yet.

Writing Career

Starting out in 2018, Bree Baker would quickly raise her profile as an author, making a name for herself in a relatively short amount of time. Her first debut novel would be titled ‘Live and Let Chai’, and it would also be the first in the series of ‘Seaside Cafe Mysteries’, of which there are three of so far and counting. A member of many groups, Baker is an active participant in organizations such as the ‘Romance Writers of America’, along with being in the ‘Sisters in Crime’. This has allowed her to become an extremely influential presence on the literary scene, as her writing career grows from strength-to-strength fast.

Live and Let Chai

Brought out through the Sourcebooks publishing label, this would originally come out in 2018 on the 10th of July. Setting up a new series of books for books for Bree Baker it would be the first ‘Seaside Cafe Mystery’ novel in the franchise. Not only would it be the first mystery, it would also pave the way for more books to follow, introducing both the world and the characters.

A warm and witty mystery story, this all takes place in the town of Charm in North Carolina, America. With well drawn characters and a setting that becomes familiar, this really is a story that makes the most of its material. The mystery itself is also well crafted too, allowing the reader to enjoy it as a stand-alone narrative, whilst it all leads to something larger simultaneously.

Back in her own small home-town after some years of turmoil, Everly Swan owns the iced teashop upon the beach. That’s when a disgruntled customer enters the shop, only to be soon found dead upon the boardwalk, as poison is discovered in his body and one of her tea jars beside him. Now the town have all turned their backs on her, as she fights to clear her name, whilst investigating who could possibly have it in for the former councilman. Not only that, but she keeps getting discouraged from following any of the leads up by a handsome detective, whilst she attempts to fend off anonymous attacks on her business. Does she find out what is really going on behind it all? Can she discover the truth and clear her name? Will she live and let chai?

No Good Tea Goes Unpunished

Coming out through the Sourcebook Landmark publishing outlet, this would initially be released in 2019 on the 26th of February. It would also mark the release of the second title in the ‘Seaside Cafe Mystery’ series following on from the last one with another mystery to solve. The story would also pave the way for a third title in the series called ‘A Steep Too Far’, which was also published in 2019 as well.

Following on from the previous title, this provides another stand-alone mystery set in the same world of Charm, North Carolina as before. Featuring Everly Swan as the lead protagonist again, it sees her attempting to solve another case that’s come her way. Developing the world and the characters, this manages to evolve the overall tone of the series, whilst taking it in new and exciting directions too.

All set to cater to wedding taking place on the beach-front, this new job is a dream come true for Everly Swan. That’s when the groom is found murdered, lying face-down, as all suspicion is turned towards Swan’s friend and bride to be Carolyn. Not believing her friend is capable of murder though, Swan sets about trying to prove her innocence, all whilst the handsome Detective Hays attempts to hamper her investigation once again. There is a killer on the loose and time is running out though, so Everly must work against the clock if she is going to find them before it’s too late. Will she manage to find them in time? Can she ever hope to bring them to justice? What happens when no good tea goes unpunished?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Bree Baker

6 Responses to “Bree Baker”

  1. Joan Dye: 3 years ago

    Do you need to read Seaside Cafe in order to understand what’s happening?

  2. Linda Ross: 3 years ago

    I just read that Pleading the Fish is the last in the series. Very sad to hear that.I hope it isn’t so.

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Unfortunately, it does appear the plan is for that to be the final one.

  3. Patricia Tillman: 3 years ago

    Please don’t stop writ6 the Everly Swan series I look forward to read about her adventures.

  4. Candy stanphill: 3 years ago

    I am currently reading ‘Closely Harbored Secrets’ and am enjoying it as much as I have the first four. Do you write under another name as well? Thank you


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